
Is the Galapagos giant centipede poisonous?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Is the Galapagos giant centipede poisonous?

Galapagos giant centipede, also known as Galapagos centipede, has an average length of 25cm to 26cm. The longest Galapagos giant centipede can even grow to more than 30cm, and it has not been reported that it has captured an individual of 62cm. Galapagos giant centipede looks very similar to Hainan centipede, pure black, super stout, distributed in the Galapagos Islands in Santa Cruz Island, coastal areas of Ecuador, southern Peru, Cook Islands and other places.

Is the Galapagos giant centipede poisonous?

The Galapagos giant centipede is poisonous. Centipede venom is a toxin released when a centipede stings people and animals. similar to snake venom, centipede venom is mainly composed of proteins, which can cause redness, swelling, burning pain and lymphangitis at the same time, but the systemic reaction is lighter. Chills, fever, headache, nausea, vomiting, rapid pulse, delirium and convulsions can occur, and even lead to death in severe cases.

How much is the Galapagos giant centipede?

Galapagos giant centipedes are extremely rare and are currently priceless. First of all, on Santa Cruz Island in the Galapagos Islands, ordinary people are not allowed to go to the island, and scientific research organizations have to go through strict approval to land on the island. Secondly, it is also very difficult to capture, and the source has cut off the possibility of ordinary people owning this black giant. At present, a very small number of Galapagos giant centipedes exist in research institutes and some large zoos, with strict breeding conditions, each of which needs to be reported, and must be used for scientific research after death, so Gallas is not available on the black market.

Expansion: an inventory of giant centipedes in the world

1. Vietnamese giant centipede: Vietnamese giant centipede is the largest centipede in Asia, with a body length of more than 30 centimeters, highly toxic, ferocious and sensitive, and generally takes the initiative to attack other arthropods near it. Mainly distributed in Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia and other places in Asia, mainly black body, yellow (red, orange) feet.

2. Peruvian giant centipede: the largest Peruvian giant centipede is 41cm to 42cm, distributed in the Caribbean island of Trenida and South America's Peru, Ecuador, Brazil and other Amazon basins. Before the Galapagos giant centipede, the Peruvian giant centipede is generally considered to be the largest species in the world, divided into yellow foot type and orange foot type. Yellow-footed wild individuals up to 41cm and 42cm long have been found on the island of Curacao in the Netherlands Antilles.

3. Amazon giant centipede: Amazon giant centipede is distributed in Brazil, Ecuador, Peru and other Amazon River basin, the body color is generally red, as for black individuals, one theory is the color change caused by individual differences, another theory is that black individuals are actually Galapagos giant centipedes. Because the most convincing and widely circulated photo shows an individual 44 centimeters long, far longer than the average length of the Amazon giant centipede (25,30cm).

4. North American giant centipede: North American giant centipede is the largest species in North America, with a length of 18cm and 20cm. It feeds on insects such as crickets. It is not only huge in size, but also "ferocious" in temperament and highly ornamental. It is a very popular species among enthusiasts.

5. Puerto Rican giant centipede: Puerto Rican giant centipede is a species of centipede mainly distributed in countries and regions such as Puerto Rico and Haiti in the Caribbean Sea. It is 20 to 25 centimeters long and reproduces by laying eggs and feeding on insects such as crickets.