
You can't raise the rose until 8 o'clock, but you have to do it well.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Rose is a very attractive flower plant for many flower lovers. As long as it blossoms, you will soon be attracted by its gorgeous flowers. So, about raising rose, we have talked about a lot of techniques before, flowers.

Rose is a very attractive flower plant for many flower lovers. As long as it blossoms, you will soon be attracted by its gorgeous flowers. So, with regard to raising rose, we have talked about a lot of skills before, flower friends can not "cover everything", but the following eight points must be done well.

1. Maintain better temperature conditions

18 ℃ to 25 ℃ during the day and 10 ℃ to 15 ℃ at night are the most suitable conditions for rose flowers to grow, while those over 30 ℃ are poor. People have been complaining about the summer flowers because the temperature is too high. We can artificially cool down, such as shading, shading net, thermal insulation, these methods can, more watering is also a great help, spraying leaves with water, in the role of transpiration at the same time play a cooling role, but remember only sooner or later.

2. Maintain good lighting conditions

The importance of light is self-evident, for rose, the light should not be less than six hours a day, in order to facilitate its photosynthesis and accumulate nutrients. Some can not meet the conditions of the closed balcony can use flower racks, flower stools, etc., or timely move out to see the sun.

3. Replenish adequate nutrient conditions

Whether it is the flowering period or the growing period of nutrition to keep up, in the growing period to give enough energy accumulation, in order to continue in the flowering period, the same supply after the flowering period is also particularly important. The general recommendation is to use rose-specific organic liquid fertilizer every 7 days, diluting the root 500 times, spraying 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution before flowering, and topdressing rose organic liquid fertilizer after flowering.

4. Remove the over-dense rose buds

The over-dense buds should be removed in time in spring, and two to three robust buds should be retained on one main branch, dormant from spring to winter, and sprouts should be wiped at any time to avoid excessive consumption of nutrients so as to facilitate flowering.

5. Remove the buds in time

For many rose varieties with large flowers and lateral buds, lateral buds should be removed in time after budding, and nutrients can be concentrated to supply the main buds after budding, so that the rose flowers will not bloom smaller and smaller.

6. Pruning residual flowers

In addition, withered branches, diseased branches, thin branches and inner bore branches should be cut off frequently to prevent these branches from taking up nutrients and affecting the breeding of flower buds. In the flowering period, it is a good choice to cut off those that are about to wither, save them for flower arrangement, or make dried flowers. Cutting off the remaining flowers can also help those unopened buds and apply more nutrition to them, so that the next flowers will bloom well and there will be no more nutrition problems.

7. Pruning branches

Must prune branches, some plants look luxuriant, the result is all empty shelves, only a few flowers, some even none, so do not feel sorry for these branches, bold to cut, there is a house.

8. the selection of pots should be suitable.

The size of the basin is also very important, change the basin regularly, so that the plant has a more adequate environment to grow, change the basin while burying some base fertilizer is also extremely beneficial. To remind flower friends is the high temperature in summer, pottery pots gather heat, but some do not work, you can change plastic pots or other materials.

To cultivate Chinese rose, as long as it can meet the environmental conditions for its growth, it can continue to blossom and maintain the characteristics of the variety. If it does not have the required living conditions, it will affect its normal fertility, so the flowers will bloom smaller and smaller, or even do not bloom, so if you can not cover all aspects, then do a good job of the above eight points.