
When will the roses be planted?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, When will the roses be planted?

Rose is one of the world-famous ornamental plants, and it has a long history of cultivation in China. After the introduction of rose in China in the 18th and 19th century, it crossed and backcrossed with the original varieties, and cultivated rose, perfume rose, wild rose and rose and other varieties. It has a very high ornamental value. Let's take a look at when the roses will be planted.

When will the roses be planted?

The rose can be planted all the year round, keeping the root system moist in the growing season and preventing cold in winter, but it is suitable from autumn defoliation to spring sprouting, and the best planting period is from autumn defoliation to freezing. In order to make the plant grow and enlarge the flower cluster as soon as possible, large holes must be planted with 1 meter long and 1 meter wide, 0.6-0.8 meters deep, or digging planting ditches with 0.6-0.8 meters deep and 0.8 meters wide. Plant application of organic fertilizer, calcium superphosphate, mixed with the soil and concentrated application in the soil depth of 0.2 to 0.5 meters, after planting, timely irrigation.

The Propagation method of Rose

Rose seed can be used for raising seedlings, but it is easy to survive by using tender wood cuttings in the same year in production. Valuable varieties are difficult to cut and can be propagated by pressing or grafting. Seedlings of asexual reproduction can blossom in the same year. For the seedlings used as potted flowers, the older branches of fine varieties should be selected, the seedlings should be raised by striping method, and attention should be paid to pruning the main buds and artificial dwarfing. For seedlings used as cut flowers, varieties that can form mother branches and colorful flowers should be selected to raise seedlings. Rose can also be propagated by tissue culture, water culture, ramet and other methods.

The culture method of rose flower

1. Soil: the rose flower is not strict in soil, resistant to drought and barren. It is most suitable to grow in deep, loose, fertile, moist and well-drained soil, and it can also grow normally in clayey soil. Whether planted in the ground or potted, the cultivation soil of rose flowers should be fully mature sandy soil as the best.

2. Illumination: the rose is a light-loving flower, which likes plenty of sunshine, and it is also resistant to semi-shade, cold and adaptability. it is suitable to be planted in all parts of the south except for the severe cold in winter. Roses should have enough sunshine during their growth so that they can flourish and blossom more.

3. Watering: roses like to be wet, afraid of being wet and avoid waterlogging. From the rose sprouting to blooming, you can properly irrigate some more water, with the soil moist but without stagnant water as the best. After the rose blossoms, you should reduce the amount of water, dry and wet the soil when watering, and pay attention to drainage and waterlogging in the rainy season to avoid stagnant water rotting the roots.

4. Fertilization: roses prefer fertilizer and are resistant to barren. Liquid fertilizer dominated by nitrogen can be applied once or twice in March to promote the branches and leaves of roses to flourish. In April and May, fertilizers mainly based on phosphorus and potassium can be applied 2 to 3 times. In order to promote the rose flower to have more pregnant buds and blossom, and then apply rehabilitation fertilizer again after flowering, then you can stop fertilization. Roses need to cultivate soil and fertilize once a year in winter.

5. Pruning: pruning and shaping is an indispensable process in most flower breeding, and natural roses are no exception, especially when cultivated as potted flowers, we should pay more attention to pruning and shaping. In general, adult roses are pruned before germination every spring, and the amount should be moderate to ensure that the branches of the roses are dense and beautiful. The old branches and dense branches of roses should be often trimmed every winter to maintain good light transmission and ventilation so as to reduce diseases and insect pests.