
The efficacy and function of Moringa oleifera

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, The efficacy and function of Moringa oleifera

Moringa oleifera is the most nutritious tree in the world. As a vegetable and food, it has the function of improving nutrition, dietotherapy and health care. It is also widely used in medicine and health care. It is known as the tree of life and the diamond in plants. Fresh leaves can be eaten as vegetables, similar to spinach, and can be used as soup or salad. Let's take a look at the efficacy and function of Moringa oleifera.

Nutritional value of Moringa oleifera

Moringa oleifera is rich in nutrients, including vitamins, protein, calcium, potassium, iron and other minerals, as well as essential amino acids that the human body cannot synthesize on its own. According to scholars' statistics, only three tablespoons of Moringa oleifera leaf powder contains 27% vitamin A, 42% protein, 125% calcium, 70% iron and 22% vitamin C for children. It contains four times as much calcium as milk, three times as much potassium as banana, three times as much iron as spinach, seven times as much vitamin C as citrus, and four times as much vitamin An as carrots.

The efficacy and function of Moringa oleifera

The taste is pungent, lukewarm and non-toxic.

The meridians of lung, heart and stomach.

1. Horseradish is beneficial to dampness, invigorate the spleen, cure loss of appetite and stone shower. Horseradish or root bark has the effects of expelling wind, anti-inflammation, invigorating stomach, diuresis and aphrodisia. to treat headache, vertigo, asthma, stomatitis, pharyngitis, flatulence, gastrointestinal spasm, neurasthenia, hypertension, diabetes, scurvy, beriberi, dermatosis, abscess and various cancers.

2. Moringa oleifera is a gynecological medicine for the treatment of uterine inflammation, leucorrhea, gonorrhea, syphilis and other diseases, as well as dehumidification, cold, aphrodisiac, diuresis and detumescence.

3. Moringa oleifera pod is beneficial to dampness, invigorate the spleen and stomach, treat liver disease, joint pain, hand and foot paralysis, seed treatment of liver and splenomegaly, gum treatment of tooth bone gangrene and ear pain.

Edible method of Moringa oleifera

1. Baked eggs with spicy leaves

[materials] half a teaspoon of fried powder, 2 eggs, 1 bowl of tender leaves of Moringa oleifera, cooking oil.

[practice] ① first melts the fried powder with a little water. ② beat the eggs into egg juice, then add washed tender leaves of Moringa oleifera and crispy fried powder and stir well. ③ pour the oil into a hot pan, first use medium heat to solidify the egg juice, then turn to low heat and fry slowly until golden brown on both sides.

2. Moringa oleifera

[materials] spicy wood leaves, peanut hot sauce, ketchup or chili sauce.

[practice] put the spicy leaves or flowers in boiling water and cook for 5 to 10 minutes. Pick up the leaves or flowers and stop the water. Mix with peanut hot sauce, ketchup or chili sauce.

3. Spicy wood sparerib soup

[materials] 2 kg of Moringa oleifera, 4000 ml of water, 2 jin of spareribs, 2 carrots, 10 water chestnuts and proper amount of salt.

[practice] ① boils Moringa oleifera and water into a soup bottom. ② spareribs are scalded to remove the blood. ③ boils the ribs in a filtered soup head for 30 minutes. ④ add carrots and water chestnuts, boil for another 30 minutes, and season with salt before cooking.

4. Moringa oleifera clear chicken soup

[materials] Local chicken was cut into 4 pieces, ginger slices, tender leaves of Moringa oleifera, leaf stalks of Moringa oleifera, a little salt.

[practice] ① first cut the local chicken into pieces, rinse the chicken with clean water and scald it. ② until the water boils, add ginger slices, native chicken pieces, Moringa leaf stalks, boil until the chicken is done. Sprinkle ③ with washed tender leaves of Moringa oleifera before starting the pot and season with a little salt.

5. Spicy wood leaf meat roll

[materials] muscle flakes, spicy wood leaves, egg juice, bread flour, cooking oil.

[practice] ① marinated the muscle slices first. ② rolls the washed Moringa oleifera leaves with muscle slices, fix them with toothpicks, dip in egg juice and bread powder, and deep-fry until golden brown. Before ③ serves, cut the meatloaf obliquely into a plate.