
Potted camellias must not do this now or there will be no flowers to see.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, More than half of summer has passed in the blink of an eye. Does your precious camellia have flower buds? With or without flower buds, do not prune camellias from now on, especially the actions of heart-picking and pruning.

In the blink of an eye, summer has passed more than half. Do you have flower buds for your baby camellia? No matter whether there are flower buds or not, from now on, do not prune camellia, especially picking and pruning these actions. If you are not careful, you will cut off the flower buds that are not easy to differentiate, resulting in no flowers to see this year!

Beautiful camellia girl

The flower bud differentiation period of Camellia is generally from May to June, and some varieties are later, and may be able to differentiate flower buds in July. If your camellia is an early flower bud differentiation variety, you should now see small buds on the branches. At this time, if you prune, you will cut off all the flower buds directly. After cutting off flower buds, even if new branches can grow, it is too late to differentiate flower buds. So quickly check to see if there are flower buds on the camellia branches. If camellia already has flower buds, then it needs to be well maintained to allow flower buds to thrive.

flower bud differentiation of Camellia

The first is watering, not drought, nor waterlogging, control the watering frequency. Especially for camellia planted in deep pots, it must be estimated that the bottom of the pot is also dry and then watered. Don't water more flower buds. However, when watering is insufficient, flower buds will gradually wither due to insufficient water supply. If the temperature is relatively high and the air humidity is low, you can spray water on camellias and surrounding areas in the morning and afternoon. However, it should be noted that the mist cannot be sprayed too much, especially on the flower buds. Don't spray them like bathing, which may kill the flower buds.

The flower buds of the small camellia are already obvious

In addition to watering, ventilation is necessary, flower buds thrive without fresh air, more ventilation can not only promote flower bud growth, but also prevent pests and diseases. Especially in the high temperature area of flower friends, must be more ventilation, otherwise the camellia wilted, easy to heat. Flower buds may wither and fall early when the temperature is too high.

a flowering camellia.

When the flower buds of Camellia have formed, the light should not be too strong or too weak, and it is best to maintain them in a semi-shady environment. Too strong light is easy to burn leaves, too weak light is not conducive to the healthy growth of flower buds. It is best to put camellia on the east balcony or east window, ventilation is no problem, morning can be exposed to the sun, but also to avoid the strong noon. Flower lovers who have a dew environment can put camellia in the shade for conservation, and the effect is very good.

camellia flower bud on shoot

If you want camellia to bloom large and gorgeous flowers, you must pay attention to nutrients from the beginning of bud formation. Bud growth needs a lot of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, so from now to camellia bloom before, should pay attention to phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. It can be irrigated directly with potassium dihydrogen phosphate, or with organic retting fertilizer rich in phosphorus and potassium, such as bone meal, fish scales, fish intestines, etc. However, the summer temperature is high, it is best not to fertilize, when the temperature is lower than 30 degrees, then fertilize. If the local temperature is not very high, you can irrigate a little thin, rich in phosphorus and potassium organic fertilizer solution, but must be thin oh!

flower bud in leaf axil

If your camellia now has no flower buds, do not worry, appropriate control of water, temperature is not very high can give spray potassium dihydrogen phosphate, spray once every fifteen days, or have the opportunity to differentiate flower buds. Still want to remind a sentence, fertilization should pay attention to concentration, summer fertilization risk, even if the temperature is high, control water, let camellia flower bud differentiation. I think it's useful to like it. Follow me to learn more about flower cultivation.

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