
How to make chrysanthemum chrysanthemum _ nutritional value of chrysanthemum _ planting technique of chrysanthemum

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, How to make chrysanthemum chrysanthemum _ nutritional value of chrysanthemum _ planting technique of chrysanthemum

Nutritional value of Artemisia annua L.

1. Artemisia annua contains a variety of amino acids, fats, proteins and high amounts of sodium, potassium and other mineral salts, which can regulate water metabolism in the body, facilitate urination and eliminate edema.

2. Artemisia annua has a fragrant smell, which can eliminate phlegm and open depression, avoid filth and turbid.

3. Artemisia annua is rich in vitamins, carotene and a variety of amino acids, which can nourish the heart and calm the mind, reduce blood pressure and tonify the brain, clear blood and resolve phlegm, moisten the lungs and tonify the liver, stabilize mood and prevent memory loss.

4. Artemisia annua also contains a kind of volatile essential oil and choline, so it has the functions of appetizing and invigorating spleen, lowering blood pressure and tonifying brain.

Efficacy and function of Artemisia annua L.

[taste] the taste is pungent, sweet and flat.

Spleen and stomach.

[efficacy] reconcile spleen and stomach, facilitate urination, resolve phlegm and relieve cough.

1. Appetizer: chrysanthemum contains volatile oil with special flavor, which can be used as an appetizer.

2. Calming the mind: it is rich in vitamins, carotene and a variety of amino acids, which can nourish the heart and calm the mind, reduce blood pressure and tonify the brain, clear blood and resolve phlegm, moisten the lungs and liver, stabilize mood, and prevent memory loss.

3. Digestion: chrysanthemum contains volatile oil with special flavor, which helps to regulate qi, appetizer, increase appetite, and its crude fiber helps intestinal peristalsis, promote defecation, and achieve the purpose of relieving viscera and intestines. In addition, the aroma of chrysanthemum is fragrant, which can eliminate phlegm and open depression, avoid filth and turbid.

4. Convenient for edema: Artemisia annua contains a variety of amino acids, fats, proteins and high amounts of sodium, potassium and other mineral salts, which can regulate water metabolism, facilitate urination and eliminate edema.

5. Lowering blood pressure: chrysanthemum chrysanthemum contains a volatile essential oil, as well as choline and other substances, which can lower blood pressure and replenish the brain.

How to cook chrysanthemum chrysanthemum

1. Stir-fried Artemisia spp.

[materials] Artemisia annua 1 jin, vegetable oil, salt, sesame oil.

[practice] ① choose fresh tender artemisia vegetables, remove roots and impurities, rinse and drain. ② will stir-fry the pan over high heat, stir-fry quickly until the color turns dark green, add salt when the dish becomes soft, stir-fry well and sprinkle with sesame oil.

2. Stir-fried meat with chrysanthemum

[materials] 150 grams of chrysanthemum, 50 grams of pork, right amount of oil, right amount of salt, right amount of chicken essence, right amount of spring onions.

[practice] rinse chrysanthemum with ① and cut it into sections. Put the oil in the ② pan and put in the shredded meat. Stir-fry chopped onions with ③. Add chrysanthemum to ④ and stir for 2 minutes. ⑤ dish out of the pot, add a little red pepper embellishment, attractive color.

3. Scrambled eggs with Artemisia annua L.

[materials] Artemisia annua, egg, salad oil, salt, chicken essence, onion, ginger and garlic.

[method] wash ① chrysanthemum and blanch it with hot water, remove and cut into sections. Stir the ② eggs well, stir-fry them in the pan and stir-fry until tender. Remove. Add base oil in ③ pan, stir-fry onion, ginger and garlic, add chrysanthemum and egg, stir-fry over high heat and season with salt chicken essence.

4. Artemisia annua with mashed garlic

[materials] 3 cloves of garlic, 250 grams of chrysanthemum, proper amount of salt and sesame oil.

[practice] rinse ① chrysanthemum and cut into one inch long section. Mash the garlic into the mud. Boil the ② pot with water, blanch the chrysanthemum with boiling water for 3 minutes, put the mashed garlic, salt and sesame oil into the pot at the same time, stir well and serve.

Planting techniques "/ >

Planting techniques of Artemisia annua L.

1. Land preparation and border: neutral or slightly acidic soil with deep soil layer, loose and moist soil, rich organic matter, convenient drainage and irrigation, good water and fertility conservation should be selected. Before sowing, apply base fertilizer, 50kg compound fertilizer per mu, or 2000 kg organic fertilizer per mu. You can also apply 15 kg of urea per mu, 25 kg of diammonium phosphate and 5-10 kg of potassium sulfate to mix fertilizer and soil evenly. When making a border, it is generally required that the width of the border is about 1.5 to 1.8 meters, and the length can be flexibly controlled according to the actual situation of the greenhouse, fine and flat the soil with a rake, and then sow seeds.

2. Soaking seeds to promote sprouting: chrysanthemum seeds are botanically called achenes with edges and corners. Three to four days before sowing, the seeds were soaked in warm water of 30 ℃ for 24 hours, then washed and dried under the condition of 25 ℃. The seeds should be washed once a day, and the seeds could be sown after 3 or 4 days of germination.

3. Sowing at the right time: because the plant of Artemisia annua is small and the growth period is short, it can be intercropped with other vegetables. Direct broadcast, broadcast and strip broadcasting can be used in production. The general seed consumption of sowing is 3-4 kg per mu. The seed consumption of strip sowing is 1.52kg per mu, which is more economical. When sowing, the line spacing can be controlled at about 10 cm. If the seedlings are transplanted, the seeds can be scattered more densely, and sparsely sowed if they are not transplanted, so as not to waste time and seeds. After sowing, cover the seeds with a layer of soil 1 cm thick, rake them flat, and then water them thoroughly. It will be watered every 10 days in winter and 7 days in summer.

4. Reasonable inter-seedling: Artemisia annua can emerge about a week after sowing. When the seedlings grow to 2-3 true leaves, they should carry out inter-seedlings, pay attention not to use sickles, directly use inter-hand seedlings, pull up the seedlings with high density, and keep the row spacing of the seedlings at about 4-6 cm. Pay attention not to be too thin, otherwise the yield will be affected.

5. Timely transplanting: practice has proved that transplanting is a good method to cultivate Artemisia annua. Transplanting seedlings grow faster than direct seeding seedlings, and the plants are larger, and can be harvested in about 20 to 25 days. When transplanting, use a sickle to raise the seedlings and put them in a prepared basin. Then transplant to the whole field, the row spacing is about 4cm, watering once after transplanting, and applying nitrogen fertilizer once 20 days after transplanting.

6. Water management: due to the low temperature in winter and spring, watering should be properly controlled after emergence to prevent the occurrence of quenching disease and downy mildew. It should be watered according to the seedling condition, usually once every 7-8 days.

7. Reasonable topdressing: generally, topdressing is needed when the seedling grows to about 10 to 12 centimeters. From now on, the fertilizer will be recovered for every harvest. Topdressing is generally used with water topdressing, the fertilizer will be evenly scattered in the intake, direct irrigation with water, fertilizer can not be directly scattered on the ground, so as not to burn the leaves of chrysanthemum. During the growth period, quick-acting nitrogen fertilizer was applied twice with water, with urea 1520kg per mu each time.

8. Pest control: Artemisia annua is prone to anthracnose and downy mildew. If it occurs, it can be sprayed with 72% plick 1000 times solution. If aphids occur, 10% imidacloprid 1200-1500 times solution should be sprayed to control.

9. Timely harvest: when the plant of Artemisia annua is about 20 cm high and has 12-13 true leaves, it should not be harvested too late so as not to affect the quality. When harvesting, you can use a knife to leave 2 or 3 leaves at the base of the stem to cut off, then pick off the yellow leaves, tie the chrysanthemum into small handfuls for sale. Generally, it can be harvested once every 20-25 days, and each crop can be harvested 2-3 times.