
Culture technique of Zaocys dhumnades

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Culture technique of Zaocys dhumnades

Black snakes are large snakes of the genus Zaoceridae, belonging to non-venomous snakes, with a total adult length of more than 2.5 meters. They act quickly, react quickly, and are good at escaping. They feed on frogs, lizards, fish, rats, and so on. They are fast and adaptable, have high disease resistance, and sell well in the market. They are very suitable for artificial breeding. Let's take a look at the breeding techniques of black snakes.

Construction of Wuzao Snake Farm

1. Indoor breeding farm: the black snake indoor farm can be specially built or rebuilt with ordinary houses, the roof is ventilated on all sides, surrounded by barbed wire to prevent escape, the height of the wall is not less than 2.5 meters, the wall and the ground are smeared with cement, the requirements are smooth and seamless, and there are no windows in the room. set up pools, ditches and basins, often keep drinking water clean, snake rooms with double doors to prevent snakes from escaping.

2. Outdoor feeding park: the outdoor feeding wall of the black shoot snake is 1.5 meters high, the wall surface is smooth to prevent the snake from climbing out, and the wall base is more than 0.5 meters deep to prevent rats from drilling holes. Some snake nests are built in the garden, with a diameter and height of 0.5 meters, with a cover on the top to facilitate observation and collection of snakes. Part of the ground floor goes deep into the ground, and the nest is covered with sand. At least two holes in each nest communicate with the ground of the snake garden. There are small ponds, ditches and stone piles in the park, and some plants are planted to raise frogs, earthworms, Loach, rice field eel and so on for snakes to hunt at any time.

Breeding techniques of Zaocys dhumnades

1. Male and female identification: the head of the male black snake is larger, there is a pair of "semi-penis" and slightly dilated, the ventral part of the latter half of the snake is upward, and after finding out its anal foramen, press its anal foramen a few centimeters behind it, squeeze from back to front, and there is a pair of "semi-penis" protruding out of the anal hole. The head of a female snake is slightly smaller than that of a male, and her thumb presses a few centimeters behind the anal foramen, squeezing from back to front without a pair of "half-penises" sticking out.

2. Selection of snakes: in order to improve the breeding efficiency, snakes over 3 years old and weighing more than 400 grams should be selected with strong physique, no injuries or diseases, good growth and development, lively and active, flexible crawling, strong curling ability, rapid and powerful movements and strong reproductive ability. the ratio of female to male can be 5: 8 and 1.

3. Mating and spawning: the breeding period of Zaocys dhumnades is from May to July every year. When the snakes are in estrus, the male snakes are put in proportion to the female snakes for human use, and they are allowed to mate freely. There is no fixed position for female snakes to lay eggs. Once snake eggs are found, they should be collected and hatched in time to prevent snake eggs from being exposed to sunlight and wind and rain for a long time, so that the hatching rate of snake eggs will be reduced due to the unequal factors of temperature and humidity.

4. Artificial incubation: put a layer of clean sand about 30 centimeters thick on the bottom of the snake incubator, then lay the fertilized eggs horizontally (not vertically) on the sand in the container, add about 10 centimeters of sand to the eggs, keep the effective hatching temperature of more than 28 centimeters and 30 ℃ relatively stable, and spray water frequently to keep the absolute humidity of the sand at about 15 percent, and turn the eggs once every 7 to 10 days. Check the embryonic development of the eggs and find the unfertilized eggs or dead embryo eggs should be picked up in time.

Feeding and management of Zaocys dhumnades

1. Food feeding: black snakes feed on fish, lizards, frogs, earthworms, Loach, rice field eel, etc., with frogs as the staple food. Generally, bait is given every two weeks, and the leftover bait should be removed in time to avoid decay and stink. Snakes that have poor predation ability or refuse to hunt shall be artificially fed if necessary. Snakes stop feeding during hibernation, eat almost nothing before or 15-20 days after stinging, and eat the most within 7 days after spawning. Newly hatched snakes live on yolk self-nutrition for 7 to 10 days, generally do not eat, and begin to eat a small amount after 10 days, but they are more picky about food.

2. Temperature and humidity control: the snake is an animal with variable temperature, and its body temperature changes with the change of ambient temperature. Too high and too low temperature is disadvantageous to the snake's life. The temperature suitable for the snake's growth activity is 1330 ℃. Shading equipment should be used when the weather is hot, and measures such as spraying water can be taken to reduce the temperature if necessary. When the weather is cold in winter, the snake nest should be cultivated to keep warm. Dry air will also affect the life of snakes, the air relative humidity should be kept above 50%.

3. Hygiene management: the Wushao Snake Garden should be cleaned frequently to eliminate animal carcasses and food residues. Snakes found to have movement difficulties, red and swollen mouth, ulceration or other diseases should be treated or eliminated in time. For snakes with red and swollen mouth, rinse the mouth with Rivernol solution, and smear the broken skin with gentian purple. At the same time, we should pay attention to prevent the natural enemies of snakes, such as eagles and hedgehogs, from entering the snake garden. The number of free-range snakes should be checked frequently, and the cause should be found out as soon as possible.

4. Preparation for overwintering: the snake should be given sufficient and various feed within 1-2 months before overwintering, so as to increase the fat thickness of nutrients and fat in the snake and improve the comprehensive ability of cold resistance and disease resistance. Several black snakes of all sizes can be put together to hibernate. Cluster hibernation can increase the temperature around the snake by about 1 / 2 ℃ and effectively reduce water loss. The snake nest should be dry, avoid moisture, must have good moisturizing, must have good heat preservation performance, the temperature in the nest should be kept at 6: 10 ℃, and the humidity should be between 50 and 60%.

5. Overwintering management: during hibernation, black snakes should not only check the changes of temperature and humidity in their nests regularly, but also check the health status of snakes regularly. If sick snakes or undesirable snakes are found, they should be quarantined and treated in time so as not to infect each other. If you see a bite or a decrease in the number of snakes, you should thoroughly examine and find out the cause, eliminate rodent damage and other natural enemies, and strengthen security measures to prevent the re-invasion of rats and natural enemies.