
The spirit and quality of plum blossom

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The spirit and quality of plum blossom

Plum blossom is native to southern China and has been cultivated for more than 3,000 years. It is called "four gentlemen" with orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum, and "cold three friends" with pine and bamboo. With its noble, strong and modest quality, it gives people the incentive to be determined to open a hundred flowers in the cold. Let's take a look at the spirit and quality of plum blossom.

What does plum blossom symbolize?

The plum blossom symbolizes the noble, proud wind, people who are not afraid of the cold, strong, beautiful, poor but virtuous, and give people the encouragement of determination with the character of unswerving, noble, strong and modest, and blossom before a hundred flowers in the severe cold, so plum is often used by the people as an auspicious symbol of spring news.

What are the qualities of plum blossoms?

Plum blossom is not afraid of wind and snow, indomitable, proud snow bully frost, indomitable, by the people as a good luck symbol of spring, one of the three cold friends, since ancient times, people have praised her proud snow spirit, lonely do not compete with a hundred flowers for spring, natural roots are different, all things are difficult to accompany, because "ten thousand flowers dare to come out into the snow, a tree alone is the first spring in the world." Known as the Flower Kui, the lofty character and steadfast integrity of "we already know that it is not snow, but only dark fragrance" symbolizes the spirit of our dragon's descendants. "when wind and rain send spring home, flying snow greets spring, it is already a cliff of ice, still beautiful, beautiful and not fighting for spring, only when she reports that spring is in full bloom, she laughs" symbolizes the quality of tenacity, perseverance, courage and self-improvement. Character and integrity almost impresses the spiritual outlook of the Descendants of the Dragon.

What is the spirit of plum blossom?

1. The ancients said that plum has four virtues, primary stamens are Yuan, flowering is Heng, seed is profit, and maturity is Zhen. Later generations also said that the five petals of plum blossoms are the symbol of the five blessings, the first is happiness, the second is happiness, the third is longevity, the fourth is smooth, the fifth is the peace we most hope for, and the five petals symbolize happiness, happiness, longevity, success and peace.

2. Plum is often used by the people as an auspicious symbol of spring news. Chen Zhi-nian's mini poem "Plum Blossom" wrote, "in order to keep up with the bitter cold, he revealed the news of spring to others." It is also one of the three friends of the year and the head of the four gentlemen in the flowers. since ancient times, people have praised its spirit of proud snow and its noble beauty of not competing with a hundred flowers for spring.

3. Plum blossom is the spiritual symbol of the Chinese nation, with a strong and universal appeal and driving force, symbolizing the spirit of perseverance, perseverance, courage and continuous self-improvement. According to folklore, other flowers do not bloom until spring, but it is different. the colder the wind and the snow, the more spiritually and beautifully the flowers bloom. For thousands of years, plum blossom's lofty quality and steadfast integrity have encouraged generation after generation of Chinese to forge ahead without fear of hardships and dangers and create an excellent life and civilization.

A beautiful sentence describing plum blossoms

1, the appearance of plum blossom is not outstanding, it is composed of only five simple pink petals, but this simple flower, I have an unusual feeling. In terms of aroma, the plum blossom has a faint breath, which will make people feel refreshed all day after smelling it. If you smell it in the early morning, you will feel relaxed and happy all day.

2. When I entered the garden, I saw a large area of plum blossoms proudly in full bloom in the cold wind. On the branches, the white flowers are fighting for beauty in the cold, adding some vitality to this severe winter. The plum blossom branches are slender, different in shape and graceful. Admiralty-like flowers dotted with brilliance among the branches, attracting the eyes of tourists from time to time, attracted bursts of admiration.

3. Plum blossoms are the most otherworldly flowers. Some are small and naive, some are graceful and shy, some are dignified and elegant. Coupled with the strange fragrance of plum blossoms, it is really adorable.

4. Plum blossoms are the toughest flowers. A sharp sword needs to be polished, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the cold winter. Plum blossom is proud of frost and snow in the cold winter, not afraid of freezing, not afraid of snow invasion, when other flowers wither and fall, the plum blossom is in full bloom, unique, proudly standing in this ice and snow. Even in the severe cold of more than 20 degrees below zero, it can also be "sparse shadow horizontal oblique water shallow clear, dark fragrance floating moon dusk", laughing proud of the universe.

5. "wearing this body in the ice and snow forest, different peaches and plums mix with fragrant dust." She is not as beautiful as a rose, but she can stand proudly in the wind and snow, she does not have the fragrance of jasmine, but can blossom in the cold, she is the plum blossom-the otherworldly plum blossom!

6. Plum blossoms are blooming in the cold wind. It does not have the beauty of the rose, the popularity of the peony, the elegance of the orchid, the elegance of the lotus. However, it is not afraid of the cold, walking alone in early spring, proud of the spirit in the snow, symbolizing resolute spirit and noble character, "several plums in the corner, braving the cold alone proudly blooming." It also expresses the strong and unyielding spirit and character of plum blossoms.

7. Plum blossoms are the most selfless flowers. It is willing to be lonely and indifferent to fame and wealth. The plum blossom is also staggered by the cold wind, shaking left and right, whenever at this time, it always bears silently, never cries grievances, never cries aggrieved. It is not frustrated by missing a beautiful spring; it is not frustrated by the absence of butterflies; it is not frustrated by the lack of companions. Do not learn delicate peach blossoms, no more frivolous catkins flying all over the sky, but blooming in the world with no regrets, trying to decorate the silver world. The plum blossom left the spring to others, and left the unbearable cold to itself.

8. "it is already a cliff ice, and there are still flowers." In the cold winter months, the flowers withered, and only the plum blossoms blossomed proudly in the snow and ice, which made us feel admired. I leaned down and gently stroked the plum blossom with a pair of cold hands, savoring the noble quality of plum blossom not afraid of the cold.

9. "the fragrance of the plum blossom comes from the cold winter". It is the cold wind that blows the plum blossom, the setting sun that shines on the plum blossom, and the rain and dew that moistens the plum blossom. But the plum blossom standing on the top of the mountain is so fragrant and elegant. It can still compare with other flowers in the greenhouse, and it's no worse than them, is it?

The plum blossoms are proudly in full bloom. Colorful flowers are white like snow, red like fire, yellow Saijin, pink Ruxia. Dancing in the cold wind, ice-hearted. A careful smell, a fragrance can not help but pounce on the face, fragrance bursts, elegant and fresh, immediately make people feel relaxed and happy …...

11. Plum blossoms are not only the earliest flowers to blossom, but also incomparable to other flowers. When the earth enters the late autumn, especially in the severe winter, the flowers all bend over and bow their heads. The branches soon after falling leaves sprout in the severe winter, and in the frost and snow, you can still see the plum blossom, tenacious figure, fighting with rain and snow.

The plum blossom is not as beautiful as the peony, the rose is delicate and flashy, the rose is colorful, the lotus is noble and elegant. However, I prefer the plum blossom with frost and proud snow.

13. The plum blossom never competes with the hundred flowers for the bright spring, nor does it show off its beauty. The plum blossom has a pair of arrogant bones and is never arrogant. Whenever the cold winter morning, a unique charm, elegant fragrance floated from the window. Plum blossom is not only elegant and elegant demeanor so that ancient and modern poets and painters praise it, but also for its ice muscle and jade bones, Ling Han Liuxiang is regarded as the essence of the nation and is valued by the world. Plum blossom with its noble, strong, modest character, give people determined to work hard incentive.

The plum blossom is not big, like a shy girl, with few green leaves left against the plum blossom. Perhaps in order to make the flowers bloom better, the green leaves give all the nutrients they should have to the plum blossoms. Although plum blossom is called the national flower of China, it is not public. It just opens silently in the cold wind and quietly shows its elegant demeanor in the cold wind. Only it knows the pain it has experienced.

15. The color of plum blossoms is gorgeous but not demon. The fragrance of plum blossoms is quiet and elegant. The appearance of plum blossoms is ancient and beautiful. Isn't this our construction worker? Regardless of the severe cold and heat, the wind and rain, and the cold weather, they are working hard in their jobs. I want to learn plum blossom, I want to be a person like plum blossom.