
Petunias and legends

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Petunias and legends

Morning glory, also known as morning glory, trumpet flower, Ginjiao Lazi, morning glory, Qin Niangzi, etc., trailing stems slender, Corolla trumpet-like, bright and beautiful, born in hillside scrub, dry valley roadside, garden side, mountain roadside, very adaptable, let's take a look at the morning glory language and legends!

The floral language of morning glory

Love lasts forever. Morning glory has a common name, "diligent Lady". It can be seen from its name that it is a very hard-working flower. Whenever the rooster has just crowed over the head, and the needle is still in the place of the word "four" at that time, the morning glory will blossom like a trumpet. This morning glory makes people breathe fresh air in the morning light while enjoying the flowers embellished in the green leaves. It's really interesting. No wonder it's so likable.

The flowering period of morning glory

Morning glory, which blossoms slowly from June to October, usually blossoms slowly at 4 to 5 o'clock in the morning, and withered at about noon, because the morning glory is large and thin, and it is rich in moisture. When the sun shines, the water in the flower evaporates in a short time, and if it is in a shady place, the morning glory will wither more slowly, sometimes even in the afternoon.

Morning glory legend one

Once upon a time, there was a young man named Li Hu in Lizhuang, Jinzhou, Hebei Province. he was very strong and strong, but for some reason, he got bloating disease. Although he had been treated by a doctor many times, he never got any better. His wife was so worried that she finally invited an old doctor in Luzhou, Shanxi Province to see Li Hu. The old man wrote a prescription after seeing it: "take it with wild trumpet flower seed decoction."

Mrs. Li Hu had never heard of this medicine, so she had to come to the door again and tell the old man about the situation.

After hearing this, the old man said, "there is this kind of wild flower in front of my hometown in Luzhou, Shanxi, and its flower seed is this medicine." You can send someone to pick it up at my house. " Mrs. Li Hu hurried to Shanxi to get wild trumpet flower seeds. A few doses of fried soup were given to Li Hu, and sure enough, Li Hu recovered in less than a month. In order to thank the old man for saving his life, Li Hu brought a cow and came to the old man's house. he wanted to give the cow to the old man and asked, "Old man, what kind of medicine are you taking to treat me?" It is difficult for the old man to answer for a moment.

It turns out that this wild trumpet flower doesn't have a name yet. Li Hu asked, the old man thought: this kind of flower seed can cure the incurable disease, can lead the cow, today the patient leads the cow to the door again, might as well call it "morning glory"! Then he pointed to the wild trumpet flower at the door and said, "it's called morning glory. What I give you is morning glory seed. It just so happens that you also lead the cow." Since then, the wild trumpet flower has the name "morning glory".

Morning glory legend II

A long time ago, I don't know where or when a mountain shaped like a crouching cow suddenly appeared, and everyone named it Funiu Mountain. There is a small village at the foot of Funiu Mountain. There are not many people in the village. One of the families has twin sisters. The people in the village are very poor and have no money to buy cattle farmland, so they can only use some homemade soil tools to dig soil and plough land. The twin sisters live at the foot of the mountain. They have reclaimed some wasteland in front of the mountain and behind the mountain. With their own hands, they can barely get by with spring sowing, summer ploughing and autumn harvest. The two sisters are kind-hearted and often help people who are poorer than themselves.

One day, the two sisters were digging the ground when they suddenly came to a very hard place. My sister and sister brought all the tools, but they couldn't move any dirt. The two sisters were tired for a long time, so they sat on the edge of the hard soil and had a rest. Suddenly, the hard earth cracked by itself, and my sister quickly opened her eyes, and there was a silver light inside. My sister ran over and took out something, which turned out to be a silver trumpet.

While the sisters were wondering, a white-bearded old man came next to them. the old man smiled and said to them, "this mountain was descended by the Jade Emperor from the sky, and there are a hundred green cattle spirits in it. These green cattle spirits are well practiced, illusory into human form, and do evil in the world. It was the Jade Emperor who subdued them and pinned them under Funiu Mountain. Today, they have been under pressure for 900 years. By tomorrow they will all become Taurus and will no longer endanger the world. This silver horn is the key to Funiu Mountain. Listen to the "clatter" of the mountain tonight, and soon there will be a golden light, that is, the mountain eye. Just insert the silver horn into it. However, we must also remember the formula 'Funiushan, clatter, ask me to read this silver trumpet' three times, then the mountain eye will become bigger, you can go in and take out a Taurus, and you won't worry about eating and drinking for the rest of your life. This key appears once every 900 years, and it only works for a while, but it doesn't work at dawn. Don't be locked up by the mountain, or you will die. Also, this silver trumpet must not be blown, or a hundred cows will rush out of the mountain pass. " Before the two sisters came to their senses, the old man was gone.

The two sisters were glad to know that they had met an immortal. They hurried home to discuss how to open the mountain and hold Taurus. The elder sister said, "We should put our feet and legs faster and strive to take out all 100 Taurus and distribute them to the poor villagers, so that everyone will no longer be angry with the landlords and lead a good life." The younger sister said, "although Taurus can't be eaten as a meal, yellow gold and bright silver are valuable in the eyes of the rich, but they are not as good as a spoon of noodles in the eyes of the poor." Wouldn't it be better if we sounded the silver trumpet and turned all those golden oxen into live bulls and distributed them to the villagers so that they could have cattle to plow the fields? " The elder sister happily agreed with her younger sister.

So, the two sisters went separately to inform the villagers and told them to go to Funiu Mountain at night to lead cattle. At night, there is no moon or stars in the sky, the front and back of the mountain is dark, and no light can be seen. The elder sister pulled the younger sister from the front of the mountain to the back of the mountain, and there was no movement. The elder sister said to the younger sister, "Don't give up, we'll wait." In this way, when it was five o'clock, I suddenly heard a "crash" in the mountain, and a dazzling golden light was emitted from the north slope of the mountain.

The two sisters hurried to the glowing place. I saw that the hole was only as thick as a finger. Looking down the hole, I saw a golden square table with rows of Taurus the size of steamed buns. The younger sister hurriedly took out the silver trumpet and inserted it into the mountain eye, and the elder sister hurriedly read: "Funiu Mountain, clatter, open the mountain to me this silver trumpet." After reading it three times, the mountain eye slowly enlarged, but only one person was allowed to get in, and my sister dodged in, and so did my sister.

As soon as my sister went in, she blew the silver trumpet. All of a sudden, the Taurus on the table became alive, stretched their legs, shook their hair, jumped off the table, and turned into big bulls, and they rushed out along the mountain eye. When the last cow just stretched out its head, the east was slightly red, and the mountain eye slowly became smaller. This worried the two sisters. The two sisters worked together to push the cow's ass, but they could not push it.

Besides, the villagers, when they heard the sound of the trumpet, they ran to Funiu Mountain one after another, and saw a cow running all over the hillside. They ran up and each led a cow. They were so grateful to the two sisters that they both wanted to thank them, but no one could be found. At this time, someone found that the stuck cow, some pulled the cow's head, some pulled the cow's feet, and the mission pulled it out, but could not pull it out. later, someone put a nose ring on the cow's nose and tied a long rope to the nose ring, and everyone pulled it together. The cow was pulled in pain. In an emergency, the four hooves came out, the mountain eye immediately closed, and the two sisters were locked up in the mountains.

Then the sun came out, and as soon as the silver trumpet in the mountain eye changed, it became a trumpet flower. It is also said that in memory of the two sisters, the trumpet flower is also called morning glory. Some people also say that Nanyang Dahuang, which is now famous all over the country, is the offspring of those Taurus.