
Don't be afraid of the rotten roots of orchids. I'll teach you how to prevent orchids from dying.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, In the process of cultivating orchids, we often find that orchids die easily, leaving only a few dead piles or death. We always feel that it is difficult to cultivate orchids and there are no other flowers for green planting. In fact, orchids are actually.

In the process of cultivating orchids, we often find that orchids die easily, leaving only a few dead piles or death. We always feel that it is difficult to raise orchids, and there are no other flowers that can be planted green. In fact, orchids are actually very easy to raise. It is just that we have not found a method and mastered the growth habits of orchids. If we master the growth habits of orchids, it is very easy to raise orchids well. Most of the reasons why we can't raise orchids or die well are caused by the rot of orchid root.

The rotten root of orchid is a very headache problem. Without finding out the reason, it will repeat every year. Only by finding out the cause of rotten root of orchid, can we improve our planting environment or cultivation technology, cultivate orchid well, and don't be afraid when the rotten root of orchid appears. I teach everyone to remedy it and bring the orchid back to life!

The root system of orchid is different from that of other plants, it belongs to aerial root, the root needs to breathe and cannot accumulate water, and the stagnant orchid root has no way to breathe fresh air, which can easily lead to rotten rot. if the orchid root is rotten, the orchid cannot get nutrients and will die slowly, and many people cannot raise the orchid well because they do not understand this characteristic of the orchid root

The rotten roots of orchids are generally caused by the following reasons:

1. Caused by the use of the wrong orchid soil

When we plant orchids, we must break through the concept of soil. We must choose professional orchid plants instead of soil. (orchid plants here refer to what we often call orchid soil, and the professional term is orchid plants.) because the soil is impervious, it is easy to harden after watering, and it is easy to accumulate water. in such an environment, the roots of orchids can not breathe and slowly rot, so it is difficult to raise orchids with soil. We must pay attention to this point, we should choose granular or breathable plant materials, such as: stones, bricks, tiles, sand, chestnut leaves, pine bark, willow bark, etc., which are easy for everyone to get. You can also go online to buy some professional orchid plants to grow, such as: pine chestnut king, gold planting stone, snake wood and so on!

2. Frequent watering, caused by too much watering

Orchids can not be watered frequently, because the roots of orchids do not like stagnant water, like semi-dry, plant materials are moist but not wet, do not dry, water thoroughly, do not water half of the water, let the pot soil dry and wet, the roots are too wet, do not spray water on the leaves of orchids in hot summer, it is easy to cause the leaves to blacken, watering time in spring, autumn, winter temperature is not high season can be watered in the morning. The summer season with high temperature should be watered at night, not in the morning and afternoon, because the transpiration of leaves with high temperature is very strong, sudden watering will quickly destroy the tissue in the orchid and cause the orchid to wilt and rot!

3. Caused by freezing injury

In cold winter, the leaves and roots of orchids should be cultured indoors when the temperature is below 0 ℃, otherwise the leaves and roots of orchids are easy to frostbite. When the water content in the plant material is high, the roots of orchids will be frozen directly into popsicles, causing serious damage to the root tissue and causing the roots of orchids to rot. You need to wait for the temperature to rise above 0 ℃ before putting them outside for breeding.

4. Caused by diseases and insect pests

Orchids need to kill insects and bacteria regularly. There are two main pathogens of orchids: one is fungi, a kind of bacteria, the soft rot caused by bacteria when the leaves rot and stink at the base of the leaves, and the soft rot caused by bacteria that needs to be prevented and treated with anti-bacterial drugs. the stem rot caused by fungi is caused by fungi at the base of the leaves from the outside to the inside and yellowing upward, which needs to be prevented by fungicides. It is found that when it is late, there is basically no cure, which will lead to Reed head rot and rotting roots. the wounds left by insect bites can easily let germs enter through the wounds and become infected, so pest control should be carried out regularly, especially in summer, not carelessly!

5. Caused by improper fertilization

Novice orchids should not apply fertilizer or less fertilizer as far as possible. Orchids do not have a high demand for fertilizer. They mainly rely on bacteria to grow. Leaves can also get water and nutrients from the air. Improper fertilization is easy to cause fertilizer and rotten roots. If you really want to apply fertilizer, you should choose efficient and safe slow-release fertilizer, and keep it away from the roots of orchids!

Do not panic, do not be afraid, according to the methods I taught you above to prevent orchids, so that orchids no longer die, in order to cultivate a good orchid, we must first start from raising the roots of orchids. Only the root group develops vigorously and the root system is well developed. water and nutrient absorption, transport, photosynthesis, respiration and energy storage and accumulation can be carried out normally. Its growth rate, reproductive capacity and flowering rate will be enhanced, otherwise, the root system will be bad or rotten or lost, the absorption and transport of water and nutrients will be blocked, the ability of photosynthesis and respiration will be reduced, and the orchid will naturally gradually collapse and die. Author: Mei Fei, I will post orchid knowledge and pictures every day, take you to know more about orchids and teach you to raise orchids easily. If you don't understand orchids, you can always ask me or leave a message below. If you like, you can click on the upper right corner to collect or forward to help others!