
Efficacy and function of iron bar yam

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Efficacy and function of iron bar yam

Abstract: iron bar yam is one of the famous specialties of Jiaozuo in Henan Province. it has been planted for 3,000 years. It was once a tribute to the royal family and belongs to the best of the four Huaiyao medicines. It is well-known at home and abroad and is rich in protein, vitamins and a variety of amino acids and minerals, which can not only replenish the qi of spleen, lung and kidney, but also nourish the yin of spleen, lung and kidney. Now let's take a look at the efficacy and effect of iron bar yam.

Iron bar yam is one of the famous specialties of Jiaozuo in Henan Province. It has been planted for three thousand years. It has been a tribute to successive dynasties and belongs to the best of the four Huai yams. It is well-known at home and abroad and is rich in protein, vitamins and a variety of amino acids and minerals. It can not only tonify the qi of spleen, lung and kidney, but also nourish the yin of spleen, lung and kidney. Let's take a look at the efficacy and effect of iron bar yam.

Efficacy and function of iron bar yam

1. Invigorating the spleen and stomach: Chinese yam is a dual-purpose medicine and food that blindly tonifies the spleen and stomach, which contains amylase, polyphenol oxidase and other substances, which is beneficial to the digestion and absorption function of the spleen and stomach, regardless of spleen-yang deficiency or stomach yin deficiency. It is often used clinically to treat spleen and stomach weakness, less food fatigue, diarrhea and other diseases.

2. Nourishing kidney and benefiting essence: Chinese yam contains a variety of nutrients, which can strengthen the body and nourish the kidney and essence. It can be taken for all diseases such as kidney deficiency and spermatorrhea, leucorrhea in women, frequent urination and so on.

3. Tonifying lung and relieving cough: Chinese yam contains saponins and mucus, and has the effect of lubrication and moisturization. therefore, it can benefit lung qi, nourish lung yin and treat lung deficiency and phlegm cough for a long time.

4, reduce blood sugar: Chinese yam contains mucus protein, has the effect of lowering blood sugar, can be used to treat diabetes, is a good food therapy for people with diabetes.

5. Prolong life: yam contains a large number of mucus proteins, vitamins and trace elements, which can effectively prevent the precipitation of blood lipids in the blood vessel wall, prevent heart and blood diseases, and achieve the effect of benefiting the mind and mind and prolonging life.

6. Anti-liver coma: recent studies have found that Chinese yam has a sedative effect and can be used to prevent liver coma.

Health effect of iron bar yam

1. The whole family: Chinese yam is a medicine for tonifying the middle and tonifying qi, which has the effect of tonifying the spleen and stomach. It is especially suitable for those who are weak in the spleen and stomach to eat before replenishing, laying the foundation for autumn and winter. Eating some yam before tonifying is more conducive to the absorption of tonics. It is a good choice to boil yam, jujube, rice (rice, glutinous rice each half) into porridge.

2. Female: iron bar yam is suitable for women to replenish qi and nourish blood, warm hands and feet, and cold hands and feet often have a special preference for women. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that cold hands and feet are closely related to physical weakness, while yam has a good effect of tonifying, invigorating qi and nourishing blood. It is especially suitable for patients with cold hands and feet.

3. Male: iron bar yam can prevent the recurrence of "old stomach disease" in men, and quite a lot of patients with "old stomach disease" belong to ulcer disease, but autumn is the season when ulcer disease is easy to occur or recur. Modern pharmacological studies have confirmed that the allantoin contained in Chinese yam contributes to the repair of gastric mucosa, and can be made into yam lentil cake or millet yam cake with fresh yam, which can be eaten after steaming.

4. The elderly: iron bar yam is suitable for the elderly to tonify qi and prevent colds, and has the effect of invigorating spleen and tonifying qi, so patients with perspiration and repeated colds should appropriately increase their intake of yam in autumn, and yam can be fried, steamed and drawn. Porridge can also be cooked with rice, millet and jujube.

5. Children: iron bar yam is a good helper for children to prevent and cure diarrhea. August to December every year is the frequent season for infantile diarrhea. It is easy to accept the treatment of diarrhea with yam powder, and the method is also very simple. Mix yam powder with rice flour in the ratio of 1 ∶ 2 to children and feed them 2 times a day.

Edible method of iron bar yam

1. Chinese yam corn spareribs soup

[material] 2 pork ribs, 1 sweet corn, half Chinese yam, onion, ginger, yellow rice wine and salt.

[practice] ① pork ribs are chopped into small pieces, pot into cold water, into ribs, after boiling, ribs are washed with cold water, casseroles with warm water, put ribs into casseroles, bring to a boil over medium heat. Cut the corn, cut the yam into cubes, shred onions and sliced ginger. Boil the ribs in ② over medium heat for about 40 minutes, add corn, yam, shredded onions and sliced ginger, pour in a spoonful of yellow rice wine, turn on low heat and continue to cook for 40 minutes, add salt according to your taste, then turn off the heat.

2. Fried mutton with yam

[materials] 200g mutton, 1 yam, 2 parsley, 2 red pepper, half tablespoon salt, 3 grams ginger, 5 cloves of garlic, 1 tablespoon cooking wine, 1 tablespoon light soy sauce, half tablespoon old soy sauce, 1 tablespoon sesame oil, 1 section green onion, right amount of vegetable oil and white pepper.

① cut the mutton into slices, parsley, onion, ginger and garlic, and red pepper. ② peel the yam and cut it into thick slices. Blanch the yam in a boiling water pan for 10 seconds and set aside. Heat the oil in the ③ pan, stir-fry the mutton slices and serve immediately after breaking off. Add oil in ④ clean pan, stir-fry chives, ginger and garlic, add sliced mutton, parsley and red pepper rings and stir-fry for a while. ⑤ add cooking wine and yam, quickly add light soy sauce, soy sauce, salt and white pepper and stir well, then sprinkle with sesame oil.

3. Stewed yam with braised pork

[materials] 200 grams of pork, 200 grams of pork, 300 grams of yam, oil, salt, rock sugar, braised soy sauce, spring onions, ginger, star anise, cinnamon, dried chili, cooking wine.

[practice] ① will wash the pork belly and the pointed meat and cut it into pieces. Wash and peel the yam and cut it into cutters. ② put the yam into a frying pan and fried it until golden. Blanch the meat water and take it out and set aside. Add a small amount of oil to the ③ pan and stir-fry the meat. Add onion and ginger, star anise, cinnamon and chili, continue to stir-fry until fragrant, the meat color is yellowish. Add rock sugar to ④ and turn to low heat. Stir-fry until supreme sugar color. Cook the cooking wine and stir-fry with soy sauce. ⑤ add boiling water, do not pass the meat, bring to the boil, turn to low heat and simmer for 40 minutes. Add salt and fried yam, simmer for another 30 minutes, turn to medium heat and cook until the soup is concentrated.

4. Chinese yam and carrot spareribs soup

[materials] 400 grams of pork chops, 300 grams of yam, 100 grams of carrots, right amount of red jujube, right amount of ginger, right amount of spring onions.

[practice] soak ① pork chops in clean water for 20 minutes, remove blood, peel yam and carrots with a knife. Put cold water in the pot, small discharge into the pot to boil, be sure to put cold water in, otherwise the meat taste is not good. ② fished out the ribs with good water, cut the carrots and yam into pieces, and patted the ginger. Put the ribs, yam, carrots, jujube and ginger in a pressure cooker. ③ cover the pot and cook for 30 minutes, add the right amount of salt and spring onions out of the pan.