
One of the four famous products of Hainan, Hainan East Goat

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, One of the four famous products of Hainan, Hainan East Goat

Hainan East Goat is mainly produced in Dongshanling, Wanning, Hainan, so it is referred to as "East Goat" by locals. East Goat is famous for its high-quality mutton inside and outside the island. It, together with Jiaji Duck, he Le Crab and Wenchang Chicken, is known as the four famous dishes in Hainan. In 2009, Hainan East Goat was listed in the first batch of livestock and poultry genetic resources protection breeds list by Hainan Provincial Department of Agriculture. It is distributed in Hainan, especially in cities and counties such as Wanning, Qiongshan and Chengmai County.

Variety characteristics

Hainan East Goat is mainly produced in Dongshanling, Wanning, Hainan, so it is referred to as East Goat by locals. East Goat is famous for its high-quality mutton inside and outside the island. It, together with Jiaji Duck, he Le Crab and Wenchang Chicken, is known as the four famous dishes in Hainan. In 2009, Hainan East Goat was listed in the first batch of livestock and poultry genetic resources protection breeds list by Hainan Provincial Department of Agriculture. The sexual maturity of Dong goat is earlier, the ram is 4 months old and the ewe is 5 months old, the ewe can be mated at the age of 7-8 months, and the ram can be used at the age of 10-11 months. The ewe can give birth to two babies a year on average, and the annual lambing rate is 150ml 200%.

Hainan Dongshan Goat comes from Leizhou Goat. It is an excellent breed of meat goat bred by the people for a long time under the tropical natural conditions of Hainan. It is distributed in the whole province, especially in Wanning, Qiongshan, Chengmai County and other cities and counties.

Hainan Dongshan sheep are black and shiny, so they are also called black goats. Some of them are brown, and their hooves are brown and black. Both rams and ewes have horns, which can be divided into high-footed and short-footed breeds according to their body type. Adult sheep are 40Mel 55kg. East goat is mainly used for meat, its meat quality is good, fat distribution is uniform, skin tender meat is thick, delicious, no taste. Hainan Dongshan mutton is of good quality and is listed as one of the "four famous eaters" in Hainan. Especially the East Goat and Shishan Dairy Sheep are more famous. The content of placenta in Hainan Dongshan sheep is very high. It is the best donor for extracting sheep placenta and has been listed as a key development project in Hainan Province. The high-grade tonic "Sangong Ointment" is made from Dongshan's old sheep, rooster and male dog.

Environment of producing area

Hainan East Goat grows in the range of 18 °10'- 20 °10 °N and 108 °36'- 110 °3'E, with an annual average temperature of 24.5 ℃, relative humidity of 74.3%, annual rainfall of 1627.8 mm, warm climate, short frost period, and thick green shrubs, rubber belts and grasslands everywhere. Crops include rice, peanuts, sugar cane, potatoes, etc., rich in agricultural and sideline products, can be produced three times a year. It is suitable for sheep production. The Dongshan Mountains of Wanning County have rugged rocks, lush vegetation and a smooth flow of sweet springs. The wild "partridge tea" leaves growing among strange stones give birth to delicious east goats. A free-range east goat. It is caused by sheep eating rare plants and plants in Dongshan Mountains.

Culture history

According to books such as the Best of Hainan, the breeding of East Goats began in the Ming Dynasty, drinking spring water between cliffs and resting in rock caves. It is said that Hainan Dongshan sheep was listed as a royal tribute as early as the Song Dynasty. In the era of the Republic of China, the Nanjing government also included it in the "presidential palace" meal list, and now it is more famous all over the world. The delicacies cooked with East Goat are braised East Goat, clear Soup East Goat and so on, each with its own characteristics, all of which are rare delicacies. Braised East Goat has golden color, neat plate, crisp meat, palatable lubrication, fragrant smell and delicious taste.

In 1962, Tian Han, a famous Chinese playwright and poet, visited Dongshan Mountain. After tasting the delicacy of East Goat, he wrote a poem and praised it and said, "Qiongzhou has many resorts, and this mountain stands alone." Sheep fat loves sesame grass, tea is good companion to famous spring. In December 1936, Song Ziwen, a native of Wenchang, had East Goat as one of the eight main courses at the banquet of Qiongnan Hotel in Haikou. Later, it was said that during the period of the Republic of China, he often sent staff to Qiong to transport East Goats and other gourmet specialties to the presidential palace in Nanjing. It was also said that Chiang Kai-shek sent staff every year and included the eastern goats on the presidential palace meal list.

After being listed in the Encyclopedia of Chinese Food, East Goat entered the Great Hall of the people as a state banquet in 2001. Personnel of the Dongshanling Scenic spot said that in Wanning, whether it is the wedding birthday or the Spring Festival, it is "no feast without sheep." many tourists are proud of tasting fresh east goats and regret that they did not see the east goats jumping on the rocks.

Captive breeding technique

1. Selection of forage grass

Hainan has sufficient light and temperature, hydrothermal and geothermal conditions, and the general forage grass can grow all year round in Hainan. Sheep should choose forage grasses which are good in growth, high in yield, rich in nutrition and suitable for planting in tropical areas. Tropical alfalfa and tropical elephant grass are used as feed for eastern goats. The planting requirements of these two kinds of forage grass are not high, they can be sown in any season and can be harvested continuously for 10 years. The annual output of alfalfa is tens of thousands of jin and the annual output of elephant grass is about 1750 kilograms. in order to ensure the reasonable nutritional structure of east goats raised in captivity, alfalfa and elephant grass should be planted in combination, and weeds should be removed in time. 12 sheep cakes can be produced per mu of land, with an output value of about 2500 yuan.

2. The construction of sheepfold

Ventilated, spacious, sheltered from the rain. For example, in a long bungalow, there are countless sheep pens. Each sheep pen is about 1.2 square meters, half a man high from the ground, and there are 4-12 east goats in captivity. A movable door is also opened behind each sheep pen for full-fed sheep to move in the open air behind the fold. In addition, the sheepfold should be cleaned and disinfected regularly.

3. Nutrition cakes

In order to solve the problem of single nutrition caused by captivity, more than 10 kinds of Chinese herbal medicine should be used and the nutrition cakes should be hung in the sheepfold. Individual malnourished sheep will also automatically swallow hanging cakes to supplement nutrition and effectively solve the nutritional needs of East goats at different physiological stages in the process of captivity.