
Efficacy and function of Purple Potato

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Efficacy and function of Purple Potato

Purple sweet potato is also called black sweet potato. The flesh of sweet potato is purple to deep purple. In addition to the nutrients of ordinary sweet potato, it is also rich in selenium and anthocyanin, which has multiple health care effects. Purple sweet potato from stem tip tender leaves to potato pieces, have a certain health function, is the current pollution-free, green, organic food in the food.

Purple Potato's Efficacy and Function

Purple sweet potato taste, mild nature, into the spleen, stomach, lung meridian; main effect has spleen qi, wide intestine laxative, raw food can promote body fluid thirst, indication disease: spleen deficiency qi weak, constipation knot, lung stomach heat, thirst dry throat and so on.

1. Purple sweet potato has the effect of preventing anemia: the vitamin C content of purple sweet potato is 10 to 30 times that of apple, grape and pear, ranking the highest among similar fruits, vegetables and grains, and the carotene content is more than 600 times higher than potato, taro and corn; selenium, iodine, copper, iron, potassium, manganese, zinc and other mineral trace elements are several times that of ordinary sweet potato, especially suitable for the needs of children's growth and development, and can prevent anemia and trace element deficiency.

2. The effect of purple potato on digestive tract: purple potato is rich in nutrition and suitable for regular consumption. Purple potato is rich in cellulose. Eating purple potato can increase stool volume, promote gastrointestinal motility, clean mucus, gas accumulation and putrefaction in intestinal cavity, discharge toxic substances and carcinogens in stool, keep stool unblocked to prevent constipation, improve digestive tract environment, prevent gastrointestinal tract diseases, and be more conducive to health.

3. Anti-fatigue and anti-aging effects of purple potato: purple potato is rich in protein, 18 kinds of amino acids easily digested and absorbed by human body, 8 kinds of vitamins such as vitamin C, B and A, and more than 10 kinds of natural mineral elements such as phosphorus and iron. It is rich in iron and selenium. Selenium and iron are essential elements for anti-fatigue, anti-aging and blood enrichment, and are suitable for women who love beauty.

4, purple potato antioxidant, blood pressure lowering effect: purple potato anthocyanin is currently found in the prevention and treatment of diseases, maintenance of human health, the most direct, most effective and safest free radical scavenger, its ability to scavenge free radicals is 20 times vitamin C, vitamin E 50 times. Anthocyanins have a small molecular structure and are the only substances that can clear free radicals through the blood-brain barrier to protect brain cells. They relieve stress for men, and have anti-mutation, anti-oxidation, blood pressure lowering and liver protection functions.

5. Cancer prevention effect of purple sweet potato: Purple sweet potato is rich in selenium and has excellent prevention and treatment effect on cancer prevention. In addition, purple sweet potato contains a lot of mucus substances, which can maintain the elasticity of cardiovascular wall of the elderly, prevent atherosclerosis, help to maintain the lubrication of respiratory tract, digestive tract and joint cavity, and also have certain prevention and treatment effect on cardiovascular diseases.

The medicinal value of purple potato

Selenium and iron in purple sweet potato are essential elements for anti-fatigue, anti-aging and blood tonic of human body, especially selenium is called "anti-cancer king", which is easy to be absorbed by human body, can be left in serum, repair myocardium, enhance immunity, eliminate free radicals in body, inhibit DNA synthesis in cancer cells and division and growth of cancer cells, and prevent cancer such as gastric cancer and liver cancer.

Purple sweet potato is rich in cellulose, which can increase the volume of feces, promote gastrointestinal motility, clean up mucus, gas and putrefaction in intestinal cavity, discharge toxic substances and carcinogens in feces, keep stool unblocked, improve digestive tract environment and prevent gastrointestinal diseases. It contains polysaccharides, flavonoids, selenium and anthocyanins besides the nutrients of common sweet potato, and has certain functions of preventing hypertension, alleviating liver dysfunction and resisting cancer.

The antimutagenic activity of four different color potato extracts was evaluated by Salmonella typhimurium TA98. It was found that purple potato anthocyanins could effectively inhibit the mutation induced by heterocyclic amines. Two anthocyanins isolated from purple sweet potato have strong antimutagenic effect.

Animal experiments showed that purple sweet potato beverage containing a lot of anthocyanins could significantly inhibit glutamate in serum of rats with liver injury induced by carbon tetrachloride. The results showed that the content of TBA and oxidized lipoprotein in serum and liver was inhibited by the increase of GOT and GTP, but the yellow sweet potato beverage could not inhibit the increase of TBA and oxidized lipoprotein. After 18 hours, the contents of aspartate and alanine aminotransferase in serum were significantly lower than those in the control group, which indicated that anthocyanins could inhibit the acute liver injury induced by carbon tetrachloride.

Special reminder:

Purple sweet potato sugar content is high, so diabetes patients should not eat, but also because it is rich in potassium, will increase the burden on the kidneys, so kidney disease patients should not eat more.