
Ye Zihua | Family cultivation method of Triangle Plum

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Triangular plum is not only a common ornamental plant in the south, but also the city flower of many cities in South China. If you live in the south, you may be tired of it, but it actually has a variety of faces you can't imagine, and it can become a fresh miniature in a flowerpot.

Triangular plum is not only a common ornamental plant in the south, but also the city flower of many cities in South China. If you live in the south, you may be tired of it, but it actually has a variety of faces you can't imagine, and it can become a fresh miniature flower tree in a flowerpot.

The real three flowers of triangular plum are very inconspicuous, but the three bracts outside are big and bright. This is a "golden heart two-color" variety, not only the leaf axis near the macula, bracts are also white and purple staggered, very good-looking.

Flowers are not flowers, stamens are not stamens

Triangular plum, also known as Ye Zihua, is native to South America. At first glance, it has purplish red flowers, three petals and three yellow stamens. In fact, the "petal" is its bract, and the "stamen" is the real flower. Because the flowers are unremarkable, triangulated plums use bright bracts to attract pollinating insects. Bracts also have double petals, which are denser and more lively than single ones. Generally speaking, you can only see the most common red and purple varieties in the flower market, and it is best to buy other varieties online.

Triangular plums of various colors.

The rescue of a false alarm

Seeing the dazzling array of "Saner" on the Internet, I was excited and hurriedly ordered several trees. But when the goods arrived, I was not at home for a few days. When I got it, I found that the young seedlings withered their heads and drooped their heads one by one. When touched, all the leaves fell off! The rescue operation started immediately, soaking in water overnight, and then planting peat soil mixed with perlite and slow-release fertilizer the next day, and then ruthlessly cutting off all the branches with flowers-although you can't see the flowers for the time being, they can save nutrition and let the plants recover as soon as possible. Then put them in a cool and ventilated place and spray water every day to keep the branches moist. Ha ha! The saplings really slowed down one by one and grew new leaves. When I changed the basin a month later, I was pleasantly surprised to find that the root system grew all over the bottom of the basin.

The seedlings that have just come into the pot can first cut off the branches with flowers, reduce the loss of water and nutrition, and help the seedlings to restore their vitality.

Keeping warm in winter is the most important.

Most triangular plums, away from warm places such as Guangzhou and Xiamen, must be protected in winter. Therefore, throughout the winter, my triangular plum is hiding in the closed balcony, the balcony window is closed most of the time, if it is just bought Xiaomao, but also move into a warmer indoor, double care. Stronger individuals can let go and move out to bask in the sun on a sunny winter day.

In Yunnan during the Spring Festival, even though the big trees have lost their leaves, triangular plums are still in full bloom. Further north, however, triangulated plums will spend the winter indoors.

When spring comes, you will be busy.

After a winter of dormancy, spring came, and I moved the flowers out of the balcony. After enjoying the pure natural sun and rain, the "mistresses" are in high spirits and begin to grow new buds. This is the key time to shape the plant type. Triangular plum is a "changeable beauty". If you like the flower wall, let it grow with its temper and give full play to its vine nature. If I want to turn it into a low tree, I have to "pinch the top", that is, when the new bud grows to 6 leaves, pinch off the top 2 and leave 4, which will stimulate the formation of more new leaf buds. Then repeat this process, making the branches dense and short, forming small shrubs. You can also remove all the branches at the bottom, pinch the top constantly and grow into a gorgeous "lollipop" shape. With a little more advanced technology, it can also be trimmed into the shape of a 30cm high dragon claw locust, making it a miniature bonsai on the palm.

The branches after pinching the top have sprouted new buds from the "leaf axils", so that one branch will become several branches, making the plant type plump up.

Through pruning, the triangular plum can be molded into a miniature "flower tree".

If you want to see the flowers, control the water first.

In the north of Guangdong and Fujian, the flowering period of triangular plum is in autumn. But the mistresses have a "masochistic tendency": when there is enough water, they just grow leaves and do not blossom, and they have to work until they are dying, so they feel that they have to leave offspring before they die, so that they are willing to bloom. So if you want to see flowers in autumn, you have to control the water in advance.

Water control can begin in mid-August. When watering, only give half the original water, and after watering once, the leaves are slightly wilted and then watered again, this degree should be grasped by yourself. It doesn't matter if you can't control it once in a while. If you dry it, you'll lose two more leaves. If you get wet, you'll blossom later at most. It's always impossible to be perfect, isn't it?

The degree of water control varies with different varieties. For example, varieties such as "green-leaf cherry blossoms" and "silver-edged light purple" are born with many flowers, so they no longer need to promote flowers by controlling water, while single-petal "red" and "leafy purple" varieties must be "fierce" in order to have a good effect. Sunbathing poles are all right, but then they will be full of flowers.

In addition, it should be noted that fertilization should be stopped in the stage of water control, because the plants are too weak to withstand the "big tonic".


After some "abuse", the cool autumn came, and the triangular plum began to blossom one after another. From then on, watering and fertilization will return to normal.

Triangular plum seems to have endless energy at this time, from early autumn, as long as the lowest temperature is not lower than 5 ℃, the flowers will bloom one after another, even until spring! In the season of desolate trees, triangular plums will create a world full of flowers and vitality in your home. On the half-meter-high small tree, the flowers and bracts are densely crowded, and even the green leaves are blocked. This is the most beautiful moment for miniature flowers and trees! In spring, although it is still blooming, but at this time, all kinds of flowers are in full bloom, it is not bad for its flowers, it is better to pinch the top and prune the branches, let it rest and leave it in full bloom until next autumn!

In the golden autumn of harvest, enjoy the surprise brought by the triangle plum blossom tree!