
Efficacy and function of Moringa oleifera seed. Planting technology of Moringa oleifera. How to plant Moringa oleifera seed.

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Efficacy and function of Moringa oleifera seed. Planting technology of Moringa oleifera. How to plant Moringa oleifera seed.

Distribution of Origin of Moringa oleifera

Moringa is native to northern India, and there are about 14 varieties in the world, and there are also a large number of varieties grown in China. At present, the more commonly eaten varieties are traditional Indian Moringa, improved Indian Moringa and African Moringa (originally found only near Lake Turkana in Kenya and southwestern Ethiopia). Since Moringa is proved to be a plant with rich and high nutritional value, it has been developed in Europe, America, Japan and other countries. With its high protein, low lipid, high fiber, high vitamin content and special hypoglycemic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, heart-strengthening health care effect, it has become a new favorite in people's health food industry.

How to plant Moringa oleifera seeds?

1. Nursery bed preparation: select the land close to the planting site, calm wind and convenient water source, remove weeds, stones and other sundries, level the land, use red brick to build a sprouting bed with a length of about 600 × 80 × 40 cm, and then put it into the river sand with a thickness of 20-25 cm. A shading net of about 40% is set up above the seedbed, and the shade is 1.7 meters high, depending on the actual topography of the seedbed.

2. Seed treatment: remove defective seeds, immature seeds and moldy seeds before sowing, pour the selected seeds into the prepared potion and soak for 15 hours for 17 hours. Fungicides such as 800-1200 times liquid carbendazim, Luheng No. 2, Baijuqing and so on can be selected. When sowing, flatten the sand bed with a straight stick, press the seeds into the sand by hand, the spacing is about 2 cm, and the sowing depth is 1.5-2 cm. Too deep or too shallow will reduce the emergence rate. Sow the seeds with water, then cover them with agricultural film. The seeds of the same year can sprout in 5-7 days, and the seeds of the second and third years sprout 3-5 days later.

3. Raising seedlings in bags: the nutritive soil of Moringa oleifera seedlings bag is required to be fertile and loose. Use pure land, rotten high-quality organic fertilizer, calcium magnesium phosphorus and compound fertilizer according to the ratio of 100 ∶ 25 ∶ 3 ∶ 2, mix evenly and set aside. The specification of nutrition bag is 12 × 17 cm, and the seedling bed should be low moisture content, about 80 cm wide. The bagging requirements are tight and full. Put the nutrient bags containing nutritious soil on the seedbed, and the bags are close to each other. About a week after sowing into the sand bed, the seedlings began to unearth. when the cotyledons were just unfolded, they were moved into an arranged nutrition bag. Be very careful not to hurt any part of the seedlings. After planting, water thoroughly with 800 times Luheng 2 liquid or other fungicides as soon as possible.

4. Seedling management: after transplanting Moringa oleifera, 800 times Luheng No. 2 and other fungicides should be poured every 15 days, and observe insect pests at any time, spray medicine at the right time, sprinkle water frequently and keep the soil moist in the bag, but the water should not be too much to prevent rotting roots. When the seedlings grow to 5 or 6 leaves, the shading net can be removed, and the plant height can reach more than 40 cm in 4 weeks, which can be timely implanted into the field. If the seedlings are planted too late, the survival rate will be affected by the penetration of the main root into the bag.

Planting technique of Moringa oleifera

The main results are as follows: 1. Soil preparation and planting: direct seeding and seedling transplanting can be used when planting Moringa oleifera. In the direct seeding method, the seeds are sown directly in the planting hole, with 2 seeds in each hole and 1.5 cm in soil cover. A strong seedling can be selected after emergence. Seedling transplanting is the use of nutrition cup seedlings, transplanting attention to protect young roots, planting density should be determined according to the planting purpose, such as picking young leaves to eat the planting density can be higher, picking pods or seeds can be appropriately smaller.

2. Fertilizer and water management: the water demand of Moringa oleifera is not large, as long as the proper humidity is maintained during the seedling period, and proper irrigation is needed in the dry season to facilitate growth. Moringa oleifera is resistant to barren and generally can not be fertilized, but in order to promote growth and increase yield, fertilization is beneficial to the recovery of postpartum tree potential and overwintering. Before picking pods, 0.3% 0.5% compound fertilizer can be applied every 15 to 30 days, or organic fertilizer or kitchen ash can be dug around the plant. Shallow application and rotational application are suitable for young trees, and appropriate deep application for adult trees can be adopted, such as point application, strip ditch application and radial ditch fertilization.

3. Tree management: Moringa oleifera grows rapidly, generally growing up to 3-4 meters in the first year, so in order to increase branches and facilitate harvesting, the plant height is generally determined at about 0.5 meters, and then the plant will be shorter than 1 meter in winter every year. Young leaves can be harvested once every 15 days.

4. pest control: Moringa oleifera has strong resistance to all kinds of diseases and insect pests. From the domestic cultivation, there are mainly slight harm of butterfly larvae, red spiders, leaf miner and inchworm, which can be removed by hand or removed by medicine.

Planting value of Moringa oleifera

1. The whole plant of Moringa oleifera can be used, the root and bark are the raw materials of traditional medicine, and the tender leaves and pods are delicious and nutritious vegetables. the withered cake left after the seeds are rich in vegetable oil is a flocculant recommended by international environmental protection organizations for the purification of human and animal drinking water.

2. Moringa oleifera is considered to be effective in preventing and treating a variety of diseases in Indian traditional medicine. It has many functions, such as strengthening heart, promoting blood circulation, diuresis, helping digestion, helping sleep, invigorating spleen and stomach, eliminating garbage in the body and so on.

3. Moringa oleifera is rich in a variety of essential trace elements for the human body, which can supplement a variety of amino acids and minerals necessary for the human body, regulate the nutritional balance of the human body, enhance human immunity, improve the quality of life and diet, and promote physical and mental health. it can effectively prevent and combat all kinds of "rich diseases".

4. Moringa oleifera seed contains all the nutrients needed by the human body, which can replace multivitamins, calcium tablets and cod liver oil. it is very helpful in preventing diseases, improving sleep, enhancing memory and delaying aging. it is used to treat diseases in special parts such as liver, spleen, meridians and collaterals, and has good effects on hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, gout, etc., as well as improving sexual function, treating halitosis and sobering up alcohol.

5. Moringa oleifera not only has high value of medicine and food, but also has broad development prospects and high value potential in the fields of health products, cosmetics, medicine and industry.

Efficacy and function of Moringa oleifera seed

The taste is pungent, lukewarm and non-toxic.

The meridians of lung, heart and stomach.

1. Moringa oleifera seed is a pure natural green food, which contains all the nutrients needed by the human body, and can replace multivitamins, calcium tablets, cod liver oil, etc., and is a healthy food against malnutrition, which is called a miracle by western scientists.

2. Moringa oleifera seeds can improve skin quality and delay aging. For people with skin allergies and eczema, you can take two or three Moringa oleifera seeds on an empty stomach every morning and noon. If you stick to them for a period of time, you can improve the skin and relieve skin diseases.