
Can you lose weight by eating purple potatoes?

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Can you lose weight by eating purple potatoes?

Purple potato is rich in protein, starch, pectin, cellulose, amino acids, vitamins and a variety of minerals, as well as selenium and anthocyanins. It is rich in nutrition and has special health care functions. It ranks first among the anti-cancer vegetables announced by the National vegetable Cancer Research Center of Japan. Proper use of purple potato to lose weight can promote weight loss. Let's take a look!

Can you lose weight by eating purple potatoes?

Purple potato has a certain weight loss effect. The calorie in purple potato is only 1/3 of that of rice, that is, 110 calories, which is not high at all. To lose weight, you can take purple potato properly, which will promote weight loss. People who are overweight eat purple potato twice a day and stick to it for a month. It can not only reduce high blood pressure, but also control obesity.

Efficacy and function of Purple Potato

1. Anti-cancer and anti-cancer: purple potato is rich in selenium and iron, which are essential elements for human anti-fatigue, anti-aging and blood tonifying, especially selenium is known as "anti-cancer king". It is easy to be absorbed by the human body and can be retained in serum to repair myocardium, enhance immunity, eliminate free radicals, inhibit the synthesis of DNA in cancer cells and the division and growth of cancer cells, and prevent the occurrence of cancer diseases such as gastric cancer and liver cancer.

2. Promote gastrointestinal peristalsis: purple potato is rich in cellulose, which can increase the volume of feces, promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, clean up the mucus, gas and spoilage in the intestinal cavity, discharge toxic substances and carcinogens in feces, and keep the stool unobstructed. Improve the digestive tract environment and prevent the occurrence of gastrointestinal diseases.

3, lose weight: eating purple potato not only will not get fat, on the contrary, it can lose weight, bodybuilding, prevent sub-health, laxation and detoxification, every 100 grams of fresh purple potato contains only 0.2 grams of fat, producing 99 kilocalorie energy, about 1 kilocalorie for rice. It is a good low-fat, low-calorie food, while effectively preventing sugars from turning into fat, which is conducive to weight loss and bodybuilding.

4. Enhance immunity: purple potato contains a lot of mucus protein, which can prevent liver and kidney connective tissue atrophy, improve body immunity and prevent collagen disease. The minerals in purple potato play a very important role in maintaining and regulating human function. Contains calcium and magnesium, can prevent osteoporosis.

Common practice of purple potato

1. Purple potato cake

[materials] Purple potato, glutinous rice flour, flour, white sesame, red bean paste.

[method] ① purple potato is washed and sliced with water and steamed. ② uses a spoon to press the steamed purple potatoes into purple mashed potatoes, add glutinous rice flour and knead the flour to form a dough. ③ divides the mixed purple potato dough into small ingredients, kneads the red bean paste into balls and sets aside, then flattens the dough and wraps it with red bean paste. Wrap it up and press it into a round cake. Roll the ④ round cake with white sesame seeds. Pour the right amount of oil into the ⑤ pan, add the ready-made purple potato cake when the oil is slightly hot, turn low heat and fry slowly for a short while, fry again and fry until golden on both sides.

2. Purple potato porridge

[material] Rice, purple potato.

[practice] ① rice is washed and soaked in water for more than half an hour. Wash and peel the ② purple potatoes and cut them into small pieces. ③ purple potatoes and rice into a casserole, add enough water, add enough water at a time, and then add, it will affect the taste and consistency of porridge, boil and turn to low heat. Boil the ④ over low heat until the purple potato melts and the porridge is sticky. Often stir along the way. Porridge cooked in a casserole is easy to sink to the bottom and scorch off.

3. Purple potato rice balls

[materials] Purple Potato, Rice.

[practice] after steaming the purple sweet potato by ①, put it into a plastic wrap bag and press the purple potato into mud. ② divides the purple mashed potatoes into 8 equal portions and the rice into 8 equal portions, all of which are rolled into small balls. ③ put the small ball purple potato paste on a piece of cling film, press flat, wrap it into a small rice ball, then grab the sides of the cling film, twist it into a ball, then peel off the cling film, and the purple potato ball is ready. ④ decorates with a mint leaf and it's done.