
What kind of bird is the turtledove?

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, What kind of bird is the turtledove?

Red dove, red turtledove, turtle armour, red curry chase, partridge, etc., are birds of the genus Pigeonidae, inhabiting tropical regions of southern Asia and commonly found in plains and grasslands foraging in groups. Distributed in India, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Indo-China Peninsula, Philippines and Chinese mainland from the south of North China, west to Sichuan, Xizang, north of the Yangtze River and other places It mainly lives in open fields and near villages.

The fire turtledove is a smaller one of the dove family, with an adult body length of about 23 centimeters. The male is blue-gray on the forehead, top of the head and neck, and the side of the head and neck is also blue-gray, but slightly light. The chin and upper throat are white or blue-grayish white, with a black collar across the base of the neck and extending to both sides of the neck. The back, shoulder, wing coverings and tertiary flying feathers are grape red, the waist and tail coverts and central tail feathers are dark blue-gray, and the rest of the tail feathers are grayish black with broad white end spots. The outermost tail feathers are white and the flying feathers are dark brown. The throat to the abdomen is light grape red, and the tail coverts are white. Both sides, leg feathers, perianal, subwinged and axillary feathers are all blue-gray.

The female's forehead and the top of her head are light brown and stained with ash, and the black collar at the base of the back neck is thinner and narrower than the male, and the outer edge of the black neck ring is white. The rest of the upper body is dark brown and blue-gray at the waist. The lower body is light brown and slightly pinkish. Chin and throat white or nearly white. The lower abdominal, perianal and subcaudal coverts are grayish or blue-white. The iris is dark brown, the mouth is black, the base is light, the feet are brown, and the claws are dark brown.

The turtledove mainly feeds on plant berries, seeds and fruits, as well as crop seeds such as rice, corn, buckwheat, wheat, sorghum and rape seeds, and sometimes animal foods such as termites, pupae and insects. Often in pairs or in groups, sometimes mixed with mountain bankhong and pearl-necked turtledoves, like to live on electric wires or tall dead branches, fly very fast, often make a 'whoo' flapping sound.

The breeding period of turtledove is from February to August, and the north is mainly from May to July, nesting in pairs, usually nesting on trees in low mountains or foothills and sparse forests, and nests are mostly placed on low branches with better concealment. The nest is disk-shaped, the structure is relatively simple and rough, and it is mainly composed of a few withered branches. Two eggs were laid in each litter, the eggs were oval and white, the size was 23 mm 29.5 mm × 20 mm 22.7 mm, with an average of 26.9 mm × 20.9 mm.

Turtledove is a kind of "three protected animals", which has been listed in the list of terrestrial wildlife under state protection or important economic and scientific research value issued by the State Forestry Administration of China on August 1, 2000. the red list of the World Conservation Union (IUCN): Least Concernver 3.1.