
The practice of stir-fried yam

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The practice of stir-fried yam

Abstract: Chinese yam is a traditional Chinese medicine for both medicine and food, which contains amylase digestive element, which can decompose protein and sugar, and has the effect of losing weight. For thin people, yam is also rich in protein and starch and other nutrients to gain weight. Stir-fried yam is a home-cooked dish with yam as the main ingredient. Let's take a look at the practice of fried yam.

Chinese yam is a traditional Chinese medicine for both medicine and food, which contains amylase digestive element, which can decompose protein and sugar, and has the effect of losing weight. For thin people, yam is also rich in protein and starch and other nutrients to gain weight. Stir-fried yam is a home-cooked dish with yam as the main ingredient. Let's take a look at the practice of fried yam.

The material of stir-fried yam

400 grams of yam, 15 grams of green pepper, 15 grams of red pepper, 3 grams of salt, 2 grams of chicken essence.

The practice of stir-fried yam

1. Peel and rinse yam, cut obliquely into thin slices, rinse green pepper and red pepper respectively, and slice.

2. Heat the wok with oil until 70% hot, add the yam slices and stir-fry until cooked, then add the green pepper slices and red pepper slices and stir-fry, season with salt and chicken essence, start the pan and serve.

Nutritional value of Chinese Yam

1. Invigorating the spleen and stomach: Chinese yam is a dual-purpose medicine and food that blindly tonifies the spleen and stomach, which contains amylase, polyphenol oxidase and other substances, which is beneficial to the digestion and absorption function of the spleen and stomach, regardless of spleen-yang deficiency or stomach yin deficiency. It is often used clinically to treat spleen and stomach weakness, less food fatigue, diarrhea and other diseases.

2. Nourishing kidney and benefiting essence: Chinese yam contains a variety of nutrients, which can strengthen the body and nourish the kidney and essence. It can be taken for all diseases such as kidney deficiency and spermatorrhea, leucorrhea in women, frequent urination and so on.

3. Tonifying lung and relieving cough: Chinese yam contains saponins and mucus, and has the effect of lubrication and moisturization. therefore, it can benefit lung qi, nourish lung yin and treat lung deficiency and phlegm cough for a long time.

4, reduce blood sugar: Chinese yam contains mucus protein, has the effect of lowering blood sugar, can be used to treat diabetes, is a good food therapy for people with diabetes.

5. Prolong life: yam contains a large number of mucus proteins, vitamins and trace elements, which can effectively prevent the precipitation of blood lipids in the blood vessel wall, prevent heart and blood diseases, and achieve the effect of benefiting the mind and mind and prolonging life.

6. Anti-liver coma: recent studies have found that Chinese yam has a sedative effect and can be used to prevent liver coma.