
Medicinal value of toad

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Medicinal value of toad

Abstract: the medicinal value of toad: toad is also called toad, amphibian, there are many bumps on the body surface, there are poisonous glands, commonly known as toad, toad treasure, taste fishy, warm, poisonous, return to the heart meridian, with detoxification, pain relief, enlightening and other functions, in our country is divided into Chinese big toad and black orbit toad, the toad venom and toad clothes extracted from it are scarce in our country.

Toad, also known as toad, amphibian, there are many bumps on the body surface, there are poisonous glands, commonly known as toad, toad thorn, toad treasure, taste fishy, warm, poisonous, heart meridian, with detoxification, pain relief, enlightening and other functions, in our country is divided into Chinese big toad and black orbit toad, toad venom and toad clothes extracted from it are scarce medicinal materials in our country.

The Medicinal value of Toad

Toad is an economic animal with high medicinal value, and its whole body is a treasure! Toad venom, dried toad skin, toad clothing, toad head, toad tongue, toad liver, toad gallbladder and so on are all medicinal materials.

1. Toad venom: the dried product of the white serous secreted by the rear ear gland and skin gland of toad is called toad venom, which is a precious traditional Chinese medicine containing a variety of biological ingredients. Toad venom has the functions of detoxification, detumescence, relieving pain and strengthening heart. It mainly treats sore back, nameless swelling, sore throat, dental caries, pediatric disease, heart failure and so on. The dosage is 0.01g to 0.03g, proper amount for external use.

2. Dry toad skin: the dry body of toad eviscerated is dry toad skin, cold in nature and bitter in taste, which can be used to treat infantile stagnation, chronic tracheitis, sore throat, carbuncle and other diseases. It can be used for a variety of cancers or combined with chemotherapy and radiotherapy to treat cancer, which can not only improve the curative effect, but also reduce side effects and improve hemogram.

3. Toad clothing: toad clothing is a cutin film naturally removed by toads, which has a good effect on chronic liver disease, many kinds of cancers, chronic tracheitis, ascites and carbuncle of poisonous sores. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that toad clothing has the effects of detoxification and detumescence, relieving pain, preventing filth and turbidity, and is widely used in the treatment of sore carbuncle, sore throat and so on. Modern research shows that Bufo bufo mainly contains toad dienol compounds, including toad venom and toad toxin, which has cardiotonic, pressor and anti-inflammatory effects, and Bufo bufo venom has a strong anesthetic effect. Researchers have found that toad clothing also has a variety of magical functions such as anti-tumor and anti-virus, which can be used to treat a variety of malignant tumors, hepatitis, herpes zoster, hepatic ascites, nephropathy, breast hyperplasia, uterine fibroids and other difficult diseases.

In addition, the head, tongue, liver and gallbladder of toads can be used as medicine; at the same time, the meat of toads is delicate and delicious, and it is a nutritious health delicacy.

The function and effect of toad

1. It can treat vulva ulceration, gangrene and mad dog bites. It fits the jade. It also treats febrile disease and is critical. Remove the toad's intestines and tamper with one or two toads. None of them will not be cured. It can also kill worms, cure rat fistula and pediatric fatigue and lethargy, turn yellow and break caking in the abdomen.

2. The main treatment is dispelling evil qi, breaking stones and blood stasis, carbuncle swelling and Yin sore.

3. The liver treats venomous snake bites, teeth into the flesh, unbearable pain. Mash the liver and apply it to the affected area and stand out.

4, the gallbladder treats the child aphasia does not speak, takes the bile to drop on the tongue, namely the more.

The Medicinal prescription of Toad

1. Treat the bite of Agkistrodon halys: take a live toad, mash it and apply it to the affected area to pull out snake venom.

2. Treat rabid dog bites: eat toad meat, or roast it.

3. Treat the children with big belly, yellow body and thin body, and the head sores form a spike of wheat: the big toad after the Beginning of Autumn is turned around, feet and intestines, smeared with clear oil, roasted and eaten in Yin and Yang tile, and five or six of them are eaten in succession. It is wonderful to restore health after one month.

4. Treat infantile dysentery: wrap the toad and burn it with Coptis chinensis for two and a half dollars, Qingdai for one dollar, study the end, add a little musk, and apply it evenly.