
Don't believe that 90% of flowers die from watering.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, This is the 926th day of the blue demon's daily original article. Through the sharing and learning of the previous article, we have mastered the change of pots and slow seedlings of flowers. Then it is time to maintain. When it comes to maintenance, the first important thing is to water.

This is the 926th day of the blue demon's daily original article.

Through the sharing and learning of the previous articles of the blue demon, we have mastered how to change pots and slow down the seedlings of flowers, then the next step is how to maintain. When it comes to maintenance, the first important thing is to water.

90% of flowers die from watering, especially for novice flower growers. In fact, the blue demon has already opened a series of courses on family flower watering last year, and the little friends who have studied all have a certain understanding of how to water flowers and have mastered the skills of watering.

But there are many flower friends failed to attend the blue demon course, on how to water flowers or little knowledge, do not quite understand. Just like the flower friend above. Watering, as one of the most important daily work of growing flowers, is directly related to the life and death of potted flowers!

Many flower lovers will encounter such a problem: the flowers bought from the flower market wilt after two months, or they die soon, or they are half dead. Many people think that I took good care of it. Why did I die?

In fact, your flowers often die because you take too good care of them. Blue demon said so, you may still be a little unconvinced, think that raising plants is supposed to pay love ah, how can you say so?

Yes, raising plants requires our love. Raising flowers and plants is like raising children. It requires us to pay a lot, including not only hard sweat, but also patience, carefulness and love.

But there is no lack of love and can not be spoiled! We all know that children who grow up in doting can not withstand setbacks and overbearing character, so the flowers growing in doting are the same, can not stand the wind and rain! Blue demon has received a lot of advice from flower friends, and to sum up, 90% of flower friends die of overindulgence!

The performance of doting on potted flowers Blue Demon I have been saying that you dote on flowers too much, so what are the specific manifestations of this indulgence? Let's talk about the blue demon. 1, always afraid of flower thirst, many flower friends will have this idea, especially the novice flower grower, it can be said that this problem is common.

Always feel that as long as they are not watered, the flowers may be dried to death. After all, water is the foundation of plant survival. But the root growth of plants needs a dry and wet environment, just like us, occasionally take a bath will feel very comfortable, very tired, but if you soak in the bathtub for a day, what will you do?

Everything goes too far, you keep watering the pot, the pot soil is in a state of absorbing and retaining water for a long time, and the result is that the root system of the plant soaks in the basin 24 hours a day. Long-term exposure to this anaerobic environment, plant roots for anaerobic respiration, will produce fermentation such as alcohol. What ferments? The answer is very simple, bad, rotten things!

So after you water the potted plant every three days, you will find that your potted plant wilted for a month or two, because the root has rotted, and the damage to the root system is irreversible, and it is often found that there is no way to recover. 2. Why does superficial love also belong to doting? In fact, this is the same as the first non-stop watering.

The most direct manifestation of love on the surface is to water the potted plant when you see the surface of the pot soil a little dry. But each time it is not watered much, that is to say, it is not watered thoroughly. For a long time, the surface of the basin soil is often wet, but the bottom of the basin soil is dry. This kind of "wet and dry" environment can easily cause the plant roots to dry to death. Because the roots of plants grow into the soil, not on the surface, which should be known.

3. Hearsay Love the third manifestation of doting on potted plants is hearsay. What is hearsay? I believe everyone has had this experience, that is, when they do not know how to water potted plants, blindly follow other people's watering methods.

For example, ask the florist when buying flowers. Another example: look at a variety of flower-growing articles, the article said that every few days to water once a few days, do not consider their own actual situation! The flower friends who saw the blue demon article, how many of you have been fooled by this article of watering once a few days? You might as well leave a message for the blue demon below. When the blue demon first began to grow flowers, it was the same. It was said that the green pineapple should be watered every two days and twice a day in summer. As a result, my green pineapple did not live for a month!

Before the blue demon also received a lot of flower friends advice, asked their potted plants should be watered once a few days, I have only one answer: see dry see wet, dry thoroughly! Blue demon never tells flower friends that they should be watered every few days. To know that each flower friend's pot soil situation, culture environment, plant size, climatic conditions are not the same, natural water consumption is also different!

Since there are so many differences, how can we uniformly say that it takes a few days to water it? When two twins grow up in the same family environment, they will have their own different personalities, not to mention different plants raised all over the world. So stop hurting your potted plants in the name of love!

Your potted plant is like your child, what you need is your real, heartfelt, unconditional love! You need to know what they really need? So what exactly are we supposed to do? Please continue to follow tomorrow's update!

This article is a small knowledge point of the course "changing from zero to flower master in 30 days". If you want to learn quickly, the breeding experience summed up by the blue demon in 5 years, welcome to sign up for my course.