
How to set up rural pig-raising cooperatives?

Published: 2024-09-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/07, How to set up rural pig-raising cooperatives?

The pig cooperative implements unified breed, unified feed, unified epidemic prevention, unified sales, and unified management, which increases the benefits of farmers while reducing breeding costs and risks. It has changed the situation of farmers' poor information and fighting alone in the past, and improved farmers' ability to resist market risks. Let's take a look at how to set up pig-raising cooperatives in rural areas.

Establishment stage of Rural Pig raising Cooperatives

Farmers' professional cooperative is an independent and mutual-aid economic organization, a new type of market economy subject with legal personality, and an important part of the development of rural economy. In the initial stage of the establishment of cooperatives, according to the Farmers' Professional Cooperatives Law and relevant policies, fully respect public opinion and be managed by farmers spontaneously and independently, can we truly embody the policy of "running cooperatives run by the people, managed by the people and benefited by the people".

1. Organizational structure construction: chapter 4 of the Law on Farmers' specialized Cooperatives clearly defines the establishment, functions, responsibilities and member meetings of the cooperative organization, which is the highest authority of the cooperative. The board of directors is the executive body and the board of supervisors is the supervisory body.

① sets up a competent council: after the establishment of the cooperative, except for the decision-making on major matters related to the operation and management of the cooperative, which is discussed and adopted by the general meeting of the members (representatives), the general day-to-day work mainly depends on the resolution and implementation of the board of governors. therefore, the role of the board team in the operation of the cooperative is very critical. The general assembly of a cooperative generally elects a board of directors and a board of supervisors, so when democratically electing members of the council, it is necessary to take into account various talents and elect "capable people" from its members to the council, especially production and technical personnel, brokerage and marketing personnel, business planning personnel, and so on.

② chooses a high-quality director: the director is not only the leader of the cooperative, but also the core figure. As the director, he should not only have a high sense of responsibility and selfless dedication, but also have strong cohesion and appeal in the cooperative, but also have excellent organizational and coordination skills and oral expression skills. Therefore, when electing a director, members should fully understand the ability and level of the candidate for the director. Only when the family chooses well can the cooperative develop healthily.

③ employs a financial and accounting staff who is skilled in business: the cooperative is an economic organization and cannot be separated from financial accounting. Therefore, farmers' professional cooperatives must employ financial and accounting personnel with professional qualifications. In the initial stage of the establishment of the cooperative, if there are no suitable professional financial and accounting personnel, you can hire the accountant of the local village-level organization, or you can entrust the township financial accounting center to do the account.

④ reasonably set up internal institutions: cooperatives should be set up reasonably according to the actual needs of each cooperative. For some larger cooperatives, offices, finance offices, technical (supply) service departments, marketing departments and other institutions can be set up.

2. Construction of rules and regulations: rules and regulations are not only the basic guarantee for the standardized operation and sustainable development of farmers' specialized cooperatives, but also a work that must be done before the cooperatives are established and registered. Judging from the current situation, the articles of association of many cooperatives apply the model articles of association of industrial and commercial registration, or the model articles of association of other cooperatives, some of which are not sound enough and the powers and responsibilities are not clear enough.

① formulates a "charter" that meets the actual needs of the society and is highly operable: the charter can be said to be the internal "law" of the cooperative, so it is very necessary to formulate a good charter. The formulation of the articles of association can refer to the model articles of association of the Ministry of Agriculture, but it cannot be copied from the original text. It is necessary to make clear provisions on the key parts of the articles of association, such as member capital contribution, institutional establishment, financial management, surplus distribution, dissolution and liquidation, and so on. The articles of association must be fully deliberated, repeatedly revised, discussed and approved, and finally passed by a vote of all the founders at the establishment meeting, signed and sealed.

② formulates a set of basic systems, such as financial management system, board of directors, board of supervisors, duties of the board of supervisors, as well as purchasing and marketing system, production technical operating procedures, product quality standards, and so on.

3. Office space construction: the office space is the location of the cooperative, and it is also the gathering place for the board of directors and the board of supervisors to deal with daily affairs and members' gathering and training. it is one of the hardware for the initial development of the cooperative. Co-operatives had better be located in places where members are concentrated in residence or production, and those with conditions had better build their own, and those without conditions can rent outlet houses with convenient transportation. They can also enlist the support of village cadres and set up the office of the co-operatives in the village department. In the construction of office space, neither ostentatious and luxurious, nor too simple. The director's office, financial office and business room are necessary, and the office space should also be "two have, two columns, two walls". There are two: there are brands and office appliances, the two columns are the public columns of social affairs and finance, the two upper walls are the articles of association posted on the wall, and the system posted on the wall.

If the above work is done well, the cooperative can entrust people with strong working ability (mostly directors) to handle the registration of the cooperative, first apply for registration with the department for industry and commerce, engrave the official seal and the seal of the legal representative after obtaining the business license, handle the organizational code certificate and tax registration certificate within one month, and choose a bank to open a bank account. Finally, to the township (town) government and county-level agricultural departments for the record. The formalities for such a specialized peasant co-operative have been completed.

Operation stage of Rural Pig raising Cooperatives

From the establishment to the formal operation of farmers' professional cooperatives, in order to truly reflect the requirements and concepts of "production at home, service in the community", "professional cooperation after professional production, organizational construction after the will of the masses", "independent management, free advance and retreat", we must comprehensively strengthen internal management and promote standardized operation. The focus of these requirements is that on the basis of household contract management, the function of "unification" is fully emphasized, so that the two-tier management system of integration and division can be extended. The council of co-operatives or managers shall, in the light of the reality of their own cooperatives, selectively focus on the following work:

1. Provide timely information services for members: in the information age, as a new carrier for the construction and development of modern agriculture, the operation of cooperatives is inseparable from market orientation. Strengthening the collection and transmission of market information is a long-term and important work for cooperatives to achieve flexible operation and avoid market risks. The cooperative management should make a timely response to the product dynamic information, market supply information, consumer demand information, market price information, industrial policy information and so on.

2. Organize farmers to learn scientific and technological knowledge: cooperatives should not only increase the output and income of their members by a large margin, but also lead the broad masses of local farmers to increase their income and become rich. Science and technology is the productive forces, so improving the scientific and technological content of the industry, improving the production technology level of cooperative members, and training new farmers should be included in the cooperative's important agenda. It can be said that the content of training for cooperatives is very extensive, and the first thing we should do well is the training of relevant theoretical knowledge of cooperatives, so as to make the concept of cooperation deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

3. Actively carry out technical guidance: in the course of operation, cooperatives should, in view of the degree of specialization and industrial characteristics of their production and operation, extensively link up with relevant scientific and technological departments, strengthen horizontal ties, and make use of the technological advantages of scientific and technological departments. solve the difficult problems encountered by the majority of members in production and operation. Qualified cooperatives may employ technical advisers, financial advisers, legal advisers and policy advisers from relevant departments in the light of their own reality.

4. unified supply of agricultural means of production: cooperative members enjoy all kinds of services provided by cooperatives, and uniformly purchase and distribute pesticides, agricultural film, chemical fertilizers and fine varieties for their members, which is a real embodiment of the series of services provided by cooperatives before, during and after production. The distribution of agricultural materials through unified purchasing agents can not only reduce the production costs of members and let them concentrate on production, but also avoid economic losses caused by fake and shoddy agricultural materials to members.

5. the formulation of unified quality standards for agricultural products: the technical standards and product quality standards for agricultural production are directly related to the quality, safety and quality of agricultural products, which are not only related to the efficiency and market price of products, but also directly related to the marketing of commodities and the reputation of products. When formulating production technical standards, product quality standards and specific operating rules, cooperatives should take the initiative to solicit the opinions of relevant government departments to make the standards and procedures more practical and authoritative.

6. Do a good job in the design of the characteristic packaging of agricultural products in cooperatives: product packaging is the extension of product production. The use of the characteristic packaging of products can not only ensure the quality, but also expand the market and raise the price. Under the condition of increasingly fierce market competition, it is very difficult for producers to increase their market share if they do not change the traditional business model. Only by constantly changing packaging patterns while ensuring product quality and adapting to the psychological and consumer needs of consumers, can they strive for more market share and defeat their competitors in an everlasting position.

7. Members' agricultural products should be sold uniformly: in order to realize the second return of cooperative profits, maximize the product value and achieve the purpose of increasing farmers' income, the products produced by cooperative members should be collected by cooperative organizations within the articles of association. Primary products are classified, screened, packaged and uniformly put on the market, and some products can also be put on the market after intensive processing. This will help to improve the added value of agricultural and sideline products, can also solve the problem of difficulty in selling products from one household to another, and better reflect the real value of establishing farmers' professional cooperatives.

8. Register and declare well-known brands: farmers' professional cooperatives should have their own brands. With the optimization and upgrading of cooperative products and the promotion of popularity, it is necessary to actively do a good job in the declaration of pollution-free agricultural products, green food, organic food, well-known trademarks and well-known trademarks, and show their own advantages. build your own brand to sublimate.

9. Financial accounting should be standardized and made public to members on a regular basis: farmers' professional cooperatives, as mutual-aid economic organizations, can not do without financial accounting in every economic activity. Standardizing the financial management of cooperatives is the basic work to ensure the legitimate rights and interests of the members of cooperatives. All cooperatives should set up three accounts in accordance with the "Financial Accounting system for Farmers' specialized Cooperatives" formulated by the Ministry of Finance, that is, cooperative general ledger, subsidiary ledger and member ledger. It is necessary to strictly enforce the examination and approval procedures of vouchers, give full play to the functions of the board of supervisors, regularly inform members of the financial situation, and achieve democratic financial management.

10. profit return shall be implemented in the final accounts at the end of the year: the ultimate goal of the development of cooperatives is to implement the second return of profits. All cooperatives must, in accordance with the Law on Farmers' specialized Cooperatives and the articles of Association, earnestly formulate a plan for the distribution of year-end income, do a good job in annual financial accounts, convene a general meeting of members or a meeting of members' representatives, and, through the distribution plan, disclose the distribution results, so as to make the distribution of year-end income and the secondary return of profits more open and transparent.

The improvement stage of Rural Pig raising Cooperatives

After two or three years of operation, all kinds of business have been carried out step by step, and they are faced with the problem of how to further develop. A farmer professional cooperative with vitality, especially for the leaders of the cooperative, should have a plan for short-term work and a goal for long-term development in its specific work practice. Judging from the current development trend of farmers' specialized cooperatives and the present situation of the operation of farmers' specialized cooperatives in economically developed areas in China, drawing lessons from the international experience of the development of agricultural cooperatives, farmers' specialized cooperatives have changed from the establishment of quantity to the quality of operation. from vertical farmers' professional cooperation to horizontal cooperation among cooperatives is the inevitable trend for the cause of cooperatives to become bigger and stronger. After the cooperatives have completed a strong foundation and achieved standardized operation, they should focus their work on excellence, plan for development at a deep level, and seek greater development in the word "profundity".

1. Based on the current long-term planning, we should find the right coordinates and a clear direction for the sustainable development of cooperatives. The work plan of a cooperative, especially the economic development plan, is of vital importance to an economic organization. When formulating annual work plans and long-term development goals, we must adhere to practical and realistic scientific planning in accordance with the operational advantages and production characteristics of the cooperative, and take the increase in income and wealth of the broad masses of members as the basic point. build cooperatives into a platform for everyone to be equal and give full play to the wisdom of the broad masses of members, and on this basis, set up a target value and make unremitting efforts as the direction for which all members of cooperatives strive. Under normal circumstances, the annual production and operation plan shall be studied collectively by the council before the end of the year, and the work plan shall be put forward after it is adopted by the general meeting of all the members or the meeting of representatives of the members, and the long-term development plan shall be put forward on the basis of the feasibility study and demonstration, the plan shall be put forward by the enlarged meeting of the council, submitted to the general assembly of members for discussion, a resolution shall be formed, and then implemented step by step.

2. Improve the grade and enhance the strength, and take the road of intensive processing of agricultural products to maximize benefits. The development of agricultural and sideline products processing industry in cooperatives can improve the economic benefits of cooperatives and enhance their market competitiveness.

After intensive and deep processing, ① agricultural and sideline products can not only remove more impurities and a lot of moisture, but also be more convenient for packaging and transportation, and their storage time will be longer, which can not only effectively avoid short-term market fluctuations, but also adapt to the adjustment of market demand for agricultural and sideline products.

With the continuous acceleration of people's pace of life and the change of consumption concept, consumers have put forward higher and new requirements for agricultural products, such as pollution-free agricultural products, green food, organic food and so on, which are inseparable from the intensive processing and product development of agricultural products.

The intensive processing of ③ agricultural and sideline products can effectively improve the grade and quality of agricultural products. Once the processed products enter the field of circulation, it is easy to find suitable markets and consumer groups, and the added value of their products also increases.

3. To develop horizontal cooperation on the basis of vertical cooperation, and to make the cause of cooperatives bigger and stronger. At present, farmers' professional cooperatives are still in the initial stage, and it is necessary to make the cooperatives bigger and stronger in the process of sound and rapid development.

① further increases the publicity of the Law on Farmers' specialized Cooperatives, earnestly expands the publicity and popularization of the law, so that the broad masses of farmers know the connotation and essence of the law, and let farmers voluntarily move towards cooperation.

② encourages registered cooperatives to break regional limitations, open their doors, absorb farmers who have the conditions to abide by the articles of association to join cooperatives, expand the scale of cooperatives, and guide farmers to actively and consciously invest in cooperatives to form a joint force.

③ guides small and medium-sized cooperatives to merge horizontally, or cooperatives of the same trade to unite again to form United societies or industrial general cooperatives, to reintegrate resources, expand their scale, enhance their strength, enhance their market competitiveness and enhance their popularity.

Conclusion: as long as farmers' professional cooperatives do a good job in the three stages of establishment, operation and improvement, and achieve standardized operation and scientific management, they will be able to expand and strengthen the cause of cooperatives. More farmers' professional cooperatives with a good industrial foundation, strong market competitiveness and a wide range of radiation have emerged to promote the sound and rapid development of agricultural industrialization in various places.