
Culture methods of variable-leaf wood

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Culture methods of variable-leaf wood

Leafy trees, also known as Saginbong, discolored laurel, etc., belong to Euphorbiaceae shrubs or small trees of the genus Euphorbiaceae, native to Malaysia and the Pacific, and are widely cultivated in the tropics and provinces in southern China. This species is a common garden or park foliage plant in tropical and subtropical areas. There are many horticultural varieties. Let's take a look at the breeding methods of leafy trees.

Sowing and propagation of variable-leaf wood

1. Seed selection: seed selection should be carried out before sowing. Whether the seed selection is good or not is directly related to the success of sowing. It is best to choose the seeds harvested in the same year. The longer the seed is preserved, the lower the germination rate is. To choose full seeds, no incomplete or deformed seeds, but also to choose seeds free of diseases and insect pests.

2. Disinfection: disinfection includes two concepts, one refers to the disinfection of seeds, and the other refers to the disinfection of sowing substrate. Families usually soak the seeds in hot water for about 60 ℃ for a quarter of an hour, and then use warm hot water to accelerate germination for 12 to 24 hours. The best way to disinfect the substrate used for sowing is to stir-fry it in a pan so that any diseases and insects can be scalded to death.

3. Sprouting: soak the seeds in warm hot water (the temperature is about the same as facial wash) for 12 to 24 hours until the seeds absorb water and expand. For common seeds that germinate easily, this work does not have to be done.

4. Sowing: for small seeds that are difficult to pick up with hands or other tools, you can wet one end of the toothpick with water, stick the seeds one by one on the surface of the matrix, cover the substrate 1 cm thick, and then put the seeding pot into the water, the depth of the water is 1x2x2x3 of the height of the flowerpot, let the water soak up slowly.

5. Management: when you encounter cold wave and low temperature after sowing in late autumn, early spring or winter, you can wrap the flowerpot with plastic film to facilitate heat preservation and moisturization. after the seedlings are unearthed, the film should be opened in time, and before 9:30 every morning, or after 3:30 in the afternoon, let the seedlings receive the light of the sun, otherwise the seedlings will grow very weakly, and most of the seeds will need to be planted properly.

Cuttage propagation of variable-leaf wood

1. Substrate: family cutting is difficult to get ideal cutting substrate due to limited conditions. It is recommended to use the prepared and sterilized cutting substrate provided by this station, or medium and coarse river sand, but rinse with clean water several times before use. Do not use sea sand and river sand in saline-alkali areas, they are not suitable for the growth of flowers and plants.

2. Cuttings: when the softwood cuttings are carried out, the sturdy branches of the current year are selected as cuttings when the plants are growing vigorously from the end of spring to early autumn. After cutting off the branches, select the sturdy parts and cut them into segments 5-15 cm long, each with more than 3 leaf nodes. When cutting cuttings, it should be noted that the upper cut is cut flat at about 1 cm above the uppermost leaf node, and the lower cut is about 0.5 cm below the lowest leaf node, and the upper and lower cut should be flat (knife should be sharp).

3. Temperature: the optimum temperature for rooting of cuttings is 20: 30 ℃. It is difficult and slow for cuttings to root below 20 ℃. The upper and lower cuttings above 30 ℃ are easy to rot by bacteria, and the higher the temperature is, the greater the proportion of rot is. When there is a low temperature after cutting, the main measure of heat preservation is to wrap the flowerpots or containers used for cutting with thin film.

4. Humidity: the relative humidity of the air must be kept at 75-85% after cutting. The basic requirement for cuttings to take root is to ensure that the cuttings are fresh and tender and can cooperate with light to produce rooting substances before they take root. However, cuttings without rooting can not absorb enough water to maintain water balance in their bodies, so it is necessary to reduce water evaporation by spraying.

5. Light: cutting propagation is inseparable from sunlight, because cuttings have to continue to carry out photosynthesis to produce nutrients and rooting materials to supply their rooting needs. However, the stronger the light, the higher the temperature in the cuttings, the more exuberant transpiration of cuttings, and the more water consumed, which is not conducive to the survival of cuttings. Therefore, it is necessary to cover 50% to 80% of the sun after cutting, and then gradually remove the shading net after the root system grows.

Culture methods of variable-leaf wood

1. Soil: variable leaf wood prefers fertile, moist and well-drained soil. Pot cultivation can use 3 parts of garden soil, 1 part of compost, 1 part of river sand, or 3 parts of coarse peat, 3 parts of rotten leaf soil and 2 parts of sand as the substrate.

2. Sunlight: the variable-leaf wood has a wide range of adaptation to light, but sufficient sunlight is beneficial to promote its good growth and obtain higher ornamental value. therefore, except for proper shading under strong summer light, the color of leaves becomes more beautiful in spring, summer and autumn under open-air light conditions. Leafy wood is not very shady, it is generally suitable to be placed indoors with strong astigmatism, and the time should not exceed 2-3 weeks. If long-term lack of light or lack of light, will make the leaf color lack of luster, but also easy to fall leaves.

3. Watering: during the growing period from May to October, sufficient water should be given and water should be sprayed to the leaf surface and ground every day to maintain high air humidity and smooth leaf surface. Gradually reduce the amount of water in late autumn and winter, but pay attention to spraying water to the leaves to keep the indoor air moist and properly ventilated.

4. Temperature: variable leaf wood likes heat and fear cold, and the safe overwintering temperature in winter is 10: 15 ℃. It is easy to defoliate when it is lower than 10 ℃, and waterlogging or discoloration will occur on the branches. It can adapt to high temperature above 30 ℃ in summer.

5. Fertilization: the leaf-changing trees are generally treated with rotten liquid fertilizer every two weeks, and there should not be too much nitrogen fertilizer, otherwise the leaves will become green, dark and not gorgeous. From late autumn to winter, apply little or no fertilizer to avoid growing new shoots.

6. Diseases and insect pests: if the cultivation environment is high-temperature and dry, shellfish, red spiders and aphids are prone to damage. Red spiders and aphids can be sprayed with dimethoate 1000 times, shell insects can be sprayed with petroleum emulsion 100-150 times, and if soot occurs, scrub with clean water or spray carbendazim 500-1000 times.