
One of the poorest countries in the world has rampant slums but doesn't want China to invest.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Speaking of our neighbor Myanmar, most people have the impression of poverty and backwardness. Despite its superior natural conditions and rich resources, Myanmar enjoys a high reputation in the world for its rich jade and precious stones. However, because Burma is not yet real.

Speaking of our neighbor Myanmar, most people have the impression of poverty and backwardness. Despite its superior natural conditions and rich resources, Myanmar enjoys a high reputation in the world for its rich jade and precious stones. However, because Myanmar has not yet implemented the opening-up policy, its economic development has been slow for decades and is one of the least developed countries in the world. Reproduced from the author of Baijia account: the Life of A Dong

In recent decades, Myanmar has been in the midst of political turmoil and the squeeze of several big countries, the economic development is not fast, and because the people like Buddhism, the pursuit of personal environment is not high and other reasons, the most impressive to tourists is dirty and messy. According to UN-Habitat, about 1/3 of Myanmar's 60 million people live below the poverty line, while 40% of Yangon's people are in abject poverty and can only maintain food and clothing. There are several large slums in the Dabang and Dagedah districts of Yangon, where most of the poor people live. Reproduced from the author of Baijia account: the Life of A Dong

Myanmar is considered by the West to be the last virgin land for investment. There is an untapped market, a high literacy rate, and many people speak English, plus it is rich in natural resources. Myanmar is like a depression, where the flow of capital is in line with the objective law. Recently, Europe and the United States have been showing goodwill to Myanmar, and Myanmar has also indicated that it will open up to the outside world. But Myanmar does not recognize Chinese investment. Reproduced from the author of Baijia account: the Life of A Dong

For example, many people know that Yangon has a big golden pagoda, but few people know about the small golden pagoda. The little urn in the city center is in the middle of the road, and the road surrounds it. During the British colonial period, the British built the city road in Rangoon. When the road met the pagoda, the road gave way to the pagoda. However, this incident has met Chinese investors, but the approach is different. Buddhism has been introduced into Myanmar for thousands of years, and religious ideas have penetrated into every corner of social life. A few years ago, a Chinese company made minerals in Myanmar. It was originally a win-win project, but the relocation of a local tower for the mine caused strong dissatisfaction among the local people.

So for this reason, Myanmar has always been bitter about Chinese investment. From the perspective of Myanmar, the country is small and often has both sides in the great power game. Although history is good with China, it has always sought to improve relations with Western countries. Dear viewers, what measures do you think Chinese enterprises should take to invest in Myanmar? Reproduced from the author of Baijia account: the Life of A Dong