
Dryopteris has been raised for many years without yellow leaves or withering. Just remember these tricks.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Many friends said that his Dryopteris began to wither after a few days. Why is it so easy to turn yellow leaves? This is not only related to the conservation of the environment, but also to master the correct maintenance methods, let's see how to make the fern grow more luxuriantly.

Many friends said that his Dryopteris began to wither after a few days. Why is it so easy to turn yellow leaves? This is not only related to the maintenance of the environment, but also to master the correct maintenance methods, together to see how to make the fern grow more luxuriantly, the following is to introduce the correct maintenance of Dryopteris.

First of all, there are many varieties of Dryopteris, many varieties can be maintained, and their maintenance methods are similar, most of which are plants from the tropical rain forest.

Dryopteris looks inconspicuous, but it is very attractive and needs proper care to grow stronger.

1. Location of maintenance:

Maintenance of Dryopteris is the most important to give appropriate temperature and light conditions, so that it can see a little light in the morning or evening, shade maintenance at noon and afternoon, direct sunlight or exposure will cause leaf yellowing or withering, just give a little scattered light.

Generally put in the shade of the maintenance, or facing east, south balcony, windowsill.

When maintaining, we should also pay attention to turning the pot regularly to ensure that the plant receives light evenly, usually turning half a circle in 3-4 days, so as to keep the plant shape neat.

Dryopteris is very sensitive to temperature and moisture, the temperature between 18 and 25 degrees is the most suitable, most ferns are not cold-resistant, we should pay attention to cold protection in winter, while the summer temperature should not be too high.

2. Environmental humidity

Another key to the maintenance of Dryopteris is the environmental humidity. The maintenance of Dryopteris had better have more than 60% humidity, do not like dry air, and avoid putting it next to the air conditioner or heating, preferably next to the fish tank or bathroom, which is beneficial to humidification.

3. Soil collocation

The maintenance of Dryopteris needs slightly acidic (pH 5.0-6.0), permeable and loose humus soil, and avoid using sandy soil with good drainage.

More peat soil can be added to the soil, which can increase soil acidity and water retention. Dryopteris fern requires soil permeability and high water retention, and peat soil is the best choice.

The soil has a good water retention capacity, but it can not allow the soil to accumulate water. Gravel, broken tiles or cinder can be properly covered at the bottom of the basin to help air permeability and increase drainage. The soil can be mixed with peat soil, compost soil and rotten leaf soil. The soil surface can be covered with some media such as small gravel and ceramsite, which can increase water retention.

4. Watering and humidity

The maintenance of Dryopteris is to keep the basin soil moist, and to maintain a high environmental humidity, when the environmental humidity is particularly high, it can reduce the frequency of watering. When the air is dry, sprinkle it with water every day and spray it directly on the leaves.

The soil should be kept moist, but the basin soil should not accumulate water, otherwise it is easy to rot roots and leaves.

Watering is best with Rain Water or tap water after 3 days, avoid directly watering with the faucet, easy to make the soil partial alkali, resulting in leaf yellow.

Do not water when the light is strong, otherwise the leaves are easy to scald. In the case of extreme drought in the potted soil, you can put the potted fern directly in the water basin, which is filled with water and let the water seep in slowly from the drainage hole at the bottom of the pot. after the soil is completely moist, the flowerpot is removed from the basin and maintained in a ventilated and shaded place, and the tray water is poured out in time.

5. Less fertilization

To maintain ferns, we must apply less fertilizer, and ferns should also be given less fertilizer. More fertilizer will easily cause fertilizer damage. Fertilizer can be given once a year in spring and summer, and a slightly concentrated liquid foliage fertilizer should be used. The soil should be moist before fertilization.

6. Other maintenance attentions

Maintenance of Dryopteris does not need pruning, except for stems with yellow leaves that will wither, which are easy to wither when dry, and diseased plants should be cut off in time.

Pay attention to cold prevention in winter, increase air humidity, especially indoor greenhouse, easy to reduce humidity, need to spray water more frequently, it is recommended to have an air humidifier at home to raise iron ferns.