
Culture method of Luohansong

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Culture method of Luohansong

Luohan pine, also known as Taxodium, Pinus elliottii, Luohan pine, etc., is an evergreen coniferous tree of the Luohansong family, which is native to China and is widely cultivated in the Yangtze River valley and the southeast coastal area. it has extremely high ornamental value, meticulous and uniform material, easy processing and medicinal value. it can be used as furniture, utensils, stationery and agricultural tools. Let's take a look at the breeding methods of Luohansong.

Growth habits of Pinus elliottii

Luohansong likes warm and humid climate, weak cold resistance, strong negative resistance, sandy loam with good drainage, strong adaptability to soil, and can survive on saline-alkali soil. It has strong resistance to sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, nitrogen oxide and other pollution gases and strong resistance to diseases and insect pests. China is produced in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, Anhui, Jiangxi, Hunan, Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangxi, Guangdong and other places. Cultivated in the garden as an ornamental tree, there are very few wild trees.

Propagation methods of Pinus elliottii

1. Sowing: the sowing and propagation of Pinus elliottii can be carried out in August, usually in the open field seedbed, with picking and sowing, covering with straw, shading, keeping the substrate moist, and covering with plastic film to prevent freezing in winter.

2. Cuttage: the cuttage propagation of Pinus elliottii can be carried out in spring and autumn, the spring is in the middle of March, and the one-year-old stout dormant branches are selected as cuttings. Autumn is planted from July to August, and semi-lignified green branches are selected as cuttings. Cuttings should have heel, pay attention to shade, and March is the most suitable for transplanting.

Culture method of Luohansong

1. Soil: the cultivation of Pinus elliottii requires slightly acidic culture soil rich in humus, loose and fertile, and good drainage. In alkaline soil, the leaves are yellowed, the growth is slow, and the life span is long, up to hundreds of years, or even more than a thousand years.

2. Watering: Luohansong is not a plant of Pinaceae and is not resistant to drought. On the contrary, Luohansong is resistant to Yin and dampness, so it should be watered frequently during the growing period, but it should not be watered. Shunde area should pay attention to regular watering when it is sunny in summer, generally watering once in the morning and evening, and often spraying foliar water to make the leaves bright green and grow well. Rain Water is usually more in summer. Luo Hansong is not resistant to waterlogging, so we should pay attention to prevent stagnant water for a long time.

3. Sunshine: Pinus elliottii is a neutral and negative tree species, which can not only accept strong light, but also grow in a shady environment. Although the temperature is high and the sun is strong in summer, it is not necessary to shade the tree in summer because the tree is propitious to maintain its leaf shape under the condition of high temperature and strong light. Because of the tender tissue, the seedlings of Luohan pine should not be exposed to strong light for a long time, so it is suggested that they should be preserved in the shade.

4. Temperature: Luohansong is suitable for potted plants in the north. When the outdoor air temperature is stable at about 10 ℃, leave it outside in a leeward and sunny place, and move to a semi-shady place after summer. When the temperature does not drop to 5 ℃ in winter, you should enter the room and control the watering after entering the room, so that you can survive the winter safely without freezing.

5, fertilization: Luohansong likes fertilizer, should be thin fertilizer frequently, fertilizer is mainly nitrogen fertilizer, can add appropriate amount of black alum, retting into alum fertilizer water. During the growing period, fertilization can be applied once every two months, and fertilization can be combined with watering at the same time (the ratio of water and fertilizer is 9:1).

6. Insect pests: Luohan pine is mainly harmful to leaf spot and anthracnose, and is sprayed with 50% methyl topiramate wettable powder 500 times. Pests are harmful to shell insects, red spiders and coir moths, which can be sprayed with 1500 times omethoate EC.

Matters needing attention in culture of Luohansong

The main results are as follows: 1. The basin soil is slightly dry in the growing season. If the basin soil is watered too much and the basin soil is moist for a long time, it will lead to rotten roots and yellow leaves. In severe cases, a large number of leaves fall off, and the plant eventually dies. However, there is more water demand in summer, watering should be sufficient, and the pot soil is easy to scorch if the leaves are too much.

2. During the growth period, attention should be paid to pruning and coring the molded plants to prevent the branches and leaves from growing, and to maintain the graceful posture of Luohansong. When changing the basin, we should pay attention to cut off too many roots and rotten fibrous roots, and at the same time cut off the dense branches and growing branches.

3. When the outdoor temperature drops to 5 ℃ in winter, it should be moved indoors. After entering the room, watering should be controlled and fertilization should be stopped. Generally every 2 years to change the basin, the time to change the basin in spring and autumn. When changing the basin, pay attention to properly cut off the excessive root system and rotten fibrous root, cut off the overdense branches and add new culture soil.

4. Potted Luohansong is usually placed on a high platform or stone, so that insects such as ants and earthworms can be reduced to drill into the flowerpot from the bottom hole of the flowerpot and harm the plant.

5. During the cultivation of Luohansong, the root system should be extended, cover the soil to 2 cm along the edge of the basin, water it once, put the flowerpot in a shaded and ventilated place, slow the seedlings for 7 to 10 days, and then move to a sunny and humid environment after the pine is restored to life. keep the basin soil moist and make it grow vigorously.

6. The cause of leaf tip death of Luohan pine is that the tip is damaged by fungi in high temperature and rainy seasons. if the plant is too long, the tissue is tender, the seedlings are too dense, the ventilation is poor, or the wound is formed because of the same burn, it is easy to be infected by bacteria and induce the disease.