
Cultivation techniques of Sizhao Flower

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Cultivation techniques of Sizhao Flower

Sizhao flower is an extremely beautiful garden flower, leaf and fruit landscaping product, also known as stone jujube, sheep plum, litchi and so on. It is a deciduous tree of the genus Cornaceae. It is named because there are two pairs of yellow and white petal-shaped large bracts outside the inflorescence. The tree shape is beautiful, neat, the bracts are beautiful and conspicuous, and they are rich in ornamental value. Let's take a look at the cultivation techniques of Sizhao flowers.

Growth habits of Sizhao Flowers

Sizhao flowers like warm climate and humid environment, suitable for fertile and well-drained soil, strong adaptability, able to withstand a certain degree of cold, drought and barren. Sexual like light, but also resistant to semi-shade, like warm climate and humid environment, suitable for fertile and well-drained sandy soil. Resistant to-15 ℃ low temperature, it can be planted in the open field in the south of the Yangtze River, and the leaf tip is easy to be boring in summer.

Propagation methods of Sizhao Flowers

1. Tillering: the tillers of Sizhao flowers are propagated after sprouting at the end of spring or defoliation in winter, and the small plants under the plant are tillered and transplanted.

2. Cuttage: the cuttage propagation of Sizhao flowers is carried out in the growing season. From March to April, 1-and 2-year-old branches are selected, cut 5-6 cm long, cut into pure sand or sandy soil, covered with shade net, maintain humidity, and can take root in about 50 days.

3. Sowing: the seeds of Sizhao flower were soaked in warm water 20 days before sowing, sowed early in spring and germinated 3 months after sowing. Field management should be strengthened at seedling stage, and attention should be paid to timely watering, loosening soil, weeding and fertilization to facilitate root growth.

Cultivation techniques of Sizhao Flower

1. Land preparation: four flowers planted in parks, courtyards and other urban green space should be planted in warm and humid places from the wind to the sun, and the land should be prepared in autumn or the following spring. The "four sides" are planted along with the whole. Planting in mountainous area should be in the middle and lower part of semi-sunny slope, and loose and thick sandy loam or loam is the best.

2. Planting: Sizhao flowers can be planted in spring and autumn, before bud germination in spring and after deciduous leaves in autumn. When planting seedlings, it is best to take soil balls, the soil should be 1cm higher than the rhizosphere, the root system should stretch naturally, straighten and firm, and the row spacing of planting plants should be 3 × 4.

3. Fertilizer and water: 2-3 years after Sizhao flower planting, soil should be loosened and weeded 2-3 times a year, soil loosening, topdressing and watering should be carried out according to tree size before flowering, sprouting and fruiting, regular fertilization 3-4 times and watering 5-6 times a year, which is beneficial to good growth, long flowering time and large and beautiful flowers.

4. Pruning: pruning of Sizhao flowers is generally carried out after deciduous leaves in winter or before sprouting in spring, based on the principle of uniform distribution of branches and strong growth. Pruning is mainly to cut short the branches, followed by the removal of dead branches, disease and insect branches, sweeping branches, weak branches and poor growth branches. In addition, in the process of growth, it is necessary to gradually cut off the base branches and cut short the central main branches to improve the upward growth ability. As the sprouting ability of Sizhao flower is poor, it is not suitable for heavy pruning in order to keep the tree-shaped garden in the shape of an umbrella.

Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests in Sizhao flower

1. Corner spot disease: corner spot mainly harms the leaves of Sizhao flowers. Bordeaux solution of 2RV and 200 Bordeaux can be sprayed continuously for 3 times in May, each time at an interval of 10 to 15 days, or 2 times for 3 times at the initial stage of the disease, 5% wettable lidocaine 800 × 1000 times note and 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder 500 × 8020 times, each time at intervals of 7 to 10 days.

2. Moths: the moths that harm Sizhao flowers are mainly diamondback moths and large coir moths that eat the leaves and twigs of Sizhao flowers, which can be controlled in time with 1000 times of trichlorfon or 1000 times of phoxim.

3. Aphids: aphids mainly harm the tender leaves, shoots, flowers and buds of Sizhao flowers. 40% dimethoate emulsion 1500 times, 70% wettable aphid powder 800-1000 times, 50% wettable anti-aphid powder or 50% anti-aphid aqueous solution 1000-2000 times can be sprayed.