
Cultivation method of brocade flower

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Cultivation method of brocade flower

Brocade flower is also known as five-color begonia, mountain sesame, sea fairy flower, etc. It is a deciduous shrub belonging to Brocade flower of Caprifoliaceae. It has dense branches and leaves and gorgeous colors. Its flowering period can last for more than several months. It is suitable for garden wall corners and lakeside group planting. It can also be used as flower hedge at the edge of bush forest, planting in groups, dotted on rockery and slope. Let's take a look at the breeding method of Brocade flower together.

Growth Habits of Vidalia oleracea

Midlowia florida is distributed in heilongjiang, jilin, liaoning, inner mongolia, shanxi, shaanxi, henan, northern shandong, northern jiangsu and other places in china. It is born under the mixed forest or in the bush on the top of the mountain at an altitude of 100~1450 meters. Likes light, bears shade, hardens cold, to the soil request is not strict, can bear the barren soil, but grows best by the deep, moist and humus-rich soil, fears the waterlogging. Strong germination and rapid growth.

The propagation method of Weigelia flowers

1, sowing: Weidahua can be harvested in September to October seeds, direct seeding or 1 week before sowing, soaked with cold water for 2 to 3 hours. Sowing should be carried out in windless weather and no recent rainstorm. The bed surface should be level and fine. Sowing method can be used bed surface broadcast or drill sowing, sowing rate 2 g/square meter, after sowing soil thickness should not exceed 0.3 cm, after sowing 30 days to keep the bed surface wet, about 20 days to emerge.

2. Cutting: The variation type of Weidahua should be cultivated by cutting method, and it is difficult to maintain the characters after variation in seed propagation. The ground temperature is required to be 25~28℃, the temperature is required to be 20~25℃, the air humidity in the shed is required to be 80%~90%, and the transmittance is required to be about 30%. Rooting can take place in 50~60 days, and the survival rate is about 80%.

3, layering: Weidahua can be pressed into the soil during the growing season for layering propagation, usually after the flower, the lower branches are selected for pressure, the lower branches are easy to creep, and the nodes are easy to take root and survive.

4. Plant division: The plant division propagation of brocade flower is usually carried out in early spring and autumn and winter. Generally, it is combined with transplanting before and after germination in spring. The whole plant is dug out, divided into several clusters, and planted separately.

Cultivation method of brocade flower

1. Fertilization: 3 parts of garden soil and 1 part of chaff ash can be used when potted, and a small amount of manure can be added as base fertilizer. When planting, apply decomposed compost as base fertilizer, and then apply fertilizer once every 2 to 3 years in winter or early spring dormancy period. Fertilize once or twice a month during the growing season.

2. Watering: Pay attention to watering during the growth season of brocade flowers. After sprouting in spring, gradually increase the amount of watering and keep the soil moist frequently. Summer high temperature and drought easy to make leaves yellow dry and withered branches, to maintain sufficient water and spray cooling or move to semi-shade moist conservation. It should be watered once or twice a month to meet growth needs.

3. Pruning: The growth period of brocade flowers is longer, and the branches at the top before winter often do not grow well, and they are easy to dry up during winter. Therefore, before sprouting in spring every year, the dry branches at the top of the plant and other old and weak branches, diseased branches should be cut off, and short long branches should be cut off. If no seed is left, the residual branches should be cut off in time after flowering, so as not to consume too much nutrients and affect growth. For the growth of 3 years of branches to cut off from the base, in order to promote the healthy growth of new branches.

4. Pests and diseases: There are not many pests and diseases of brocade flowers, and occasionally there are aphids and red spiders, which can be sprayed with dimethoate.