
Does rose fertilization only know nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium? I need calcium supplements.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, If you raise a lot of flowers, you will get some experience over time. Some flower friends may encounter such a situation, my flower grows very well, it does not seem to have much problem, anyway, there are no diseases and insect pests, leaves.

If you raise a lot of flowers, you will get some experience over time. Some flower friends may encounter such a situation, my flower grows very well, it does not seem to have much problem, anyway, there are no diseases and insect pests, the leaves do not appear any yellowing and falling off, it is still a very green color.

But even so, it can not be said that its growth is good, can only be said to be general, such as the branches are relatively slender, and soft and powerless sagging, usually accompanied by the phenomenon of easy to break. At this time, it is certain that there is a certain problem with the plant, as for what is the problem? We need to check them one by one.

First of all, confirm the problem of moisture and sunshine, if watered normally, the soil is moist but does not accumulate water, and the sunshine is also sufficient, not in a cool and shady place for maintenance. Then we can rule out these factors first. In addition to these factors, the more likely reason is the excessive use of available fertilizers (water-soluble fertilizers).

Overuse here does not refer to the reason why the fertilizer burns out the roots, but because of the quick-acting fertilizer itself. Because quick-acting fertilizers are chemical fertilizers, but one drawback is that they contain little or no calcium. Here is to popularize a knowledge of science, the three major elements needed for plant growth are nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, and the fourth is calcium.

Many flower friends know to pay attention to the use of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer when fertilizing the rose, but they often ignore the use of calcium fertilizer.

So what happens to calcium deficiency in plants? Is that the branches are soft and brittle. If this happens, calcium needs to be replenished. I want to go to the flower and bird market to buy some fertilizer containing calcium.

It should be noted that calcium reacts easily with other elements, so it is recommended that calcium fertilizer should not be mixed with other fertilizers. In order to ensure the effectiveness of fertilizer efficiency, calcium fertilizer needs to be used alone. The use of calcium fertilizer needs to cooperate with daily photography, full sunshine can make calcium fertilizer play the maximum effect.