
Culture method of White Snow Light Cactus

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Culture method of White Snow Light Cactus

Bai Xueguang fairy ball, also known as Xueguang, Xuehuang, etc., is a perennial succulent plant of the jade genus of the cactus family, the stem is spherical or slightly oblate, the flower comes out from the Nitraria, it is very beautiful and patient, and the single flower can bloom for more than 2 weeks. the continuous flowering period is about 3 months, which is of great ornamental value. Let's take a look at the breeding method of white snow cactus.

The growth habit of White Snow Light

Bai Xueguang likes the warm environment with plenty of sunshine, spring and autumn can be placed in the courtyard where there is often sunshine, and people living in buildings can be placed on windowsill and balcony. Avoid strong sunlight in summer and should be properly shaded. The basin soil can be kept a little dry at ordinary times. It can withstand the low temperature of 5 ℃ and should be kept indoors in winter. If the room temperature is kept above 5 ℃, the sphere can survive the winter safely.

The breeding method of Bai Xueguang

1. Divide the ball: it can be carried out from April to September, cut the seed ball from the mother plant, air it for 2-3 days, or dip it in the plant ash at the cut, and then insert it into the basin or wet sand table, without watering, you can spray water a little. When dividing the ball, do not break it with your hands, it is best to cut it from the base of the ball with a knife or scissors to prevent the pith from being pulled out.

2. Grafting: it is generally carried out from May to July when the growth is exuberant. Grass balls or triangular prisms or columnar or rattan cactus are used as rootstocks. The thickness of rootstocks should be larger than that of scions, and scions should not be hard broken by hand. First, flatten the top of the rootstock with a knife, then flatten the lower part of the scion, then aim the center of the ball at the central pulp of the rootstock, make it stick closely, and then tie it with a rope and a flowerpot, and then keep it in indoor ventilation or outdoor shade.

3. Sowing: the life span of Baixueguang seed is 1-2 years, and it can only sprout under high temperature, so it should be sowed from June to July. Soak the seeds in warm water for 2 to 3 days before sowing, the basin soil or sand bed should be mainly loose loam, the sowing depth should be invisible, and the grain distance between seeds should be kept at a distance of 2 cm to 3 cm. Feed water by swimming at the bottom of the basin, covered with white paper or glass, so that the seedlings can fully see the light, do not fertilize.

Culture method of Bai Xueguang

1, sunshine: in fact, the breeding method of snow light is mainly in line with its growth habits, in breeding, the most important thing is to ensure that there is sufficient sunshine, and if there is not enough sunshine in indoor culture, you can use the method of lighting to supplement it. at the same time, in the hot summer can not let the snow light in the strong light exposure, the application of clothing appropriate.

2. Soil: White snow cactus culture should choose sandy loam soil with good drainage, indoor cultivation should choose peat soil and fine sand mixed preparation, can also be mixed with crushed pine needles mixed with fine sand for breeding.

3. Watering: many people have doubts about how often the snow light is watered, but the growth of snow light requires a dry environment, so watering must be controlled. generally, it can be irrigated once a month with water that has been dried in the sun. Of course, when watering, one watering can see the bottom. In addition, the amount of watering depends on many factors, such as air temperature, light time, wind and so on. Usually, the snow light will not die, but will only be waterlogged to death.

4. Fertilization: appropriate fertilizer should be given when cultivating snow light cactus, and thin cake fertilizer should be applied every 10 days to half a month in the growing season. In addition, when changing the basin soil, the white cactus can apply a small amount of base fertilizer to the bottom of the basin, such as horseshoe slices, bean cake or sesame sauce dregs, but the fertilizer concentration should not be too high.

5, disease prevention: White snow cactus culture encountered high temperature, poor ventilation environment, prone to a variety of diseases and insect pests, found that the disease can be sprayed with carbendazim or topiramate to kill, it should be noted that no matter what kind of liquid is sprayed, should be moved to the outdoor.