
The nutritional value of turtledove_Turtledove practice_Turtledove breeding technology

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, The nutritional value of turtledove_Turtledove practice_Turtledove breeding technology

Does turtledove protect animals?

Wild turtledoves are generally protected animals and are not allowed to be sold. Wild turtledoves are three protected animals, that is, terrestrial wild animals protected by the state or of important economic and scientific research value. the protected turtledoves are European turtledoves, mountain turtledoves, gray turtledoves, bead-necked turtledoves, brown turtledoves, fire turtledoves and so on.

Nutritional value of turtledove

The nutritional value of turtledove is comparable to that of turtle. Among all kinds of meat, turtledove meat is the most rich in protein, but the fat content is very low, and the digestion and absorption rate is as high as 95%. Compared with chicken, fish, beef and mutton, turtledove meat is also rich in vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin E and hematopoietic trace elements, which has a great tonifying function for postpartum women, post-operative patients and people with anemia. Folk prescriptions use turtledoves as medicine combined with other drugs to treat dizziness, gynecological diseases and so on.

Culture technology of turtledove

1. The establishment site: the sunny sloping land with good ventilation, dry and high terrain should be selected to set up high-altitude cages with an area of 40 square meters and a height of 2.5 meters. The cages are made of bamboo and tied with plastic nets. A 1 square meter bird shed is built in the cage for turtledove shelter from rain on rainy days and sun shelter in summer. The cage of the bird breeding site should be 1.5 meters above the ground, use bamboo or branches to make fake trees and build artificial bird nests to facilitate turtledoves to lay eggs.

2. Select breeding birds: 10-month-old adult birds, which are large, strong and disease-free, are selected as breeding birds and raised alone. Protein, lecithin and calcium should be added to the feed to facilitate reproduction.

3. Hatching and hatching: wild breeding birds usually mate and lay eggs in spring and autumn. Artificial breeding can use the method of artificial injection of estrogen into female birds to promote their short-term estrus and lay eggs every month. The postpartum eggs are collected and put into an incubator for artificial hatching. In the process of hatching, the temperature and relative humidity should be adjusted to ensure that the shell rate is more than 98%.

4. Nestling management: nestlings should pay attention to keep warm and drink water in time when they are just hatched. 2/10000 potassium permanganate solution was selected as drinking water and replaced every 4 hours. After the nestling comes out of its shell, it is generally 6 to 8 hours to have foraging behavior, it is best to choose small, digestible food such as millet or broken rice, or chick pellet feed. After 1 week, 20% of beneficial seeds, rice and other plant seeds can be added to the feed ratio.

5. Timely disease prevention: due to the high density of artificial breeding and easy infection of diseases, we should do a good job in cleaning the cages, disinfect them regularly, clean up feces in time, and prevent diseases regularly. Diseased birds should be isolated and treated, dead birds should be buried or burned, and all birds in the cage should be disinfected.

What are the species of turtledoves?

1. European turtledove: European turtledove is a slightly smaller pink-brown turtledove with black-and-white fine striated patches on the neck, dark brown wing coverings and light brown scaly spots. The difference between turtledoves and fire doves is that they are smaller in size, lighter in color, no white feather ends, thick brown on the back and nape of the neck, white markings on the neck and tail, and wine red on the chest. The naked skin around the eyes is red. It lives in broad-leaved forests, mixed forests and coniferous forests in plain and hilly areas, feeding on the fruits and seeds of various plants, as well as mulberry, corn, sesame, wheat and other crops and a small amount of animal food.

2. Mountain turtledove: mountain turtledove is a bird of the genus Pigeon family. It is about 32 cm long with straight or slightly curved claws, soft at the base of the mouth, covered with wax film, dilated and horny at the tip of the mouth, short neck and feet, and full shin feathered. The dark striped body of the upper body of the scallop has brown feather edges, gray waist, nearly black tail feathers and light gray tail tips. The lower body is mostly pink and feet are red. There was a high-frequency "poof" sound during takeoff. In pairs or alone activities, mostly in open farming areas, villages and front and back houses, around monasteries, or near small ditches, feed on the ground, mostly with cereals.

3. Grey turtledoves: grey turtledoves belong to "Sanyou" protected animals, with a medium size of 32 centimeters. They are birds of the genus Pigeon family, which are widely distributed, but the population is rare and uncommon. The whole body is grayish brown, there are blue-gray patches on the wings, the tip of the tail feather is white, there is a black neck ring at the back of the neck, and there are white feathers around it. The iris is red, the eyelids are also red, the exposed skin around the eyes is self-wrapped or light gray, the mouth is nearly black, and the feet and toes are dark pink. China is distributed in North and Northwest China, as well as in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River and South China.

4. Bead-necked turtledoves: beaded-necked turtledoves, also known as carvings, birds, middle spots, flower-necked turtledoves, flower-necked turtledoves, pearl doves, turtledoves, bead-necked pigeons, etc., are common turtledoves distributed in South Asia, Southeast Asia and the vast areas of southern China, inhabiting plains, grasslands, low hills and farmland with sparse tree growth. they also often appear in miscellaneous wood forests, bamboo forests and trees near villages or near their homes.

5. Brown turtledove: Brown turtledove is a bird of the genus Pigeonidae. Distributed in Africa, Arabian Peninsula, Iran, the former Soviet Union, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, and may be artificially introduced to Turkey, Palestine, Syria, Australia and Chinese mainland and other places, generally inhabit deserts, semi-deserts and oases and bushy places.

6. Fire turtledove: fire turtledove, also known as red dove, red turtledove, turtle turtle, red curry chase, partridge, etc., inhabit the tropical regions of southern Asia, is a small dove, often found in the plains, grasslands looking for food in groups. Distributed in India, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Indo-China Peninsula, Philippines and Chinese mainland from south of North China, west to Sichuan, Xizang, north of the Yangtze River and other places, mainly living in open fields and near villages.

A complete collection of practices of turtledoves

1. Snowball turtledove

[materials] 10 turtledoves, 50g egg yolk cake, 100g egg white, 50g fried pine nut kernel, 100g glutinous rice, 20g water hair golden hook, 40g cooked cloud leg, 30g water hair mushroom, 40g winter bamboo shoots, 10g spring onions, 50g flour, 10g ginger, 20g coriander, 20g sesame oil, 15g refined salt, 1000 g vegetable oil, 3g monosodium glutamate, 3g pepper.

[practice] ① turtledoves are slaughtered and bled, scalded with boiling water, rinsed with clean water, and cut off the tips of their arms and claws. Make a straight cut from the neck, remove the bones and internal organs, clean the dove out of the bone, then rinse it with clean water. Wash glutinous rice, soak in warm water for 30 minutes, steam on pet, mix cooked cloud leg less than 20 grams, refined salt 2 grams. One gram of monosodium glutamate is made into 12 balls. Stir the egg whites into a bubble, add flour and mix well. Wrap the glutinous rice balls with egg paste and stick with parsley leaves. Heat the ② pan over medium heat, pour in the cooked lard and cook until 30% hot. Deep-fry the glutinous rice balls slowly. When the egg paste is fully cooked, remove the oil and put it around the plate. ③ golden hook shrimp, 20g cloud leg, mushroom, bamboo shoots, egg yolk cake dice, chopped spring onion and ginger, the above seven ingredients into a bowl, mix in pine nuts, 13 grams of salt, pepper, monosodium glutamate 2 grams into the stuffing, the stuffing into the belly of turtledoves, cage steaming for 3 hours. ④ take out the turtledove, brush it with sesame oil, bake it in the oven until golden on both sides, put it on a human plate facing up, place the glutinous rice ball in the middle and serve.