
Culture methods and matters needing attention of star anise gold plate

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Culture methods and matters needing attention of star anise gold plate

Star anise gold plate, also known as octagonal gold plate, octagonal gold plate, Jingangzu, etc., is an evergreen shrub or small tree of Araliaceae. Because of its palmlike leaves, about 8 lobed leaves, it seems to have 8 horns. It is often planted on the edge of a rockery or next to a big tree in gardens. It can also be used as an ornamental plant for indoor, hall and venue furnishings. Let's take a look at the breeding methods and matters needing attention of star anise gold plate.

Is the star anise gold plate poisonous?

The stalk of star anise is poisonous, which can cause immune system poisoning and mental poisoning, organ damage poisoning and so on. Basically, no one takes the stem of this plant to eat raw, so it can be safely placed at home. This kind of star anise gold plate many families like to put, in fengshui, the entrance hall can prevent disasters, placed in the bathroom can prevent the leakage of money, prosperous hostess's body. And this plant can absorb a lot of harmful gases, and the roots can also be used as a kind of medicine.

The propagation method of star anise gold plate

1. Cutting: it is best to combine changing pots from March to April, select 2-3-year-old stout side branches with top buds, cut cuttings about 15 cm long from the top, insert 2-3 leaves into the sand bed, pay attention to shading and keep the soil moist, spray the leaves several times a day to maintain air humidity when the weather is hot and dry. Under the condition of 20-25 ℃, it can take root in 1 month and pot in 2 months.

2. Ramet: combined with changing the basin in spring, the full-grown plants are poured out of the basin, the roots with poor growth are trimmed, and then the original plants are cut into several clumps or plants and planted in a basin of suitable size. it can be maintained in a cool and ventilated place and transferred to normal management in 2 to 3 weeks. Ramet propagation should be followed by seed in order to improve the survival rate.

3. Sowing: sowing and reproduction is carried out after seed harvest in late January. First make the seeds fully ripe, and then sow in the seedbed. Pay attention to shading, keep the bed soil moist, and sprout and unearthed 1 month after sowing.

Star anise gold plate culture method

1. Soil: star anise gold plate is suitable for planting in slightly acidic soil with good drainage and fertile, and neutral soil can also adapt.

2, watering: star anise gold plate in the new leaf growth period, watering should be more appropriate, to keep the soil moist, and later watering to master between dry and wet. When the climate is dry, water should also be sprayed to the plant and its surroundings to humidify.

3. Sunshine: star anise gold plate is a strong negative tree species, which can be cultivated in indoor places with bright scattered sunlight all the year round.

4. Temperature: the most suitable temperature for the growth of star anise gold plate is 15-20 ℃, not less than 5 ℃, more than 10 ℃ can grow normally, and the temperature can not be too high. If the temperature exceeds 30 ℃, the leaves are easy to turn yellow, the growth potential decreases and often suffer from diseases.

5. Fertilization: star anise plate needs to apply dilute liquid fertilizer or compound flower fertilizer 1-2 times a month in the peak growing season.

The culture value of star anise gold plate

1. Star anise gold plate can be used as Chinese herbal medicine, can resolve phlegm and relieve cough, dissipate wind and dehumidification, remove blood stasis and relieve pain, mainly treat cough, phlegm, rheumatism, gout, fall injury and other diseases, leaves, roots and skin can also be used as a kind of traditional Chinese medicine.

2. As a kind of medical medicine, star anise gold plate also has a good effect on the medical profession. In recent years, star anise gold plate is commonly used in medicine with the roots of other plants to treat liver cancer, kidney stones and other diseases, but also achieved good results.

3. Star anise gold plate can be planted in many places for viewing. It is suitable to decorate the scenery of the home in the courtyard, by the door, in the corner of the wall and in the shade of the building. It can also be planted on the edge of the lawn and woodland.

The fengshui effect of star anise gold plate

1. Star anise gold plate is a strongly negative plant, and the five elements are water. If the host's five elements are short of water, it is very suitable to put such a plant at home. It can attract money for you and is a good property. Put it in any place in your home, it can attract money for you, absorb money, and let the money "run" to the host's home.

2. Putting the star anise gold plate in the foyer of the home can prevent the disaster and make everything safe at home. Putting star anise gold plates in the foyer can not only prevent disasters, but also make people face life with a smile as soon as they enter the house and see the vibrant star anise gold plates.

3, put the star anise gold plate in the bathroom, when the owners in the bathroom, see it, also feel that life is everywhere, full of vitality. And when a person has the spirit, the illness is relatively far away, and the host's body can get better and better.

The reason for the sagging of the leaves of star anise gold plate

1. The basin soil is too dry, resulting in sagging. Because the star anise plate is not resistant to drought, keeping the basin soil moist is the key. But it is also necessary to master that the topsoil is not dry or irrigated, and it is better to water the topsoil with a little whiteness.

2. The basin soil is too wet, resulting in rotting roots. The plant can be removed from the pot, removed from the soil, and then cut off the rotten root system, replaced with new soil and re-cultivated, watered and placed in a cool place.

3. Excessive fertilization leads to root burning. Take the plant out of the pot, wash the root with clean water, rinse the root for several times, then soak the root in clean water, wait for the leaf to recover, change the new soil and replant.

Matters needing attention in star anise gold plate culture

1. Star anise Jinpan bituminous coal disease should be wiped off with clean cotton cloth in time, and fungicides such as chlorothalonil should be sprayed for prevention and control.

2. Star anise leaf spot often occurs in summer and can be controlled by methyl topiramate or carbendazim.

3. Star anise gold plate chlorosis can be prevented by foliar spraying of molten ferrous sulfate.

4. The main pests of star anise gold plate are aphids, shell insects and red spiders. If there is any occurrence, rapid killing can be used to control shell insects, shovel aphids to control aphids, and triclofenac to control red spiders.