
Production and maintenance of Australian fir bonsai

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Production and maintenance of Australian fir bonsai

Australian Cunninghamia lanceolata, also known as Cunninghamia lanceolata, Norfolk Cryptomeria fortunei, Cunninghamia lanceolata, etc., are evergreen trees of the genus Cunninghamia lanceolata. They like warm and humid environments, grow well in sunny places and have a certain shade tolerance, but to avoid strong summer exposure, they are suitable for slightly acidic sandy loam with good drainage and rich in humus. Let's take a look at the production and maintenance of Australian fir bonsai.

Propagation methods of Cryptomeria fortunei

1. Sowing: the seedlings cultivated by sowing Australian fir are strong and vigorous, so they are suitable for mass propagation. Generally from July to August, the newly collected seeds will first break the seed coat in order to promote germination, otherwise leaving the soil for a long time will easily cause the seeds to rot, and then sow the treated seeds in the sand bed, covering about 1.5 cm of fine sand. Under the condition of 25-28 ℃ and a certain humidity, it can germinate after about 2-3 weeks, and it can be planted immediately after germination.

2. Cutting: if the main shaft or overgrown branches are selected as cuttings, the crown shape of the plant is not correct and it can only grow laterally and affect the ornamental value. Cut the first 2-3 nodes of robust branches that are easy to root as cuttings, remove some leaves, soak them in clean water overnight, and then insert them into a sand bed based on coarse sand or vermiculite. Keeping the temperature of 20-25 ℃ and high air humidity, it can take root after about 3 months.

Bonsai production of Australian fir

The main results are as follows: 1. When Australian fir is planted in pot, the substrate made of garden soil, rotten leaf soil and peat moss is better, and the suitable flowerpot should be selected according to the size of the seedling. Australian fir likes diffuse light and should be placed in a bright place in the shed. If it is kept in the dark for a long time, it should be moved to the sun every few weeks to make the thick green leaves maintain a beautiful color. The growing season is long, except when the summer temperature exceeds 32 ℃, it can grow all year round.

2. Australian fir should be watered more from spring to autumn, but stagnant water in the basin is avoided. When drying at high temperature, water should be sprayed on the basin plant and the ground near it to cool and humidify. Water in time and don't wait for the soil to dry before watering. Since the end of autumn, watering is gradually reduced to enhance its cold resistance. Fertilizer should be applied every 2 weeks in the growing season, and the compound fertilizer containing nitrogen and potassium is suitable. If the supply of fertilizer is insufficient, the branches and leaves are easy to turn yellow.

3. In order to avoid tilting the trunk to one side during the growth of Australian fir, it is appropriate to turn the pot once a half month so that the plant can receive light evenly. In addition, the trunk of young trees is fragile and easy to bend, so it is appropriate to set up pillars to fix the trunk from the time of young trees. In order to prevent the plant from growing too tall, the pot should be changed every 2-3 years after the spring is warm. At ordinary times, we should pay attention to protect the lateral branches so as not to be damaged and affect the plant shape.

4. Under normal circumstances, Australian fir bonsai does not need to be pruned to let it grow naturally. The suitable temperature for growth is 10-25 ℃, and the overwintering temperature is above 5 ℃. Overwintering season, can give a certain amount of light, basin soil can not be too dry, sunny weather should also spray water to increase humidity.

Conservation of Australian fir in four seasons

1. Spring: change the basin when the minimum temperature is more than 10 ℃ in spring, and the culture methods and points for attention of Australian fir are generally changed every 2 to 3 years. The basin soil had better use the sandy soil that is rich, loose and well drained.

2. Summer: Australian fir is resistant to high temperature, but not to the hot sun. The color of the leaves is old green in strong light, which is not good for viewing. Summer should be arranged in bright places, basin soil to keep moist, and increase the number of spray water, in order to improve air humidity, pay attention to ventilation.

3. Autumn: after the temperature is cool in autumn, the light should be increased gradually, the basin soil should be kept moist and fertilization should be stopped. Before the temperature drops at the end of autumn, the Australian fir can be moved to the hanger outside the balcony to receive appropriate low-temperature exercise. Proper cold-resistant exercise is conducive to overwintering, but can not be beaten by frost. After the temperature drops, we should pay attention to keep the room temperature above 5 ℃, and move the Australian fir to a closed balcony with light to make the basin soil wet and dry.

4. Winter: Australian fir is not cold-resistant, and the temperature in the balcony is above 5 ℃ to survive the winter. Should ensure sufficient light, keep the basin soil moist and dry, do not apply fertilizer. When the temperature is high at noon on a sunny day in winter, spray on the leaves and around them several times. When using air conditioners, the number of sprays should be increased because of the low air humidity.