
Efficacy and function of Chinese Yam (nutritional value of Chinese Yam) planting techniques of Chinese Yam

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Efficacy and function of Chinese Yam (nutritional value of Chinese Yam) planting techniques of Chinese Yam

Where is the origin of yam?

The origin of Chinese yam was originally Jiaozuo in Henan Province, but now it is mainly produced in Henan Boai, Wuli, Wenxian and other places. Shanxi, Shaanxi, Shandong, Hebei, Zhejiang, Hunan, Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangxi and other places are also cultivated. Several major producing areas in Guangxi, Hebei and Henan constitute the main yam cultivation areas in China. Huaiqing House, Henan Province (Boai, Wuyi, Wenxian) produces the best, known as Huai yam. Huai yam was exhibited at the Panama World Expo in 1914, so it is well-known at home and abroad and has been exported to more than a dozen countries and regions such as Britain and the United States over the years.

Nutritional value of Chinese Yam

1. Chinese yam contains only about half of the calories and carbohydrates of the same quality sweet potato, no fat, and the protein content is higher than that of sweet potato.

2. The main ingredient of Chinese yam is starch, some of which can be converted into dextrin, the decomposition product of starch, which can help digestion, so yam is a taro food that can be eaten raw.

3. Chinese yam contains many kinds of trace elements, including high content of potassium, few kinds and quantity of vitamins and almost no carotene.

4. The leaves of Chinese yam are not only an excellent source of carotene, but also a good source of calcium, iron and vitamin C.

The efficacy and function of Chinese Yam

1. Invigorating the spleen and stomach: Chinese yam is a dual-purpose medicine and food that blindly tonifies the spleen and stomach, which contains amylase, polyphenol oxidase and other substances, which is beneficial to the digestion and absorption function of the spleen and stomach, regardless of spleen-yang deficiency or stomach yin deficiency. It is often used clinically to treat spleen and stomach weakness, less food fatigue, diarrhea and other diseases.

2. Nourishing kidney and benefiting essence: Chinese yam contains a variety of nutrients, which can strengthen the body and nourish the kidney and essence. It can be taken for all diseases such as kidney deficiency and spermatorrhea, leucorrhea in women, frequent urination and so on.

3. Tonifying lung and relieving cough: Chinese yam contains saponins and mucus, and has the effect of lubrication and moisturization. therefore, it can benefit lung qi, nourish lung yin and treat lung deficiency and phlegm cough for a long time.

4, reduce blood sugar: Chinese yam contains mucus protein, has the effect of lowering blood sugar, can be used to treat diabetes, is a good food therapy for people with diabetes.

5. Prolong life: yam contains a large number of mucus proteins, vitamins and trace elements, which can effectively prevent the precipitation of blood lipids in the blood vessel wall, prevent heart and blood diseases, and achieve the effect of benefiting the mind and mind and prolonging life.

6. Anti-liver coma: recent studies have found that Chinese yam has a sedative effect and can be used to prevent liver coma.

Planting techniques of Chinese Yam

1. Land selection: choose sandy loam or loam fields with high dryness, good drainage, deep and soft soil layer, requiring the same quality of the upper and lower soil, such as a thin clay layer in the lower layer, which can also be planted when digging ditches. The soil should be slightly acidic to neutral. Yam should not be cropped continuously and should be rotated once every 3 years.

2. Trenching and soil preparation: long-root varieties dig deep trenches from north to south in the field according to row spacing of 1 meter, with a width of 28 cm and a depth of 140 cm. When digging, the upper and lower layers of soil are stacked on both sides of the ditch, and the 20cm sand at the bottom of the ditch is dug up and crushed on the spot. After drying for a few days, first step on the bottom soil, and then fill it into the lower soil and upper soil, once for every 20 cm, to pick up all the debris. In order to facilitate the trench, it is usually excavated at an alternate line, and after half of the ditch is filled, the remaining half of the ditch is dug.

3. Seed block treatment: the hard root head at the top of the disease-free block, which accords with the characteristics of the planted variety, was selected 20-25 days before planting, and one end of the root was dipped in hydrated lime powder, and then exposed to the sun for a few days to sterilize and promote germination. Handle gently during the sowing period to prevent abrasions, and at the same time do a good job in preventing wind, rain and frost.

4. timely planting: most of them are in late April in North China, in the first and middle of April in the Yangtze River Basin, and from March to April in South China. Before planting, it is necessary to dig a deep ditch around the field, which is about 1 meter deep and 0.6-0.8 meters wide, and is connected with the outer ditch. Then pull the rope in the middle of the planting row, according to the row spacing of 5 cm 6 cm, in the ditch with 10 cm 12 cm thick steel bar according to the plant spacing 20 cm one by one hole, deep into the bottom of the loose soil layer. After a ditch is discharged, the ridge is ridged with soil, and the ridge is 10 cm high.

5. Apply sufficient base fertilizer: after planting to before emergence, turn the soil between the rows on both sides of the planting ditch to a depth of 20cm to 30cm, and apply base fertilizer. Organic fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer should be applied together, and 2000-4000 kg / mu of rotten barnyard manure or manure, plus 20-25 kg of urea, 15 kg of superphosphate and 25-35 kg of potassium sulfate should be fully mixed with turning over the soil.

6. Scaffolding vine introduction: as soon as the yam emerges, it is necessary to set up a scaffold to lead the vine to grow upward, generally using thin bamboo poles or branches to insert a herringbone frame with a height of 2 to 2.5 meters. If limited by material, it should be at least 1.5 meters high. The bracket should be firmly supported to prevent it from being blown down by the typhoon.

7. Intermediate ploughing and filling: in the early stage of growth, the weeding should be ploughed and weeded on duty, usually once every other half month, until the stem has been on the upper shelf, and then the weeds will be pulled out. It is necessary to dig up a part of the soil between the rows outside the shelf and fill it into the inner row, so that a high border is formed inside the shelf, and a furrow with a depth of 20cm and a width of 30cm is formed between the outside of the shelf, so that it can be drained in the rainy season.

8. Reasonable topdressing: topdressing 1 times when the stem vine has been on the top shelf, and applying urea 10-15 kg / mu according to the plant growth. There are fewer prosperous seedlings and more weak seedlings in order to achieve a balanced development of the whole field. In the future, when the stem is full of vines, if there is a phenomenon of yellow and thin force, you can apply it again.

9. Irrigation and drainage: yam is a drought-tolerant crop, but in order to achieve high yield, it should be watered properly. Generally, before and after the first topdressing, if there is no rain for a long time and the soil is fully whitened, it should be lightly watered for 1 or 2 times to the surface of the soil to be moistened. From now on, at the turn of summer and autumn, if the dry and hot weather lasts more than a week, you should also pour cold water in the early morning to fight the drought. Chinese yam is more afraid of waterlogging, rainy season should timely clear ditches and drainage, so that there is no stagnant water in the field.

A complete Collection of the practice of Yam

1. Stir-fried Chinese yam

[materials] 400 grams of yam, 15 grams of green pepper, 15 grams of red pepper, 3 grams of salt, 2 grams of chicken essence.

[practice] ① peeled and washed the yam, cut it obliquely into thin slices, washed green pepper and red pepper respectively, and sliced them. Heat ② wok with oil until 70% hot, add yam slices and stir-fry until cooked, add green pepper slices and red pepper slices and stir-fry, season with salt and chicken essence, add pan and dish.

2. Yam porridge

[materials] 30g yam, 20g carrots, 30g rice, less mashed spinach, 2 cups of water.

Peel yam and carrots and cut into small pieces (about 1 cm square). Add 2 cups of rice to boil, add yam and carrots to bring to a boil, turn to low heat and cook for about 15 minutes, then add mashed spinach and serve.

3. Yam Corn spareribs Soup

[material] 2 pork ribs, 1 sweet corn, half Chinese yam, onion, ginger, yellow rice wine and salt.

[practice] ① pork ribs are chopped into small pieces, pot into cold water, into ribs, after boiling, ribs are washed with cold water, casseroles with warm water, put ribs into casseroles, bring to a boil over medium heat. Cut the corn, cut the yam into cubes, shred onions and sliced ginger. Boil the ribs in ② over medium heat for about 40 minutes, add corn, yam, shredded onions and sliced ginger, pour in a spoonful of yellow rice wine, turn on low heat and continue to cook for 40 minutes, add salt according to your taste, then turn off the heat.

4. Fried mutton with yam

[materials] 200g mutton, 1 yam, 2 parsley, 2 red pepper, half tablespoon salt, 3 grams ginger, 5 cloves of garlic, 1 tablespoon cooking wine, 1 tablespoon light soy sauce, half tablespoon old soy sauce, 1 tablespoon sesame oil, 1 section green onion, right amount of vegetable oil and white pepper.

① cut the mutton into slices, parsley, onion, ginger and garlic, and red pepper. ② peel the yam and cut it into thick slices. Blanch the yam in a boiling water pan for 10 seconds and set aside. Heat the oil in the ③ pan, stir-fry the mutton slices and serve immediately after breaking off. Add oil in ④ clean pan, stir-fry chives, ginger and garlic, add sliced mutton, parsley and red pepper rings and stir-fry for a while. ⑤ add cooking wine and yam, quickly add light soy sauce, soy sauce, salt and white pepper and stir well, then sprinkle with sesame oil.

5. Chinese yam and carrot spareribs soup

[materials] 400 grams of pork chops, 300 grams of yam, 100 grams of carrots, right amount of red jujube, right amount of ginger, right amount of spring onions.

[practice] soak ① pork chops in clean water for 20 minutes, remove blood, peel yam and carrots with a knife. Put cold water in the pot, small discharge into the pot to boil, be sure to put cold water in, otherwise the meat taste is not good. ② fished out the ribs with good water, cut the carrots and yam into pieces, and patted the ginger. Put the ribs, yam, carrots, jujube and ginger in a pressure cooker. ③ cover the pot and cook for 30 minutes, add the right amount of salt and spring onions out of the pan.