
The post-90s "pork guy" used Internet + 's idea to sell 700 pigs in 4 months.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The post-90s "pork guy" used Internet + 's idea to sell 700 pigs in 4 months.

Zhuang Xubang, Guo Kai, Wu Deqian (from left)

Not very skilled in knife skills.

Mobile phones can monitor the growth of pigs in real time.

A year ago, Zhuang Xubang was a "blue-collar" of a multinational company, from nine to five. Guo Kai is already the owner of an online store with annual sales of 4 million yuan. A year later, the two quit their jobs and sold pigs together. In the now red sea pork market, relying on Internet thinking, these young people sold 700 pigs through crowdfunding in less than half a year and opened their first community brick-and-mortar store. Netizens can not only watch the whole growth process of the "private pig" named by themselves by video surveillance, but also get an annualized income of 9%.

The boss personally went into battle to cut meat and Wechat to issue an order on call.

At 5: 00 in the morning, just after dawn, Zhuang Xubang, rubbing his bleary-eyed eyes, got into a minivan with his friends and set off to pull pork at the Central South Wholesale Market in Chancheng District.

Zhuang Xubang's pork comes from a cooperative pig farm. A pig weighing nearly 300 jin gets rid of excess parts such as water and fat at the slaughterhouse, leaving about 200 jin of "fine goods" that can be put on the shelves.

After the pork arrives at the store, under the cutting of the "knife hand", it is divided into different parts, labeled and put on the table for sale. At 6: 00 in the morning, the stalls of Yicui Rose Garden district began to welcome the first batch of customers transported back in the morning.

"can you cut it? It's all chopped up. " When regular customers in the community find that there is something dissatisfied with the pork, they will impolitely point it out face to face. On that day, the "part-time" swordsman made the teacher somewhat "dislike". He, who majored in food safety in university, was a "novice" in dividing pork, just like other shop assistants.

Wu used to work for an advertising company, but after he switched to selling pork, whenever the store was busy or the knife hand asked for leave, he would be pushed to the chopping block. "A good swordsman can accurately cut out the weight the customer wants with one knife in his hand." Wu Teh-hsiung frankly admits that his skills have not yet reached home, and there is always a difference of one or two to weigh the weight across the board.

When you meet a concerned customer, you will ask him to cut another piece or cut another knife. However, the "value" of cutting out bits and pieces will be greatly reduced. When he first opened the shop, some of his wife didn't like it, and even asked Wu Teh-hsiung to hand over the pork knife and fight in person.

At the moment, Zhuang Xubang is not idle, he is busy recording the pre-sale orders in the community on Wechat, and the orders within 5 kilometers will be delivered to the door in the morning. "nowadays, the aunts also play very well on Wechat. Sometimes we send a message about how much pork and where we want, we can match it."

When business is good, before 10:00 in the morning, the pork in the stalls will sell seven, seven, eight, eight. But selling pork also has to "look at heaven for food". It rained heavily for nearly half of the day, and there was little business in the shop. Several shop assistants who looked at each other were not reconciled to the fact that the pork was taken away by the restaurant at a low price, so they decided to share it and take it home to eat. "I ate it for a whole week, but fortunately there are many different ways to make pork." Zhuang Xubang said with a smile.

From taking B-ultrasound photos of sows to quitting and starting a business, he believes that "a small business can make a family rich."

At 6: 00 p. M., pull up the gate of the gear, 7 small partners began to summarize the day's sales, data analysis. The second floor of the 40-square-meter stall is their office location, and the space is a little narrow. In order to save costs, office walls are painted and other decoration work is done by them themselves.

A dense division of tasks is written on the indoor blackboard, showing the workload of a start-up company. They are usually busy until 9 o'clock in the evening before they can go home.

"A choice can really change the course of life later in life." Mr. Zhuang said that at this time last year, he was still working in a large multinational conglomerate, living a 9-to-5 life every day. After graduating from a Gaoyao breeding base, he, who majored in food safety, took the equipment to take B-ultrasonic examination of the breeding sows every day.

"the smell of pig shit is not the hardest to bear, but the hardest thing is that there are not many people all day long." Zhuang Xubang said that when he was in college, he wanted to start his own business and set up his own company. The post-90s from Chaoshan said frankly that they have the genes of Chaoshan people to do business, and are eager to work hard in big cities and get a place. In his hometown of Chaoshan, there is a saying: "A small business can make a family rich."

When submitting his resignation, the head of the company also advised Zhuang Xubang that the road of starting a business was not easy and gave him three months to consider it, and he could come back if he backed out, but Zhuang Xubang declined the other party's kindness.

What made Zhuang Xubang make up his mind to start a business was also influenced by Guo Kai, an alumnus "partner" from Chaoshan. "stupid birds must fly first." Guo Kai admitted that he paid special attention to planning when he was in college. According to the goal set by Guo Kai, in addition to studying, he wants to earn the first bucket of gold to start a business before graduation.

"everything was messed up at that time." Guo Kai said that in those days, there was no such takeout APP as it is now, and the transportation of the school was inconvenient. He first found a catering company to buy 900 packages at a time, asking for a discount of 1.50 yuan each. Then, he went back to school to distribute takeout orders from dormitory to dormitory. after receiving the order by phone every day, he used Fetion to send it to the restaurant owner to match the meal. After sending it to the school, ask the part-time students to send it to each dormitory. By flirting with these "small businesses", he earned 200000 yuan when he graduated and saved up a venture fund.

Internet thinking crowdfunding for raising pigs to cut down the price difference between middlemen

After graduating from the Academy of Buddhist Sciences in 2010, Guo Kai and several friends found Croucher, a clothing company, to set up his own brand store online. Two years later, the annual sales of the online store exceeded 4 million yuan, with a gross profit of about 30%.

Later, the practice of several bosses of the South China Sea Chamber of Commerce let Guo Kai find the inspiration to start a business again. It turned out that in order to eat assured pork, several bosses specially contracted a private farm in Jiangmen to raise their own pigs. "in the homes of pig farmers, there are usually a few pigs left for themselves to eat, and they usually have to be kept for at least a year." Because his daughter likes to eat meat, in order to eat at ease, Guo Kai specially understood the breeding market. Farmers told him that pork sold on the market could be raised to 300 jin in just 8 months. In order to develop quickly, antibiotics and growing feed are also used in many pig farms.

However, not every consumer has enough financial resources to contract his own private pig farm like the boss. Can ordinary citizens also eat pork at ease?

While working on a pig farm, Zhuang Xubang found that farmers were often reluctant to invest when pork prices were low because of fluctuations in pork prices. "if a customer can pay for a pig in advance and sell it to the customer at a wholesale price, will it not be a win-win situation if the middleman's price difference is cut?" His idea coincides with that of Guo Kai. "now anything can be crowdfunded, so we use Internet thinking crowdfunding to raise pigs." Several alumni who have just graduated feel that they have something to do.