
The practice of tilapia nutritional value of tilapia _ tilapia culture technology

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, The practice of tilapia nutritional value of tilapia _ tilapia culture technology

The living habits of tilapia

1. Strong adaptability: tilapia growth is closely related to temperature. The growth temperature is 16-38 ℃ and the optimum temperature is 22-35 ℃. Tilapia is a widely salty fish, which can survive in both sea and fresh water. It is resistant to hypoxia and generally lives in the lower layer of the water, but changes with the change of water temperature or fish size.

2. Miscellaneous eating habits: tilapia are omnivorous fish dominated by plants, tilapia in ponds, and most of the contents in the digestive tract are organic detritus and other plant feed (such as aquatic plants, commercial feed, etc.). Followed by phytoplankton, zooplankton and a small number of benthos.

3. Hypoxia tolerance: tilapia has a strong tolerance to hypoxia, the asphyxiation point is 0.07-0.23 mg / L, and tilapia can still live and reproduce when the dissolved oxygen in water is 1.6 mg / L. When the dissolved oxygen in water is more than 3 mg / L, the growth is not affected.

4. Unable to bear low and high temperature: the survival temperature range of tilapia is 15-35 ℃. Tilapia is dormant when the water temperature is below 15 ℃. The highest critical temperature of tilapia is about 40-41 ℃, the optimum growth temperature is 28-32 ℃, and the reproduction temperature of tilapia is above 20 ℃.

5. Strong reproductive ability: tilapia has the advantages of early sexual maturity, short spawning cycle, oral hatching, low reproductive conditions and natural reproduction in static water with large water area.

Nutritional value of tilapia

It is determined that every 100 grams of meat contains 20.5 grams of protein, 6.93 grams of fat, 148 kcal of calories, 70 milligrams of calcium, 50 milligrams of sodium, 37 milligrams of phosphorus, 1 milligrams of iron, 10.1 milligrams of vitamin B10.1 milligrams and 20.12 milligrams of vitamin B20.12 milligrams.

1. Tilapia is high in protein and rich in a variety of essential amino acids needed by the human body, among which glutamic acid and glycine are particularly high, and the essential amino acids are balanced and rich, so they belong to high-quality and high-protein products. Compared with meat protein, fish protein is easier for the human body to digest and absorb, and the nutrients consumed will be fully utilized without waste.

2. Tilapia has a high content of retinol, which helps to prevent night blindness and vision loss, treat a variety of eye diseases, maintain the normal function of the immune system, remove senile plaques, promote development, and strengthen bones. Maintain the health of skin, hair, teeth and gums, and have the effect of anti-respiratory system infection.

3, tilapia taurine content as high as 210220mg / 100g, taurine can be comparable with EPA and DHA, can help reduce blood cholesterol and neutral fat, regulate blood pressure, strengthen liver function, promote insulin secretion, promote retinal development, help vision recovery. The content of taurine in livestock meat is very low, such as 32 mg / 100 g in beef and none in chicken.

4. Tilapia is rich in unsaturated fat. The content of unsaturated fatty acids in tilapia muscle is about 54%-58%, and it also contains a certain amount of DHA and EPA. A large number of studies have shown that DHA and EPA contribute to the development of human brain and vision, help to maintain human health and prevent heart disease, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, arthritis, stroke, skin diseases and other diseases.

5. Tilapia is rich in selenium. Selenium is an indispensable element in heart metabolism and has a strong antioxidant effect. Its effect is 50-100 times that of vitamin E, and it has strong anti-aging and anti-cancer effects.

6. Tilapia also contains vitamin E, thiamine, riboflavin, nicotinic acid and mineral potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, zinc, copper and so on.

Eating method of tilapia

1. Braised and steamed tilapia are the best.

2. Skillfully remove the fishy smell: after descaling and laparotomy, pour some yellow rice wine into the basin to remove the fishy smell of the fish and make the fish taste delicious. Fresh fish cut open and washed, soak in milk for a while can not only remove the odor, but also increase the flavor. After eating fish, when there is a taste in the mouth, chew three or five pieces of tea and immediately breathe fresh.

3. Fish washing skills of tilapia

① soak the fish in cold water, add two tablespoons of vinegar, remove phosphorus after two hours, and it is easy to scrape off.

② if the fish is dirty, it can be scrubbed with rice washing water, not only can wash the fish, but also the hands will not be too fishy.

When processing fish with ③, if you accidentally break the gall bladder, you can quickly put baking soda where there is gall, or sprinkle some wine, and then rinse with clean water to remove the bitterness.

All ④ fish have mucus, which is easily stained with dirt. When washing the fish, wash the fish with fine salt, and then rinse the fish with clean water to make the fish very clean.

Culture techniques of tilapia

1. Clearing ponds and eliminating pests: the work of clearing ponds and eliminating pests is very important, but it is often ignored by farmers. Its function is to sterilize and disinfect, clear enemies and improve the culture environment, which can effectively prevent the harm of large and ferocious fish to cultured species and reduce the competition for feed and water space between wild miscellaneous fish and free-range fish.

2. Cultivate water quality: it includes two stages: the cultivation of water quality in the early stage of culture and the stage of cultivation in the later stage.

The cultivation water quality in the early stage of ① culture: in the early stage of culture, the average tail weight of the main cultured fish is before 0.25kg, through fertilizer and water to increase the palatable basic food organisms of fish and reduce the culture cost. In the past, farmers' investment in large surface aquaculture was underestimated, and they could cope with it simply by feeding feed to farmed fish, but with the growth of fish body and the increase of fish food intake, the lack of funds was difficult to meet the feeding needs of normal fish growth, and the products could not meet the specifications, resulting in a loss.

The cultivation water quality in the later stage of ② culture: that is, no additional organic fertilizer can be applied within 3 months before fish catching, and the large water surface with good water source can use compound microbial agents to remove the organic dirt in the culture water, reduce the harmful substances such as ammonia nitrogen, hydrogen sulfide and nitrite, stabilize the pH of the water, inhibit the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms, and increase the dissolved oxygen in the water. Keep the water body fresh and alive. At the same time, funds can be concentrated to strengthen late-stage feeding to promote the rapid growth of fish on the market.

3. Select improved varieties: select purebred Aulia tilapia as male parent and Nile tilapia as female parent, select parents with small head, healthy body, clear and neat pattern, bright color and no damage, and mate according to the ratio of male and female at 3:1, completely float naturally in the process of reproduction, and the male rate can reach more than 90%.

4. Reasonable stocking: aquatic products require high quality and high price. The quality mentioned here mainly refers to the specification and grade of the products. In recent years, the purchase and sale of tilapia is mainly divided into four specification grades, namely, the average tail weight is less than 0.5 kg, 0.5 kg 0.8 kg, 0.8 kg, 1.1 kg and more than 1.1 kg, and there are corresponding product prices of four grades. The price difference of each adjacent commodity is about 1 yuan / kg. In terms of production, simply feeding feed to produce products with an average tail weight of less than 0.5 kg will lose about 1 yuan / kg. Therefore, it is urgent for aquaculture production to carry out reasonable stocking and greatly improve product specifications.