
Culture technology of stone frog _ nutritional value of stone frog

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Culture technology of stone frog _ nutritional value of stone frog

The growth habits of stone frog "/ >

Growth habits of stone frog

Stone frogs like to live in caves under damp, quiet, light, near water and shady rock walls, have the habit of living in groups and foraging at night, are active at night, are weak and stable at ordinary times, and are active frequently in the peak breeding period. they like to eat earthworms, maggots, grasshoppers, ants, Loach, river crabs, mole crickets and other live baits, which are cold-blooded and variable-temperature animals. When the water temperature drops to 10 ℃, they enter hibernation. The hibernation period is about 4 months, and the weight will be moderately reduced after hibernation. Generally, estrus begins in April, with 1000-3000 eggs per ovulation. Frog eggs usually hatch into tadpoles in 8-20 days. Tadpoles like to live in large rock crevices or gravel piles in stream pits. In a suitable environment, they generally become young frogs after 60-75 days of growth.

Nutritional value of stone frog

Stone frog has flat medicine and sweet taste, entering the three meridians of heart, lung and kidney, which can nourish strength, nourish yin and reduce fire, clear the heart and moisten the lung, relieve fatigue and replenish deficiency, strengthen muscles and bones, and fill essence and latent yang. it has a very good effect on the sore and weak waist and knees, five-heart irritation and heat caused by yin deficiency, as well as postpartum body deficiency, tuberculosis hemoptysis, night sweats, neurasthenia and so on.

1. Stone frog is rich in high protein, a variety of vitamins and minerals, especially proline and alanine.

2. Stone frog contains enough natural glutamic acid, the meat quality is extremely delicious, the protein content is also very high, the fat is on the low side, is the most ideal nourishing yin and eliminating heat delicious mountain treasure.

3. Stone frog tadpoles can keep black hair on the face, clear poison and clear sores, and frog eggs have the function of clear eyes.

4. Modern medical research shows that stone frog plays a certain role in the treatment of cancer, and it is also found that the skin and flesh of frog contains bradykinin which can make human uterus contract, which has a wonderful effect on postpartum recovery.

Aquaculture techniques "/ >

Culture techniques of stone frog

1. Culture environment: the quality of the environment directly affects the growth, development and reproduction of stone frogs, and frog ponds are not restricted by locations. generally speaking, the breeding site should be selected in places with good water quality, convenient drainage and irrigation, quiet environment, warm in winter and cool in summer, not drought and waterlogging, convenient management, anti-escape and damage prevention, frog ponds can be built indoors or outdoors, indoor ventilation, cool, no direct sunlight, outdoor frog ponds can be built under the Arbor.

2. Incubation preparation: frog planting ponds and hatching ponds should be built in dark, quiet and good water quality places with an area of 2-3 square meters. The pool should be thoroughly disinfected and washed and put in clean water, the water depth should be kept at about 20 centimeters, it is best to put some stones and fresh water plants.

3, breeding and spawning: stone frogs usually begin to mate and lay eggs above 20 ℃ in April. The female / male ratio of breeding frogs is 1:1, and the density is 15-20 per square meter. Breeding frogs usually hug each other after 21:00 at night. The female frogs lay eggs at 4-7 a.m. and the eggs are usually attached to aquatic plants, stones and pool walls.

4. Artificial hatching: observe and check the frog pond every morning. if there are any frog eggs, they can be gently fished out after 8 am and placed on the hatching plate in the hatching pond. In the process of hatching, a small amount of water should flow to ensure that it is clean. The water temperature is controlled between 15-30 ℃ and the pH value is 6-8. A clutch (500-1000 eggs) is in a pool. Generally, the black spot of the fertilized egg becomes larger half an hour after spawning, the embryo is striped at 7 days, the tadpoles are basically formed at 9 days, and the membrane is broken to form tadpoles after 15 days. The hatching rate is more than 85%.

5. Tadpole feeding: tadpole growth can be divided into four stages.

The initial stage of ① growth: the initial growth stage is usually 1-10 days old. Tadpoles grow up gradually by energy in eggs in the first 3 days after breaking the membrane. After foraging, the outer membrane of eggs and unfertilized eggs are the main food.

The early growth stage of ②: the early growth stage is usually 10-20 days old. When the tadpoles are born 10 days later, the food intake increases, but the digestive function is weak. High-protein flowing juice bait, such as egg yolk and soybean milk, should be fed regularly once a day. Generally, 1500 tadpoles are fed with one egg yolk, and then increase gradually.

③ growth metaphase: the middle growth period is usually 20-55 days old, during this period, with the continuous enhancement of the digestive function of tadpoles, in order to promote the development of digestive organs as soon as possible and adapt to the "herbivorous" biological characteristics of amphibian tadpole stage, after 20 days old, it is necessary to gradually reduce or stop the amount of high-protein juice feed, and gradually change to cooked plant and algal feed, such as potato stems and leaves, melon fruit leaves, rice and fresh water grass. The feed residue in the pond should be removed every day to ensure that the pool water is not polluted.

④ late growth period: the later growth period is usually 55-75 days old, this period is also called metamorphosis period, tadpoles enter metamorphosis period after 55 days old, grow hindlimb, forelimb and tail respectively, should be particularly careful and considerate in management, must achieve graded feeding, shallow and fresh water, half of land and water, convenient landing, dim light, quiet environment, in order to create an ecological environment suitable for tadpole metamorphosis.

6. Feeding of young frogs: the newly abnormal young frogs are small and weak in resistance, and should be managed. Active feeds such as small fly maggots, small yellow powder worms, and small maggots should be added every evening, depending on the situation of feeding. With the increase of young frog intake, the feeding amount should be gradually increased to achieve a little surplus. The feeding table should be cleaned every morning and often disinfected, so as not to deteriorate and pollute the pool water. It is necessary to raise young frogs according to their size, and the density is generally 100-300 per square meter. a gauze cover is added at the top of the frog pond to prevent escape and rodent damage.

7. Safe overwintering: the overwintering of tadpoles can be carried out indoors, keeping a water depth of 20 cm when overwintering, using anti-freezing measures such as regular running water, frog pond cover, heat preservation and so on. The hibernating depth of young frogs is generally about 15 cm, and it is appropriate not to submerge the cave, and leave a certain amount of land. In case of low temperature and freezing weather, there should also be thermal insulation and anti-freezing measures covered with plastic film. When overwintering, the environment should be kept quiet to prevent enemy damage and prevent the water quality from getting worse.

A complete Collection of Stone Frog's practices

1. Stewed stone frog in clear stew

[materials] 250g stone frog, 100g pork (fat and thin), 50g Lentinus edodes (fresh), 5g ginger, 20g spring onions, 4g salt, 2g chicken oil, 1g monosodium glutamate.

① cut off the head cover of 4 stone frogs weighing about 250g, cut off the viscera, cut off the claws, washed and dried. ② fat and lean meat is cut into long strips 3.6cm long and 0.6cm wide. ③ Lentinus edodes pedicel, rinse, ginger onion rinse, onion green onion cut into sections, ginger slice. ④ take a stew bowl, put the meat in the middle of the bowl, cover with shiitake mushrooms, stone frog back up, put around the meat, pour 250ml of fresh soup, add salt, ginger slices, scallion, monosodium glutamate, steam in the cage. Steam ⑤ until crispy, remove, pick out sliced ginger and white onions, sprinkle with chicken oil and serve.

[skill] the steaming technique is adopted, the heating time should be long, and medium heat should be used after aeration.

2. Clear boiled stone frog soup

[materials] 500 grams of stone frog and 0.5 grams of sesame oil.

[practice] ① stone frogs are decapitated, eviscerated, not peeled, and cut into small pieces. ② first stir-fry in a frying pan and sprinkle with sesame oil. ③ then add water and simmer in the pan for about half an hour. ④ can be eaten by adding proper amount of salt before starting the pot.

3. Steamed stone frog

[materials] 500 grams of stone frog, 1.5 grams of salt, 15 grams of cooking wine, a little onion, ginger and monosodium glutamate.

[practice] ① cut the eviscerated frog into 4 pieces and put it into a soup bowl to form the original shape. ② add the above seasoning, cover the bowl and steam for half an hour.

4. Fried Frog leg with Green Pepper

[materials] 300g frog leg, 200g green pepper, 30g spring onion, ginger, garlic, 20g cooking wine, proper amount of refined salt, monosodium glutamate, water starch and vegetable oil.

[practice] ① frog leg is cut into 2 cm long pieces, with a small amount of refined salt and liquor paste. ② onions, ginger and garlic into small pieces. ③ uses refined salt, monosodium glutamate and water starch to match the juice. Cut ④ green pepper into 2 cm long sections. Heat the ⑤ pot, put the right amount of oil, stir-fry the frog legs in the pan, then put the green pepper, spring onions, ginger and garlic into the pan, stir-fry slightly, cook into the juice, and stir-fry.

[skill] put some fresh fruit in the cloth bag before steaming and take it out after the dish is finished, the effect is better.

5. Sauce-scented stone frog pot

[material] 1000 grams of stone frog, right amount of oil, 1 spring onion, 1 garlic.

[method] ① stone frogs are chopped and marinated with ginger powder, salt, pepper and cooking wine for 15 minutes. ② onion and cut into pieces, garlic chopped and peeled. Stir chives and garlic in ③ pan. Pour ④ into the marinated stone frog. ⑤ is seasoned with salt, light soy sauce, soybean paste, sweet noodle sauce, yellow lantern hot sauce, vinegar and so on. Pour ⑥ into the pot, add a small amount of water and simmer for 20 minutes. Bring to the boil.

[skill] be sure to cook it thoroughly. You'd rather overcook it than eat parasites.