
What are the practices of asparagus _ planting techniques of asparagus _ nutritional value of asparagus

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What are the practices of asparagus _ planting techniques of asparagus _ nutritional value of asparagus

Nutritional value of asparagus

Asparagus is rich in a variety of amino acids, proteins and vitamins, and its content is higher than that of ordinary fruits and vegetables, especially asparagine and trace elements selenium, molybdenum, chromium and manganese in asparagus, which can regulate body metabolism and improve body immunity. it has strong inhibitory and pharmacological effects in the prevention and treatment of hypertension, heart disease, leukemia, blood cancer, edema and cystitis. Contains 75 kilojoules of energy, 93 grams of moisture, 1.4 grams of protein, 0.1 grams of fat, 1.9 grams of dietary fiber, 3 grams of carbohydrates, 100 micrograms of carotene, 17 micrograms of retinol equivalent, 0.04 milligrams of thiamine, 0.05 milligrams of riboflavin, 0.7 milligrams of nicotinic acid, 45 milligrams of vitamin C, 213 milligrams of potassium, 3.1 milligrams of sodium, 10 milligrams of calcium, 10 milligrams of magnesium, 1.4 milligrams of iron, Manganese 0.17 mg, zinc 0.4 mg, copper 0.07 mg, phosphorus 42 mg, selenium 0.21 mg Stems and leaves also contain rutin, quercetin and other substances that protect vascular elasticity.

Growth habits of asparagus

1. Temperature: asparagus has strong adaptability to temperature. it can be cultivated from subcold zone to subtropical zone, but it is most suitable for temperate cultivation with distinct seasons and pleasant climate. In the alpine zone, when the temperature is ~ 33 ℃ and the thickness of permafrost reaches 1 meter, it can still survive the winter safely, although the yield is low, but the quality is good. The initial germination temperature of asparagus seeds was 5 ℃, and the optimum temperature was 25-30 ℃, which was higher than 30 ℃. The germination rate and germination energy decreased obviously.

2. Soil: asparagus is suitable for sandy loam rich in organic matter, and grows well on the fertile soil with loose soil, deep soil layer, fertilizer and water conservation and good air permeability. Asparagus can tolerate mild saline-alkali, but when the soil salt content is more than 0.2%, the plant development is significantly affected, the absorbing roots atrophy, the stems and leaves are thin and weak, and gradually die. Asparagus has strong adaptability to soil acidity and alkalinity. All soils with pH between 5.5 and 7.8 can be cultivated, and pH6~6.7 is the most suitable.

3. Moisture: asparagus has low transpiration, well-developed root system and relatively drought tolerance. However, if it is too dry in the bamboo shoot harvest period, it will inevitably lead to the thinness of the tender stem, the retraction of the growth bud and the serious reduction of yield. Asparagus is extremely intolerant to waterlogging, and stagnant water will lead to root rot and death, so the planted land should be highly dry and pay attention to drainage in the rainy season.

Efficacy and function of asparagus

1. Clear the mouth and clear the mouth: when the Spring Festival, visits by relatives or banquets are intensive, big fish and meat, and all kinds of seafood are already greasy, a plate of green asparagus will definitely be the best on the table. Green asparagus is colorful and rich in vitamins and cellulose. It can remove grease and promote defecation.

2. Reducing fat and losing weight: asparagus has the characteristics of low sugar, low fat and high fiber. There are also rich trace elements, although its protein content is not high, but the proportion of amino acids is appropriate, weight loss food has the role of reducing fat and promoting weight loss.

3. Prevention and treatment of diseases: asparagine contained in asparagus has many special physiological effects on the human body, such as hydrolysis to produce aspartic acid, which can improve metabolism, eliminate fatigue and enhance physical strength. it also has a certain preventive and therapeutic effect on hypertension, heart disease, edema, glomerulonephritis, anemia, arthritis and so on. In addition, manganese in asparagus can improve fat metabolism and reduce cholesterol, chromium can prevent atherosclerosis, and molybdenum can block the synthesis of nitrite, which is harmful to human body.

4. Reducing blood lipids: the experiment proved that Kunming mice were fed with high-fat diet to induce hyperlipidemia, and at the same time, the effects of asparagus on experimental hyperlipidemia were observed. The results show that asparagus can inhibit the increase of blood lipids and liver lipids and has a certain therapeutic effect on hyperlipidemia animals.

5. Anti-cancer and anti-cancer: asparagus has curative effect on many types of cancer. This is mainly because its rich histone can make cells grow normally and has the function of preventing cancer cells from spreading. Selenium can eliminate all kinds of harmful free radicals produced in the body and inhibit the activity of carcinogens. Asparaginase has been recognized to have the function of preventing and treating cancer and leukemia.

Common practice of asparagus

1. Asparagus salad

[materials] 10 asparagus, 1 tablespoon peanut oil, 1 tablespoon sesame oil, 1 tablespoon light soy sauce, 1 tablespoon sugar, 1 tablespoon salt, 2 cloves of garlic, chopped

[practice] wash ① asparagus, remove the roots, blanch them in boiling water for one minute, then pour a tablespoon of salt into boiling water. After a minute of ②, remove the asparagus and soak it in cold water for one minute. After taking it out, cut it into two pieces and put it on a plate. ③ in a small bowl, mix light soy sauce, sugar and sesame oil. Heat the peanut oil in the ④ pan (not too hot), add chopped garlic and deep-fry for a second (don't fry). Immediately pour the oil into a small bowl of mixture, stir and pour over the asparagus.

2. Bacon asparagus roll

[materials] 500 grams of western-style milk bacon, 200 grams of minced shrimp, 250 grams of asparagus, 200 grams of refined oil and proper amount of cornflour.

[practice] ① cut western-style milk bacon into 12 cm long, spread it flat on the board, sprinkle with a little dried cornflour, and spread it evenly with minced shrimps. ② rolls asparagus with bacon, deep-fry asparagus in 50% hot oil, pour into a leaky spoon and drain oil. Place asparagus roll in the pot and quickly turn the juice into the pan to serve.

3. White asparagus seafood pastry soup

[material] White bamboo shoot head, 1 chicken bone, 1 bacon, 2 potatoes, 100 grams of cream, 2 egg yolks, right amount of salt, right amount of pepper, right amount of Brazil, hot seafood.

[practice] ① chicken bones fly in boiling water, then prepare pot water, boil water, chicken bones and white bamboo shoots head, make soup together. Heat the cream in the ② pot, add the bacon and stir-fry, pour in the ① soup and add the potatoes to the heat and cook for 30 minutes. ③ remove the ingredients from the pot and part of the soup, put into the blender and beat into the mud, egg yolk with whipped cream, beat into the egg, pour into the soup and stir well. ④ add the scalded seafood and season with a little salt and pepper before bringing to the boil. ⑤ scoop the soup into a western soup bowl, sprinkle it in Brazil, cover the bowl with frozen pastry and press it. Brush egg juice over the pastry and sprinkle with black sesame seeds. Bake until the pastry is golden and bulge.

Planting techniques of asparagus

1. Seedling raising time: asparagus seedlings in open field can be sown from early April to early August, and seedling raising in small arch shed can be carried out in early March. The asparagus seedling land should choose the sandy soil with fertile soil, good air permeability and good drainage and irrigation conditions, and select the land with few weeds, especially the perennial weeds.

2. Seed treatment: asparagus seed has a thick skin and a thick layer of wax, so it is not easy to absorb water. It must be soaked and treated with chemicals before sowing. Before sowing, soak in 25 ℃ warm water for 3 to 5 days, change water once or twice a day, wait for the seeds to absorb enough water, mix them with fine sand, put them in a container, cover them with a wet towel, accelerate germination under the condition of 25 ℃, turn twice a day, and sow seeds after 5 days of exposure.

3. Seed sowing: asparagus seedling transplanting is the most commonly used method in production, which is convenient for careful management at seedling stage, high seedling emergence rate and less seed consumption, which can shorten the root cultivation period in the field and improve the land utilization rate. Usually, about 10% of the seeds can be sown when they sprout. Before sowing, the nursery should apply sufficient basic fertilizer and make a flat bed 1.1 meters wide. The sowing depth is determined according to the air temperature, and the sowing density is 10 × 10 cm.

4. Planting technology: asparagus is deeply turned and leveled before planting, and the north-south trench is opened according to the row spacing of 1.5m. The ditch is 40 cm wide and 40 cm deep. 5000 kg of high-quality organic fertilizer and 50 kg of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer are applied per mu in the ditch, which is mixed with soil. The planting ditch should be watered and compacted. The planting time is generally in the first ten days of May, when the age of asparagus seedlings reaches 60-70 days, with 4-5 strong seedlings and a plant height of 15-20 cm, the row spacing is 150-160 cm and the plant spacing is 35-40 cm.

5. Seedling watering: asparagus seedlings should be checked and watered one month after planting, enough bottom water should be poured to ensure survival, and directional planting should still be paid attention to. Asparagus is relatively resistant to drought, but timely watering is a necessary condition for high yield of asparagus. Watering seedlings in time after planting, covering soil after water infiltration, and watering in time according to weather conditions and soil moisture changes. The temperature is high and the water consumption is high in summer and autumn, so it is necessary to ensure that the soil has enough water to ensure the normal growth of plants. Pour overwintering water before freezing in winter so that asparagus can survive the winter safely.

6. reasonable topdressing: light fertilizer should be applied frequently at the initial stage of asparagus planting to promote the early development of seedlings. Fertilization should be applied once each time after loosening the soil and weeding and before the emergence of new stems, and it is better to apply fertilizer with rotten fresh manure water, or 5 kg compound fertilizer per mu. Apply autumn fertilizer once after autumn, 250 kg / mu of organic biological fertilizer, or 10kg / mu of compound fertilizer, or corresponding urea and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, and end fertilization in late October. After entering the bamboo shoot picking period, we can increase the times and amount of topdressing, according to the situation, we can open ditches and topdressing with the water.

7. disease control: the main diseases of asparagus are stem blight and brown spot, and the main control methods are agricultural control, so as to thoroughly clean up the countryside in winter and spring, apply more organic fertilizer and potassium fertilizer, promote plant health, enhance disease resistance, and remove stagnant water in the field in time. Reduce groundwater and field humidity, control disease conditions. Medicament control 75% chlorothalonil 600 times, 70% methyl topiramate 800 times solution or using Bohr liquid, carbendazim and other agents to control stem blight.

8, pest control: asparagus mainly includes ground tiger, mole cricket, golden needle worm, grub, clean up the garden, eradicate weeds, and strictly prohibit the use of uncooked farm manure. It was found that the pests could be dissolved with 50 grams of trichlorfon crystals and mixed with 5 kilograms of fried corn flour to make poison bait, sprinkled in the pest area, about 25 grams per small pile, or irrigated with phoxim 1000 times.