
Watch it grow up and teach you how to sow rose seeds.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, I believe that when many people grow flowers for the first time, they buy similar-looking potted plants directly from the flower-and-bird market. Because this is really convenient, and after the florist raised it, even the pot brought the land back, the survival rate will basically be very high. ...

I believe that when many people grow flowers for the first time, they buy similar-looking potted plants directly from the flower-and-bird market. Because this is really convenient, and after the florist raised it, even the pot brought the land back, the survival rate will basically be very high. But after buying a few pots, will you find it boring? Why not try to start with the seeds?

Generally speaking, roses can produce seeds in autumn, and if you happen to have roses, it would be better to dig up the seeds, wash them, dry them, and store them in a dry place. It can also be refrigerated, put the seeds and perlite together in a sealed plastic bag and refrigerate for about a month before sowing.

The best time to sow seeds is in spring, when the temperature and humidity are the most suitable for seed germination. However, it is also possible to sow seeds in other seasons, but it is not recommended in winter with lower temperatures, and the germination rate of seeds will be greatly reduced, especially when the temperature is below 10 degrees Celsius, do not try at all.

For sowing, in addition to the weather, the configuration of the soil is also important. A single soil configuration is not recommended because the suitable environment for seed germination is moist but without stagnant water, and the soil with mixed substrate can increase the germination rate of seeds when the temperature cannot be changed.

A simple method of soil matching is recommended here, which you can refer to or replace with a similar matrix. The use of three or four substrates is in line with the standard, and humus, peat, vermiculite and perlite can be mixed with a ratio of 7 to 1, respectively. It can be simply mixed with humus, peat, vermiculite or humus, peat and perlite.

After the soil is mixed, sprinkle the seeds evenly on the surface of the soil, this ratio can be pinched by yourself, I recommend that one seedling per centimeter is more appropriate, of course, there is no guarantee that all seeds will germinate. The sparse seedling is convenient for not to move the basin too early in the future.

Then cover the seed with a thin layer of soil, this optional humus or vermiculite, which is not a big problem.

Water the topsoil after it is laid, and the water must be thoroughly watered. Under normal circumstances, it can sprout in about ten days, and slow down in about half a month. Be careful not to expose the seeds and seedlings to the sun before and within a month after germination. Because the seed is only covered with a thin layer of soil, exposure to the surface soil is easy to dry, the seed is easy to lack of water. Keep it in a cool place with a little sunshine for maintenance.