
Can hedgehog meat be eaten?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Can hedgehog meat be eaten?

Content abstract: hedgehog is a kind of small mammal, the skin of hedgehog is called different incense, fairy clothes, is an important traditional Chinese medicine, with gas analgesia, cool blood to stop bleeding, qi detoxification, swelling and pain effect, the main treatment of nausea, hernia abdominal pain, intestinal hemorrhoid leakage and other diseases, can the meat of the hedgehog be eaten? Let's take a look at it together.

Hedgehog is a small mammal, the skin of hedgehog is called different fragrance, fairy clothes, is an important traditional Chinese medicine, with gas analgesia, cool blood to stop bleeding, qi detoxification, swelling and pain effect, the main treatment of nausea, hernia abdominal pain, intestinal hemorrhoid leakage and other diseases, the hedgehog meat can be eaten? Let's take a look at it together.

Can hedgehog meat be eaten?

Hedgehog meat can be eaten, hedgehog meat can not only be eaten, and its nutritional value is also very high, its whole body is treasure, because hedgehog meat is very rich in protein, to enhance the appetite for eating, recuperating the stomach of the body has a very good effect, and the fat contained in hedgehog plays a special role in the treatment of diarrhea.

The effect of hedgehog meat

There are many effects of hedgehog meat, among which hedgehog meat is wild animals, so it can help the human body to improve physical quality, but also can help enhance resistance, so there are certain benefits. At the same time, hedgehog meat is also rich in protein and trace elements, which is very good for the nutritional supplement of the human body.

But it should be noted that it is best not to eat hedgehog meat, because hedgehog meat is wild animals, we should pay attention to the protection of wild animals, but also do not eat too much hedgehog meat, there may be symptoms of poisoning.

The practice of fried hedgehog meat

[raw materials] 200 grams of barbed meat, 50 grams of sliced bamboo shoots, 50 grams of yellow claws, 50 grams of water-hair fungus.

[seasoning] cooking wine, refined salt, monosodium glutamate, soy sauce, chopped onions, sliced ginger, wet starch, pepper, pepper water, lard.

[practice] ① will wash and slice hedgehog meat. Remove the cucumber flesh, wash it and slice it. Water hair fungus to miscellaneous wash tear small pieces. Heat ② oil pan, stir-fry spring onion and ginger, stir-fry hedgehog meat, cook soy sauce, cooking wine and pepper water, stir-fry with salt, sliced bamboo shoots, cucumber slices and fungus until seasoned, thicken with wet starch, add pepper and monosodium glutamate, remove from the pan and serve.

[efficacy] hedgehog meat has a nourishing effect. Bamboo shoot slices have the effect of clearing heat and eliminating phlegm, diaphragm and refreshing stomach. Cucumber has the effect of clearing heat, diuresis and removing temperature. Auricularia auricula has the functions of lightening the body and strengthening the mind, nourishing the blood, moistening the lungs and tonifying the brain. Several phase synthetic vegetables can provide rich nutrients for the human body. It has the effect of tonifying deficiency and appetizer, moistening lung and eliminating phlegm. It is suitable for patients with weak body, cough and sputum, edema and other diseases. Healthy people can strengthen their health, intelligence and brain, moisturize their skin and keep fit.