
How to raise budgerigar?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, How to raise budgerigar?

Parrots are appreciated and loved by people because of their beautiful feathers and good at learning human language skills.

Peony, a little bigger than tiger skin, is extremely flexible, lively and curious, and its IQ may be the highest among Xuanfeng and below parrots, but it is swift and aggressive after estrus, and it will attack other parrots, especially after estrus. The cry is sharp and is the noisiest of the small parrots. But! It's so fucking cute! If you like blue and white, Biyun Sky, Pulan Grey head, Violet these are more suitable for you, you search and see, too cute, is fierce. My own is yellow peach and ink silver top, yellow peach hand raised extremely smart, ink silver is later matched, fierce, extremely aggressive.

Pacific Ocean, which is similar in size to tiger skin, has a short tail, green, blue and yellow, and the price is increasing. The picture is Blue Pacific. The gender of the Pacific Ocean mainly depends on whether there is cobalt blue hair on the back, a very beautiful color. Probably the quietest species of parrots, extremely clever, gentle and docile, I think it is very suitable to be a pet. Blue too character seems to be slightly worse than green too, personal experience, can not be sure.

Xuanfeng, a circle bigger than the above, is docile, clever, quiet, cute and blushing. Pet nature is good, there are common yellowing and primitive gray two colors, less whitening, high price. The disadvantage is that there is feather powder.

What's the other point?

1. The fun of parrots lies in their high IQ and good interaction. A relative's parrot brings you as much fun as cats and dogs, so it's best to buy a hand-raised parrot. If the above kinds of adult birds are bought and raised in cages, only the Pacific Ocean and Xuanfeng are more likely to slowly become relatives and clingy, and tiger skin is also possible, but the probability is small. Peony adult birds have not seen anyone raise relatives at present.

two。 So how do you get relatives, itchy birds? You can buy others to keep them weaned, or you can buy young birds to feed them yourself. The latter is not recommended for the first parrot. If you choose a challenge, be sure to do your homework and don't waste your life.

3. No matter which kind of raising, diet, common diseases, breeding common sense, please be sure to investigate clearly before starting. Keeping pets should be responsible for pets and start on a whim to harm people and birds. Small parrots will not last for a day or two. Only with experience and love in dealing with common diseases can parrots be raised well.

Budgerigar is a bird of the parrot family of the parrot order, also known as Jiaofeng, Caifeng, parrot, A Suer, skin, etc., lively and easy to domesticate. It is one of the most common pet birds in China. It is often the first parrot bought by many people who are interested in parrots, and it is also the species that most often appears in the bird exhibition. Let's take a look at how budgerigars are raised.

Breeding methods of budgerigar

1. Budgerigar usually reaches sexual maturity at the age of 4 months, begins estrus in May and June, and can reproduce when it is fully estrous. The male bird will feed the female bird, and the female bird may take the initiative to step on the back, or the male bird may take the initiative to put up the foot on the female bird's back and ask for the back. It can reproduce all the year round.

2. Budgerigar can generally lay 410 eggs per litter. The eggs are white and lay one egg every day or every other day. When laying the third egg, the female begins to sit and hatch. The hatching period is 18 days. Male and female parent birds raise their nestling together, and the nestling period is about 30 days. The female is more sensitive to external interference during the hatching period, so as to keep the environment quiet as far as possible, lest the parent birds abandon their nests after being frightened, affecting hatching and brooding.

3. The room temperature of breeding birds in winter should be kept above 20 ℃, the relative humidity should be 45-50%, and indoor ventilation should be maintained. The breeding peak period can reach 3-4 years, and then the reproduction rate decreases gradually. in order to purify and rejuvenate the breeding birds, the breeding birds should be renewed constantly, and the average life span is 7-10 years.

How to raise budgerigar?

1. Prepare a strong, big enough birdcage. Budgerigar's crooked beak is strong and advantageous, and prefers to bite on wood, so cages for budgerigar cannot be made of wood, but need to be made of strong wire. Adult budgerigars are larger, so the size of the cage should be slightly larger.

2. Budgerigar likes to eat seeds with shells. When preparing food for it, we should consider its favorite and nutritional content, and also need a reasonable mix. For example, parrots can be arranged with millet, millet, barnyard grass, Chinese cabbage, shredded carrots, apples and so on.

3. The budgerigar does not like to take a bath, and every time it comes to taking a bath, it is extremely uncooperative, so it is not a last resort, you can choose to use spray to clean the parrot. Budgerigar has a gorgeous feather, in order to ensure the beauty of the parrot and the color of its feathers, it can not be placed in the sun.

4. Although the budgerigar does not like to take a bath, the hygiene in its birdcage still needs to be cleaned in time, usually every 5-7 days to help it clean the bottom of the cage. The pots and water utensils in the birdcage need to be cleaned every day to keep the parrot's utensils clean and keep it away from bacteria.

Attention to feeding budgerigar

1. Cuttlefish bones cannot be fed in a vegetable market. The best way is to soak them in water for two days to remove some fishy smell and then dry them in the sun. It is found that some cuttlefish bones with excessive fishy smell do not eat either.

2. Don't give green vegetables every day. No matter how good the big head is, you can't stand it. My experience really tells me that this is the case. Two or three times a week is enough, and you'd better choose a sunny day to feed. Don't wash the vegetables and put them in the fridge and take them out for the birds to eat. Although the vegetables in the refrigerator are not easy to rot, they will still breed a lot of bacteria in the future.

3. Pockmarked people really get angry when they eat too much. One of the signs of getting angry is that they seem to be throwing up and the birds are dull. The master suggested that my oats are really good. It's good to feed less with millet at ordinary times. The shelled millet is good for the birds to eat and the family to clean the cage, but in fact, most of the shelled millet is removed from the germ when the machine is shelled, and the nutrition is not as good as the one with the shell. And buy millet, do not see the golden yellow feel good, be careful to be painted. Not sensational, the veterans told me that the general yellow is even close to the beige yellow is the most natural, and even some thin shavings are the best.

4. Egg millet can definitely be used. Don't always think of it as an aphrodisiac. Add some vitamins (good preservation, etc.) to mix with the egg yolk, dry in the shade or simply dry. If you usually add more nutrition, you will find that your bird will indeed be stronger. My little big heads were all in good shape after birth, except for baby fat, which is the function of egg millet.

Budgerigar feed at different stages

1. Tiger skin chicks: after the budgerigar comes out of its shell, the mother bird likes to give green vegetables to the birds. Therefore, it is recommended to eat green vegetables at 10:00 and 3pm every day to ensure the intake of the bird's staple food. Parrot feed preparation has a certain knack, not because it likes to eat what to feed, but should be a reasonable mix of feed.

① egg rice: 1 kg millet mixed with 4 egg yolks, the dosage generally accounts for 40% of the total feed.

② rice: Rice with rice husk is the best, rice seed coat small parrots like to eat, can supplement starch, protein, trace elements and a variety of vitamins, and can increase the chewing ability of the beak. The dosage generally accounts for 30% of the total feed.

③ millet: generally accounts for 1015% of the total feed.

Other ④: the rest can be fed with pockmarked seeds, paspalum seeds, melon seeds and so on. According to practical experience, it is better to feed 10-20 raw melon seeds every day.

2. Adult parrots: the mixed feed proportion of adult parrots is millet or millet 7 parts, barnyard 2 parts, Su seed 1 part. This mixed grain is suitable for feeding many kinds of small parrots, plus mineral feed, such as cuttlefish bones, shells and so on.

3. Self-owned feed: at present, pet stores have feed produced by many manufacturers, and the general nutrition collocation is relatively reasonable, so there is no need to rematch it by themselves, but if you usually like to prepare your own feed, you must pay attention to the reasonable allocation of nutrients in the feed.

① protein: protein is the main component of parrot muscle, nerve, blood, skin, viscera and feathers, etc., generally required content of about 1530%, depending on the actual demand. For example, the demand for young birds is relatively large.

② carbohydrates: carbohydrates are divided into nitrogen-free extract and crude fiber, too high fiber will have lower nutritional value, so that parrot growth slows down, too low will slow down intestinal activity, the general demand is 35%.

Conclusion: if it is the first time to raise a parrot, it may not be comprehensive, but the experience of taking care of budgerigar is gained from the actual process. As long as patient care and careful observation of budgerigar, I believe that you will also become a master breeder.