
How do you raise cheeky plants?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, How do you raise cheeky plants?

Thick skin for Crassulaceae floor root belongs to evergreen small shrub plants, also known as soil pseudo-ginseng, leaf root, fight not dead, etc., originated in South Africa, the name is not elegant, from its morphological characteristics, its ornamental value is very high, as a home ornamental plants in the breeding process need to master certain skills, let's take a look at how to raise thick skin plants!

Cheeky growth habits

The cheeky plant is native to South Africa, drought-tolerant, but not cold-tolerant, and is very fond of warm, sunny environments, while it can also survive in semi-shady environments, and its survival temperature and environment in winter cannot be lower than 6 ° C. Often born on the hillside, ditch roadside wet grassland, greenhouse and garden often cultivated around, China is mainly distributed in Fujian, Taiwan, southern Zhejiang, Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan and other places.

The breeding value of cheeky

Thick skin is the most common succulent plant, cultivated for ornamental use, its leaves are plump and juicy, the edge grows neat and beautiful adventitious buds, shaped like a group of small butterflies, fly to the ground, immediately take root and breed offspring, quite interesting, used in potted plants is a good material for windowsill greening, decorating the study and guest room is also elegant. Moreover, the thick skin whole herb is used as medicine, which has the effects of cooling blood and stopping bleeding, clearing heat and detoxifying, and is mainly used for treating traumatic hemorrhage, traumatic injury, furuncle, breast abscess, milk rock, erysipelas, ulcer, scald, stomachache, arthralgia, sore throat, lung heat cough and other diseases.

Cheeky breeding methods

Thick skin commonly used cuttings, adventitious buds and sowing propagation, cuttings in May to June is the best, the healthy leaves flat on the sand bed and sand close to maintain humidity, inserted after 1 week that can grow from the leaf edge teeth out of small plants, cut into the pot after growing. Cut the top branches 8~10 cm long, insert them into the sand bed after a little drying, take root after 1 week, and pot them after 2 weeks. Adventitious bud propagation is more simple, the leaf edge growth of larger adventitious buds can be peeled directly on the pot. The seeds of thick skin are small, not covered with soil after sowing, germinating about 12~15 days after sowing, and the germination rate is high.

A cheeky breeding method

1, soil: thick skin this plant adaptability is strong, cultivation management extensive. Potting can be used as a mixture of 3 parts of moldy soil and 1 part of sandy soil.

2, watering: cheeky growth period watering a little more, keep the pot soil moist, but can not accumulate water. Autumn and winter temperature drop, should reduce watering. Winter flowering, strict control of watering, but do not forget to water.

3, light: Because the thick skin prefers sufficient sunlight, so when there is sunshine, we need to try to put the thick skin on the balcony for photosynthesis. But do not completely expose and direct sunlight, this will also lead to cheeky branches and leaves are burned.

4, fertilization: thick skin growth period fertilization once a month. When the stem and leaf grows too high, it should be picked and pressed down to promote its multiple branches. Renew and change pots every spring to maintain beautiful plant state.

5. Diseases and pests: Thick skin mainly has gray mold and powdery mildew, which can be sprayed with 70% methyl thiophane wettable powder 1000 times solution. Insect pests have scale insects and aphids harm, with 40% dimethoate emulsifiable concentrate 1000 times spray kill.

6, pruning: In order to make the thick skin can flourish, and at the same time better healthy growth, when we trim, it is best to maintain the original shape, only for the old yellow branches and leaves to trim. Don't prune too much at once, as this can damage cheeky plants.

Cheeky farming precautions

1. Pinning: Pinning the new cheeky seedlings in time to promote branching. For older plants, their stems are semi-lignified, defooted and curved, and their ornamental value is reduced. They should be truncated to germinate new branches.

2, light: summer needs to shade the cheeky plants, other seasons should have sufficient light, otherwise the color of the leaf edge will disappear.

3, change the pot: in the thick skin bonsai to change the pot work, you need to leave some old soil, and then add some fresh soil. When fertilizing, not too much is needed. During the growing season, water twice a week or so, not too much. However, in a hot and humid environment, the number of watering times needs to be too much. Spray some water mist on the branches and leaves to keep the living environment moist.