
What kind of food does budgerigar eat?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What kind of food does budgerigar eat?

Budgerigar is the most common pet bird in the world, with a wide variety, naughty and lovely, and is widely loved by the public. there are more than 5 million parrots in the world. they are often the first parrot bought by many people who are interested in parrots. It is also the most common species to appear in the bird show. Let's take a look at what the budgerigar eats.

What kind of food does budgerigar eat?

Wild budgerigars live in groups at forest edges and grasslands, and feed on plant seeds. They like to eat feed with shells, usually with millet, barnyardgrass, millet or egg millet, and feed green vegetables every day. Oyster powder or bone powder is used as a regular feed (you can also put a whole piece of cuttlefish bone in the cage to peck).

What can't budgerigar eat?

1. When buying a budgerigar, be sure to ask the bird seller what the tiger skin ate before, because when it is used to eating one kind of feed, give it another kind of feed and it will not eat it.

2. Fruits and vegetables should be fed regularly and quantitatively, not occasionally in large quantities, otherwise the tiger skin will cause diarrhea because it cannot be digested.

3. Just give the tiger skin tap water, if you think the tap water is not clean, plain boiled water is OK, but you can't drink the drink, because the drink is too sweet, it will cause over-nutrition!

Budgerigar feed at different stages

1. Tiger skin chicks: after the budgerigar comes out of its shell, the mother bird likes to give green vegetables to the birds. Therefore, it is recommended to eat green vegetables at 10:00 and 3pm every day to ensure the intake of the bird's staple food. Parrot feed preparation has a certain knack, not because it likes to eat what to feed, but should be a reasonable mix of feed.

① egg rice: 1 kg millet mixed with 4 egg yolks, the dosage generally accounts for 40% of the total feed.

② rice: Rice with rice husk is the best, rice seed coat small parrots like to eat, can supplement starch, protein, trace elements and a variety of vitamins, and can increase the chewing ability of the beak. The dosage generally accounts for 30% of the total feed.

③ millet: generally accounts for 10%-15% of the total feed.

Other ④: the rest can be fed with pockmarked seeds, paspalum seeds, melon seeds and so on. According to practical experience, it is better to feed 10-20 raw melon seeds every day.

2. Adult parrots: the mixed feed proportion of adult parrots is millet or millet 7 parts, barnyard 2 parts, Su seed 1 part. This mixed grain is suitable for feeding many kinds of small parrots, plus mineral feed, such as cuttlefish bones, shells and so on.

3. Self-owned feed: at present, pet stores have feed produced by many manufacturers, and the general nutrition collocation is relatively reasonable, so there is no need to rematch it by themselves, but if you usually like to prepare your own feed, you must pay attention to the reasonable allocation of nutrients in the feed.

① protein: protein is the main component of parrot muscle, nerve, blood, skin, viscera and feathers, etc., generally required content of about 1530%, depending on the actual demand. For example, the demand for young birds is relatively large.

② carbohydrates: carbohydrates are divided into nitrogen-free extract and crude fiber, too high fiber will have lower nutritional value, so that parrot growth slows down, too low will slow down intestinal activity, the general demand is 35%.

③ fat: fat is a high-energy substance and is the basic element that makes up cells. Fat can also help digest fat-soluble vitamins. If the fat content is too low, it may affect the absorption of vitamins A, D, E, K, etc., and the fat demand is generally about 1: 5%.

Note: budgerigar's calcium supplement is mainly in its estrus, if you do not supplement calcium at this time, it will reduce the number of eggs laid, and it will do more harm to the body of the bird. In the bird store, there is a special thing called cuttlebone, which is actually cuttlefish bone, which is specially used to supplement calcium to birds. It is very cheap and can also be bought in a herbal medicine shop. This kind of food can be put directly into a cage and eaten by the budgerigar itself, or it can be broken up and mixed with the food it eats, and it can be fed once or twice a week. If you can't buy cuttlefish bones, you can go to the local flower, bird, fish and insect market and buy some health care sand to supplement the eggshell to supplement trace elements. If you don't use health care sand, you can use eggshells directly.