
How to raise star beauty well?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, How to raise star beauty well?

Star beauty, also known as white beauty, copper hammer grass, fat sky, etc., is a perennial succulent herb of crassulaceae, native to the state of San Luis Potosi in central Mexico, and is introduced and cultivated in China. It is a common pot ornamental succulent plant. The flowers bloom in early summer and are of high ornamental value. Let's take a look at how star beauty is cultivated.

The growth habits of Xingmei

Xingmei is a tropical sunny, drought-tolerant plant, slightly resistant to semi-shade and not cold, suitable to grow in a sunny and cool and dry environment, avoid dampness and high temperature and muggy heat, and the lowest temperature in winter should be above 10 degrees, requiring well-drained soil. it is appropriate to mix sand with small particles of stone. Like warm, dry and sufficient light environment, strong drought resistance, requires loose texture, good drainage of sandy loam. It grows well in warm winter and cool summer climate, and is not resistant to hot and humid weather in summer.

The breeding method of Star Beauty

The main breeding methods of Xingmei are sowing and ramet, decapitation, leaf insertion, leaf insertion is very easy to live, generally left on the soil surface, will naturally sprout roots and small leaves, and become an independent little star beauty. It is easy to grow lateral branches after beheading, and it is always raised without beheading. The old stalk of the plant grows very long, and then it begins to branch. In order to be more beautiful, one should cut off the head and sprout lateral buds at the same time, so that the plants are beautiful when they grow in groups.

How to raise star beauty well?

1. Environment: Xingmei chooses loose, fertile and well-drained sandy loam as cultivation soil, which can be kept in front of the south window or south balcony with plenty of sunshine all the year round. If placed outdoors, pay attention to avoid rain to prevent the white powder on the leaves from falling off, affecting viewing and health, but pay attention to proper shading in summer.

2. Summer: Xingmei plants are dormant or half-body dormant in high temperature in summer, and their growth is slow or stagnant. Ventilation should be strengthened, bright light is required, and there is no strong direct sunlight, and watering should be reduced appropriately. Keep the plant roots from drying up because of excessive dryness, so as to prevent plant rot caused by muggy and humid.

3. Winter: the breeding of Xingmei in winter requires cool, it is best to maintain a room temperature of about 10 ℃, do not need to pour too much water, and keep the basin soil slightly moist. Do not fertilize and give plenty of sunshine. When the temperature is below 3 degrees, there will be less water gradually. Keep the basin soil dry below 0 degrees and keep it no less than 3 degrees below zero as far as possible.

4. Spring and Autumn: Xingmei is its main growing period in spring and autumn, keeping the basin soil moist without stagnant water. If the basin soil is too dry, it will cause the lower leaves of the plant to wither and fall off, while the stagnant water in the basin soil will cause rotten roots. Mature thin nitrogen fertilizer or compound fertilizer is applied every 20-30 days, and the spring water supply should be gradual or rotting roots may occur.

5. Change the basin: change the basin every 1-2 years in spring. The basin soil is required to be loose, fertile and has good drainage. 2 parts of rotten leaf soil, 1 part of garden soil, 3 parts of coarse sand or vermiculite can be used, and a small amount of bone powder can be mixed into the well. In order to isolate the contact between the plant and the soil surface, but also for more breathable, can be covered with particles of clean river sand or pumice, the size of river sand 3 to 5 mm.