
The efficacy and function of Pleurotus eryngii

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The efficacy and function of Pleurotus eryngii

Pleurotus eryngii thick meat, crisp texture, especially the stalk tissue is dense, strong, milky white, all edible, and the stalk is more crisp and refreshing than the cap, known as Pleurotus ostreatus king, dried shellfish mushroom, etc., with almond flavor and taste such as abalone, deeply loved by people, let's take a look at the efficacy and function of Pleurotus eryngii!

Efficacy and function of Pleurotus eryngii

1. Removing fat and reducing blood pressure: Pleurotus eryngii can soften and protect blood vessels and reduce blood lipids and cholesterol in the human body.

2. Improve immunity: Pleurotus eryngii protein is the most important nutrient to maintain immune function, and it is the main component of white blood cells and antibodies.

3. Digestion: Pleurotus eryngii contributes to the secretion of gastric acid and digestion of food, which is suitable for the treatment of dietary stagnation.

4. Antihypertensive effect: regular consumption of Pleurotus eryngii can reduce the content of cholesterol in human blood, and has an obvious effect on lowering blood pressure.

5. Disease prevention: it also has a certain preventive and therapeutic effect on gastric ulcer, hepatitis, cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

6, beauty: because Pleurotus eryngii is rich in nutrition, eating often can improve the body's metabolism, which is very helpful to beauty.

7. Anti-cancer: it has been found that the use of Pleurotus eryngii has a certain anti-cancer effect.

Nutritional value of Pleurotus eryngii

1. Pleurotus eryngii is rich in nutrition, rich in protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, copper and zinc, which can improve human immune function and has anti-cancer, hypolipidemic, moisturizing and cosmetic effects on the human body.

2. Pleurotus eryngii has a variety of nutrients of general fungi. Compared with ordinary Pleurotus ostreatus, Pleurotus eryngii also has the effects of reducing blood lipids and anti-cancer, which is cheap and delicious. And calories are also very low, long-term consumption will not do any harm.

3. Pleurotus eryngii is rich in protein, which can effectively improve human immunity, enhance the body's invasion to external adverse factors, stay away from sub-health and strengthen the body, so it is an ideal nutrition for weak and sub-healthy people.

4. Pleurotus eryngii is rich in dietary fiber and can be eaten frequently, which can effectively remove serum cholesterol, reduce blood lipids, prevent and treat cardiovascular diseases such as arteriosclerosis.

5. The rich dietary fiber in Pleurotus eryngii also plays a good role in enhancing gastrointestinal peristalsis, helping patients with constipation to moisturize their bowels, eliminate toxins in the body, and then maintain skin luster, improve dark skin tone, and protect skin.

6. Pleurotus eryngii is rich in iron, which can effectively regulate the symptoms of iron deficiency anemia, hemolytic anemia and hemorrhagic anemia.

7. Pleurotus eryngii tastes delicious, with crisp and tender taste of abalone and fresh aroma of almonds. It has a good effect on invigorating the spleen and appetizers. It is a rare appetizer for people with loss of appetite. At the same time, it has a good dietotherapy effect on gastric ulcer and indigestion.

8. Pleurotus eryngii polysaccharide: the extract of Pleurotus eryngii is mainly Pleurotus eryngii polysaccharide.

① has hypoglycemic effect. Hyperglycemia in diseased mice can be prevented and treated, which can significantly improve the glucose tolerance and tolerance curve of experimental mice, and reduce the amount of drinking water of diabetic mice.

② enhances the immune function of the body, has the effects of anti-virus and anti-tumor, and can reduce the content of cholesterol, reduce blood lipids and prevent arteriosclerosis.

③ Pleurotus eryngii polysaccharide, as a special immunomodulator, has a strong host-mediated effect in activating T lymphocytes, which can stimulate the formation of antibodies, enhance human immunity and play an anticancer role.

Edible method of Pleurotus eryngii

1. Sesame oil apricot abalone mushroom soup

[materials] 150 grams of Pleurotus eryngii, 50 grams of ginger, 10 Chinese wolfberry, 400 milliliters of water, 100 milliliters of black sesame oil, 3 tablespoons of rice wine, 4 grams of lentinin, a little salt.

[practice] ① Pleurotus eryngii is washed with wine, drain water and tear it into long pieces by hand. Rinse the outer skin of ginger, slice, soak Chinese wolfberry for about 5 minutes, drain and set aside. Heat sesame oil in ② hot pot, add ginger slices of method 1, stir slowly over low heat until ginger slices curl and release fragrance, add long pieces of apricot abalone mushrooms of method 1 and stir well, sprinkle rice wine along the edge of the pot, continue to boil until wine is distributed, then add water to boil over medium heat, season with salt and mushroom, add wolfberry of method 1 before starting the pot and mix well.

2. Black pepper, apricot and abalone mushroom

[materials] Pleurotus eryngii, salt, black pepper, vegetable oil.

[practice] ① wash Pleurotus eryngii, dry the surface, cut into two sections from the middle, and then slice vertically. Heat the ② pan, add vegetable oil, put the chopped apricot abalone mushrooms in the pan, fry until the edges are slightly yellow, turn over, season with salt and a little black pepper, and fry until golden edges are slightly charred.

3. Fried Pleurotus eryngii with sausage

[materials] Pleurotus eryngii, sausage, garlic, edible oil, salt, beef powder, red pepper.

[method] ① fresh Pleurotus eryngii and red pepper are washed and cut from the middle, then cut into small slices with an oblique knife. ② sausage is also sliced with an oblique knife after rinsing with clean water. Pour oil into ③ pan, heat and stir-fry garlic leaves. ④ stir-fry Pleurotus eryngii and red chili until ripe. Season with a little salt and beef powder. Stir-fry the sausages in ⑤ until the sausages and apricot abalone mushrooms are cooked and serve.

4. Pleurotus eryngii in dry pot

[materials] Pleurotus eryngii, pork belly, green and red pepper, onion, garlic, edible oil, bean paste, Douchi, salt, extremely fresh soy sauce, chicken essence, sesame oil.

[practice] ① tore Pleurotus eryngii into strips by hand, cut pork into slices, cut green and red chili peppers, cut onions, and slice garlic. ② spread the onions at the bottom of the pan and set aside. Pour the cooking oil into the ③ pan, then stir-fry the pork until the surface is slightly yellow. ④ add bean paste, tempeh, garlic slices and stir-fry to taste. ⑤ put Pleurotus eryngii in the pan and stir-fry well. ⑥ stir-fry the red and green chili in the pan, then add salt and delicious soy sauce. Add chicken essence and sesame oil to stir-fry well before turning off the heat, and then put them into the dry pan.

5. Fried pork slices with Pleurotus eryngii

[materials] appropriate amount of pork, one green pepper, one Pleurotus eryngii, one carrot, salt, chicken essence, spring onions and ginger.

[practice] ① cut the pork into slices, thinner, put it into a container, add appropriate amount of light soy sauce soy sauce, pepper, chicken essence and wet starch, stir well, marinate for 10 minutes, heat the pot, add the right amount of vegetable oil, cook until medium, stir-fry until discolored and serve. ② slice green pepper, carrots and apricot abalone mushrooms, chopped spring onions and ginger, and set aside. ③ heat the pot again, add vegetable oil, first saute the spring onions and ginger, then add the sliced carrots and stir well, then pour in the Pleurotus eryngii, which will absorb the oil, and add the right amount of water or broth to cook for about a minute when the pan is almost dry. ④ finally add green pepper and sliced meat, stir-fry for half a minute, add the right amount of salt and chicken essence.