
What food does the turtledove eat?

Published: 2024-07-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/20, What food does the turtledove eat?

Turtledoves generally look for food on the ground and eat a large number of small seeds. Such as sorghum, wheat seeds, rice and fruits, and sometimes eat insect larvae. The nest is built on a tree, generally 3-7 meters above the ground, made of branches and simple in structure.

Fire turtledove

Fire turtledove, alias red dove, red Jia chase, etc. A resident bird under the condition of open woodland and flatter coastal woodland and secondary vegetation in South and East China. And most of the southern and eastern parts of the Yue Qinghai-Tibet Plateau to North China, East China and Hannan.

Mountain turtle dove

Mountain turtledove is a common species in China. The body is medium-sized, with a body length of 27cm to 35cm, two wings without metallic feather color, the second and third feathers being the longest, the feet short and strong, and the tarsometatarsus longer than the middle toe. The upper body feathers are mainly brown, grayish brown on the head and neck, dyed with wine; the forehead and top of the head are gray or blue-gray, almost all over the provinces and regions of China. Moved to the plain in autumn and winter, often perched in groups with pearl-necked turtledoves. Fly like a pigeon, often glide. The song was monotonous and low. Very vigilant.

Mountain turtledoves feed on sorghum, wheat seeds, rice and fruits, sometimes eat insect larvae, and often eat the seeds of camphor trees in winter. The nest is built on a tree, generally 3-7 meters above the ground, made of branches and simple in structure. Turtledoves are economically valuable hunting birds with a large number of turtledoves.

Streptopelia chinensis

Pearl neck turtledove, also known as "middle spot", "pearl neck spot", belongs to pigeon-shaped order, dove family, people are familiar with medium-sized (30 cm) pink turtledove.

The bead-necked turtledove is symbiotic with human beings, living in open sparse forests and around villages and rice fields, feeding on the ground, and likes to eat granular hard food, such as small snails, camphor kernel, grain, etc., often opposite to the open road. After being disturbed, slowly flap your wings and fly close to the ground.

After seeing what food the turtledove eats, the editor will introduce the artificial breeding technology of the turtledove again.