
Breeding skills of Luxi Yellow cattle

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Breeding skills of Luxi Yellow cattle

Luxi yellow cattle is an excellent breed of beef cattle in China, originated in the southwest of Shandong Province, where it is famous for producing high-grade beef cattle. In daily management, this kind of cattle is resistant to coarse feed and easy to manage. Luxi yellow cattle are widely raised in Shandong Province. In people's breeding, it is necessary to master key breeding techniques and certain breeding skills.

The breeding of Luxi yellow cattle is mainly based on green roughage, which is the material basis for fattening cattle and must be matched reasonably. The diets were as follows: dry grass 5kg, silage corn straw 8kg, distiller's grains 10kg, corn meal 3kg, soybean cake 0.5kg, urea 100g, salt 50g. The main source of dry grass is the cultivation of artificial forage, such as hn-mc sweet sorghum, hn-mc Mexican corn, hn-mc and so on. Feed three times a day, that is, at 6: 00 in the morning, 12:00 at noon, and 6: 00 in the afternoon. Feed should be added less and frequently, and each feeding time is 1-1.5 hours. Don't overeat the cattle, so that the cattle maintain a strong appetite every time they are fed, so as to improve the feed utilization rate.

The barn raised by Luxi yellow cattle should be ventilated and dry, and the hygiene inside and outside the house should be maintained. It is necessary to maintain the hygiene of the greenhouse cowshed in order to ensure the normal growth and development of beef cattle. Get rid of cow dung in time, and get rid of cow dung when feeding cattle every day. Clean the barn and trough, clean the mixture after feeding the cattle every day, and clean the trough in time. The barn is disinfected once a month, the floor and walls of the barn are sprayed with 1% sodium hydroxide solution, when the smell of ammonia is strong, peracetic acid is used, and the door of the barn can be disinfected with white ash.

Luxi cattle can't drink less water. Many farmers think that only the hot weather in summer can feed the cattle. In fact, in winter, there is a need for adequate drinking water. Cattle mainly eat dry forage, so they should provide adequate drinking water. Insufficient drinking water not only affects the intake of cattle, but also affects the digestion and utilization of feed, which makes the coat, skin dry and lethargy. Cattle should drink water twice a day and 1 hour after feeding. The supply of water should be clean and hygienic and the temperature should be suitable (about 20 ℃).

Let the cattle bask in the sun. When the weather is clear, the cattle should be taken out of the house to bask in the sun, and the cattle should be brushed at the same time, which can prevent the occurrence of skin diseases and parasitic diseases in vitro, promote blood circulation and enhance the resistance of cattle to cold, which is very beneficial to the fat gain of beef cattle.