
This kind of wild fruit is similar to wax gourd. I thought it was poisonous and dared not eat it, but I didn't realize that making soup was a must.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, For many post-80s and post-90s who have lived in rural areas, the happiest time in childhood is to go to the fields and rivers to catch shrimps and crabs after school or holiday every day.

For many post-80s and post-90s people who lived in rural areas, the happiest time of childhood was to go to the fields and rivers to catch shrimp and crabs after school or after holidays every day, and besides playing, they went to pick wild fruits to eat. At that time, there were countless wild fruits in the countryside and wild fruits, which were not enough to eat. Many wild fruits were delicious, and the children in rural areas were all scrambling for them, but some wild fruits were named strangely. Or the appearance is strange, many rural children still think that poisonous dare not eat.

Below, the author will introduce to you a kind of wild fruit that I dared not eat in the past, and its name is very strange.

In the past, after July every year, such a wild fruit grows in front of the house, behind the house and by the field. Its fruit is very small, its shape is similar to "wax gourd", like a miniature version of wax gourd. In my hometown, this kind of wild fruit is called "mouse wax gourd", a very strange name, and the author has always been curious about how this name came from.

In the past, when the rural children had their summer vacation in July, they would go to the wild to pick all kinds of wild fruits, but many rural children did not dare to eat such wild fruits.

The author remembers that at that time, a friend said that the wild fruit was on the side of the mouse, and it was estimated that it was poisonous and could not be eaten. So, at that time, many young friends played with this kind of small wild fruit as a toy. It was very interesting to pick one of you and throw one of you.

However, at that time, the author was also quite daring. I thought it was delicious when I saw the wild fruit of wax gourd pulled by mice, so I dared to try to eat it. I found that the mouse wax gourd was actually not poisonous, and it tasted very good, with a delicate fragrance similar to cucumber.

Later, after I asked some old peasant friends in the village, I knew that the mouse wax gourd was not poisonous and could be eaten, but it could not be eaten until it was mature.

And this mouse wax gourd can not only be eaten, but also has medicinal value, especially when it is used to make soup.

According to the old peasant friends in the village, the rat pulling wax gourd into medicine has the effect of clearing away heat and detoxification, detumescence and knot. It is used to cook soup with pork and jujube, and it can also prevent heat, clear heat, relieve cough and reduce phlegm, and so on. It is especially suitable for summer consumption.

Therefore, do not underestimate the mouse to pull wax gourd this kind of wild fruit, in fact, its value is very high, but its strange name is easy to misunderstand, make people think that it is poisonous, in fact, it can still be eaten, and it is appropriate to eat in summer, which can clear away heat and prevent heat.

Dear friends, did you ever eat this wild fruit called "mouse pulling wax gourd" when you were young? Welcome to leave a message and exchange!