
Efficacy and function of asparagus

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Efficacy and function of asparagus

Asparagus is one of the top ten famous dishes in the world, also known as asparagus. Asparagus is known as "king of vegetables" in the international market. Asparagus is rich in a variety of amino acids, proteins and vitamins, which are higher than those in general fruits and vegetables, especially asparagine and trace elements selenium, molybdenum, chromium and manganese in asparagus. It has the effect of regulating body metabolism and improving body immunity, and can be used in the prevention and treatment of hypertension, heart disease, leukemia, blood cancer, edema and cystitis. It has strong inhibitory effect and pharmacological effect.

Edible value of asparagus

1. Low sugar, low fat, high fiber and high vitamins. This feature is also the requirement of modern nutrition for health food. The tender stem of asparagus contains 93.2% water, 1.7% protein, 3.0% protein, low fat, only 0.2%, and crude fiber 1.0%. The vitamin content is very high, the average content of vitamin C is 41.4mg / 100g, which is 5 times higher than that of garlic, the content of vitamin B1 is 80,92.5 μ g / 100g, and vitamin An is 1.5 times that of carrots, reaching 29400 international units.

2. Amino acid composition of protein. The content of amino acid is high and the proportion is appropriate. Especially in all amino acids, the content of aspartic acid is as high as 1.826%, accounting for 13.23% of the total amino acids, which plays an important role in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases and urinary system diseases.

3. Asparagus contains a variety of essential elements and trace elements. The contents of a large number of elements such as calcium, phosphorus, potassium and iron are very high; trace elements such as zinc, copper, manganese, selenium and chromium are all and in an appropriate proportion, which play an important role in the prevention and treatment of cancer and heart disease. Nutritionists and vegetarians believe that it is a healthy food and a comprehensive anti-cancer food.

The efficacy of asparagus

Asparagus tastes delicious, tastes refreshing and delicious, can increase appetite and help digestion, is a kind of high-grade and expensive green food. Regular consumption of asparagus has a certain effect on diseases such as hypertension, fatigue, edema, obesity and so on.

1. The quality of protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and trace elements in asparagus is better than that of ordinary vegetables, but the calorie content is lower.

two。 Asparagus contains the right amount of vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, the green main stem contains more vitamin A than the white one, people on a limited sodium diet should avoid canned asparagus. Because it contains a lot of sodium.

3. Asparagus also contains a lot of asparagine, aspartic acid and other aspartic saponins. Asparaginase is a drug for the treatment of leukemia.

The function of asparagus

1. The king of anti-cancer: asparagus contains rich selenium, the king of anticancer elements, which prevents the division and growth of cancer cells, inhibits the vitality of carcinogens and accelerates detoxification, even reverses cancer cells, stimulates the immune function of the body, and promotes the formation of antibodies. Improve the resistance to cancer; coupled with the strengthening effect of folic acid and nucleic acid, can effectively control the growth of cancer cells. Asparagus has a special effect on bladder cancer, lung cancer and skin cancer, and has a certain effect on almost all cancers.

2. Heat-clearing and diuretic: for people who are easy to get angry and suffer from high blood pressure, asparagus can clear heat and diuresis, and there are many benefits of eating more.

3, promote fetal brain development: for pregnant women, asparagus folic acid content is more, often eating asparagus contributes to fetal brain development.

4. Good medicine for food materials: regular consumption can eliminate fatigue, reduce blood pressure, improve cardiovascular function, increase appetite, improve metabolic capacity, and improve immunity. It is a kind of high nutrition and health care vegetable.

Avoid the crowd of asparagus

1. Suitable for eating: patients with hypertension, hyperlipidemia, cancer and arteriosclerosis are suitable for consumption; at the same time, it is also the first choice for people with weak physique, deficiency of qi and blood, malnutrition, anemia, obesity, habitual constipation, liver insufficiency, nephritis edema and urinary tract calculi.

2. Avoid food: people with gout should not eat too much.