
Planting techniques of oil peony

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Planting techniques of oil peony

Oil peony is a kind of shrub plant, which is mainly distributed in Heze of Shandong Province, Luoyang City of Henan Province, Bozhou City of Anhui Province, Fenghuang Mountain of Tongling City, Gansu Province, Shaanxi Province and so on. Now there are only two varieties of oil peony in production: Phoenix peony and purple spot, among which purple spot is divided into grafting and seed varieties. let's take a look at the planting technology of oil peony.

Land selection and preparation

Oil peony seedlings should choose well drained, sunny sandy land, big seedlings can choose flower shade according to the situation, less than 50% shade fruit tree land, woodland planting, soil PH suitable 6.5-7.5. Take the plain as an example, turn 30cm to 40cm deep, apply 1000 kg of farm manure per mu, add 50 kg compound fertilizer and 10kg 15 kg parathion particles, and plough twice for reserve.

Variety selection

To the south of the Yellow River basin, including the Yangtze River basin below 2000 meters above sea level, Danfeng is dominated by Danfeng, which has strong growth potential, wide adaptability, large seed yield and high oil yield. With the development, the dual-use quality of ornamental oil and other colored oil peonies will be introduced to the market one after another.

Planting time

The Central Plains should be from the first ten days of September to the middle of October, and then need to be covered with film, early should be autumn hair, next year seedling weak. The Yangtze River basin should be from the end of September to the end of November, and the northwest and northeast should be from the end of August to the end of September. 2 ~ 3-year-old Danfeng seedlings are generally selected. 1-year-old seedlings are too small to adapt to poor adaptation, waste of land, 4-and 5-year-old seedlings are too large, the cost is high, need to slow seedlings for 1 year, 2-3-year-old seedlings are the most economical. The selected seedlings were soaked for 30 minutes with 1000 times of Fumishuang and 1000 times of bacteria, and the seedlings were dried and set aside.

Planting technology

After ploughing the land, the row spacing is 60 cm 70 cm, the plant spacing is 30 cm 35 cm, and 3000cm seedlings are needed per mu, which can be removed from the end of the seedling to facilitate planting. Use a shovel to dig a hole 25cm 30cm wide and 10cm 15cm wide, or insert a shovel into the ploughed soil, insert a shovel deep, push the shovel back and forth to make the hole 10cm 15cm wide, take out the shovel and put the treated seedlings into the hole to make the root 2cm and 3cm below the ground. Then bury the soil and tread on it, ridging 15cm and 20cm with the soil to protect against cold and survive the winter.

Field management

1. Before oil peony blossoms and seeds, weeding in the field is the most important daily work. Weeding in time, after planting, there is generally no topdressing in the first year, peony diseases and insect pests are very few, there are generally no great harm, and there are relatively few new roots in the first year after planting. Water can be watered properly in the year of drought. Clear the fallen leaves and cultivate the soil to survive the winter before entering winter after autumn.

The seedlings of 2-3-year-old oil peony should be planted in the fourth or fifth year after planting, that is, the row spacing is unchanged, the plant spacing is removed one by one, and fertilized at the same time. The large seedlings can be planted in new ground, the row spacing is 70 cm, the plant spacing is 70 cm, and there are 1300-1500 seedlings per mu. 100 kg of nitrogen fertilizer should be applied before flowering.