
What plants should I put on my desk?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What plants should I put on my desk?

Putting a pot of small potted green plants in the corner of the desk can adjust people's psychological state, alleviate the monotony and fatigue brought about by work, and choose green plants of good size, color and plant shape. The general principle is that the plant should be dignified and stretched. Give priority to warm colors, so what kind of plants should be put on the desk? Let's take a look at it together.


Cactus is a kind of plant of the genus cactus, alias cactus, Guanyin cactus, overlord, fire cactus, etc., often grows in desert and other dry environment, known as "desert hero flower", is a kind of succulent plant. Breathing is usually carried out at night when it is cool and humid, when breathing, carbon dioxide is inhaled and oxygen is released, and a cactus is placed indoors, especially hydroponic cactus (because hydroponic cactus is cleaner and environmentally friendly). Can play a role in purifying the environment.


Cactus is a spherical cactus plants, there are many species, native to the desert, like high temperature and dry climate, flowering in the early morning or evening, lasting a few hours to a day. Stems, leaves and flowers all have high ornamental value, and they are also fine works of art of hydroponic flowers. Cactus has the function of absorbing electromagnetic radiation, is also a natural air freshener, but also has the role of absorbing dust and purifying air.

Hanging orchid

Hanging orchid, also known as hanging potted grass, hanging orchid, fishing orchid, orchid, etc., is a perennial evergreen herb of Liliaceae, with slender and drooping branches and small white flowers when the temperature is high in summer or other seasons. the flowers are concentrated at the end of the hanging branches, the stamens are yellow, and the inner tender leaves are sometimes purple, which can be watched by potted plants. Easy to breed, strong adaptability, one of the most traditional indoor hanging plants.


Aloe is a perennial evergreen herb of the genus Aloe in Liliaceae. it is native to the Mediterranean and Africa. Because it is easy to grow, it is an ornamental plant with flowers and leaves. It is a new star of edible, medicinal, cosmetic and ornamental plants. Its exudates (the main active ingredients are onion quinones such as aloin) have been widely used in medicine and daily chemistry. In Chinese folk, it is used as a natural medicine for beauty, hair care and treatment of skin diseases. Aloe gel has a certain anti-itching effect on mosquito bites.

One-leaf orchid

One leaf orchid is also called spider holding egg, big leaf evergreen, bamboo leaf plate, Jiulong dish, bamboo tendon and so on. It is an evergreen persistent root herb of the genus Liliaceae. Its leaves are straight and straight, thick green and bright, strong in growth, strong in adaptability and extremely shade-tolerant. They are excellent shade-loving foliage plants for indoor greening decoration, suitable for home and office layout, and can be watched alone, or in cooperation with other ornamental plants. It is also the leaf material of modern flower arrangement.

Zhu Jiao

Zhu Jiao is a shrub plant of the family tequila and plantain genera. The underground part has well-developed rhizomes, easy to sprout mulberry, the main stem is tall and straight, the stem is 1-3 meters high, unbranched or less branched, the flowers are light red to bluish purple, with yellowish flowers, distributed in the tropical areas of southern China, more than garden cultivation, foliage plants. Zhu Jiao is beautiful in shape, gorgeous and elegant in color, and it is also a medicinal plant. Its flowers, leaves and roots can be used as medicine. It has been used to treat hemoptysis, hematuria and bacillary dysentery in Guangxi, China.

Green pineapple

Green pineapple belongs to a large evergreen vine of the unicorn leaf genus of Araceae, which grows in tropical areas and often climbs on the rocks and trunks of rainforest. it has strong entanglement, developed air roots, can be planted in water culture, and has a strong function of air purification. It has a good name of green purifier, can convert formaldehyde into sugars or amino acids in metabolism, and can also decompose benzene emitted by photocopiers and printers. And it can be absorbed.

Tiger tail orchid

Tiger-tail orchid, also known as tiger-tail orchid, brocade orchid, thousand-year-old orchid, tiger-tail palm, yellow-tail orchid, mother-in-law tongue, etc., are perennial herbaceous foliage plants of the genus Liliaceae, with many varieties, great changes in plant shape and leaf color, and strong adaptability to the environment. The main varieties are Phnom Penh, silver vein tiger tail orchid, etc., suitable for decoration study, living room, office space, can be watched for a long time.

Asparagus asparagus

Asparagus, also known as Yunpiansong, Cudong, Yunzhu, etc., can be up to several meters high. it is native to South Africa and is distributed in central China, northwest China, the Yangtze River Basin and all parts of the south. It likes warm, humid and semi-overcast ventilated environment, and is not resistant to severe cold and drought in winter. Avoid direct sunlight in summer. Asparagus is a very high ornamental plant, can be placed in the living room, study, purify the air, but also add a scholarly flavor, root medicine, can treat acute tracheitis, with the function of moistening the lungs and relieving cough.


Rose is known as the queen of flowers, also known as the moon red, for the rose rose genus semi-evergreen low shrub, four seasons flowering, generally red, or pink, occasionally white and yellow, can be used as an ornamental plant, can also be used as a medicinal plant. China is one of the places of origin of the rose. The flowers are beautiful and varied. They often bloom at 04:00 and are very popular. 52 cities in China chose them as city flowers, and the rose in May 1985 was named the fifth of the top ten famous flowers in China.


Tequila, also known as tequila, flax, etc., is a large perennial evergreen herb of the tequila family, with firm leaves, evergreen all seasons, yellowish green flowers, very few beads on inflorescences after flowering, usually decades of origin before flowering, mother plant withered after flowering, cross-pollination in order to bear fruit, like well-drained, fertile and moist sandy soil, native to tropical America. The provinces and regions of South China and Southwest China are often introduced and cultivated.


Ivy is a perennial evergreen climbing shrub of the genus Acanthopanax, with beautiful leaves and evergreen seasons. It is often used for vertical greening in various parts of the south. It is often planted beside rockery and wall roots, allowing it to naturally attach and grow vertically or cover. It has the effect of decorating and beautifying the environment. Potted plants are mainly small and medium-sized potted plants, which can be used for a variety of shapes, indoor furnishings, and can also be used to cover the walls of indoor gardens. Make its indoor garden landscape more natural and beautiful.

Black feather jade

Black feather jade is a small and thornless cactus, native to southwestern Texas to Mexico, mainly growing in Chihuahua Desert, Tamaulipas and San Luis Potosi, with soft meat, strange shape and high ornamental value. Wuyu jade is the best choice at home, like warmth, dryness and sunshine, afraid of stagnant water, drought and semi-overcast, requiring a large temperature difference between day and night. Can help you better regulate the air.

Kui Fengyu

Fengyu is a succulent plant of the genus Cactus, native to the central part of the Mexican plateau, with high horticultural value and high ornamental value. It is a treasure collected by botanical gardens and succulent plant lovers. Because the reproduction coefficient of this kind of plant is very low, and the variability is large, it is not easy to preserve various horticultural varieties. The method of tissue culture may be an effective way to solve the propagation and germplasm conservation of various horticultural varieties of Planet and Fengyu, and it also has the significance of protecting endangered plants.


Mimosa is a perennial herb or subshrub of Leguminosae, which is named mimosa because its leaves respond to heat and light and close immediately when touched by external forces. Flowers, leaves and pods all have good ornamental effect, and are easy to survive, so they are suitable for potted flowers on balcony and indoor (human consumption or excessive contact with mimosa can also cause hair loss), and can also be planted in the courtyard.

Bauhinia flower

Bauhinia, also known as safflower Bauhinia or safflower Bauhinia, is a Bauhinia tree of the genus Bauhinia of the family Sanguinaceae. its crown is elegant and showy, and its leaves are shaped like the hoof of cattle and sheep. It is a good ornamental tree in the tropics and subtropics. It is suitable to be used as a street tree and a shade scenic tree. The flower is 4-5 days per flower, and the whole flowering period is nearly half a year. Street trees are widely cultivated in Hong Kong. It has five characteristics: long flowering period, large flowers, beautiful flowers and fragrant flowers, which has become the symbol of Hong Kong.

Number one Red

No.1 Yuanhong is a famous sweet-scented osmanthus variety, which is an evergreen shrub or small tree of Oleaceae, with dense crown, good shape, strong branching power, large growth, large flower diameter, large flower number, red flower color and high ornamental value. it is very suitable for park scenic spots and community courtyard planting, and it is also a good material for potted plants in the north.


Rhododendron, also known as rhododendron, yellow rhododendron, sheep not herbivorous, noisy sheep flower, startled sheep flower, tiger flower, jade branch, etc., are deciduous shrubs of the genus Rhododendron of the rhododendron family, which are born under shrubs or ridges in hillside grasslands or hilly areas at an altitude of 1000 meters above sea level. China's Jiangsu, Anhui, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Fujian, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Sichuan, Guizhou and Yunnan, there is a subspecies of Japan, beautiful flowers. With bright colors and high value of Chinese herbal medicine, it is one of the famous poisonous plants.


Tulip, also known as lotus, grass musk, tulip, Dutch, etc., is a world-famous bulb flower and an excellent variety of cut flowers, with vigorous and erect flowers, elegant and beautiful leaves, dignified and lovely lotus-like flowers, which are regarded as a symbol of victory and beauty in Europe and the United States. Holland, Iran, Turkey and many other countries are national flowers.

Jade fan

Yufan, also known as truncated twelve volumes, belongs to the 12-volume genus of Liliaceae succulent plants, the plant is stemless, fleshy leaves are arranged in two rows, the leaves are erect, slightly curved inward, and the top is slightly sunken. The surface is rough, green to dark green-brown, with small verrucous protuberances, the cross-section of the new leaves is partially transparent, gray-white, the habit is strong, and the root system is relatively stout. Some varieties have gray-white transparent patterns on the leaf section. Its horticultural variety Jade Fan brocade has yellow or pink markings on its leaves, which is more beautiful.

Jade clove

Jade clove, also known as lilac peony, dragon boat flower, etc., is an evergreen tree of Oleaceae, with green leaves, peach leaves, pink and white flowers, layer by layer blooming, melancholy fragrance. It is observed that if sniffing its fragrant smell indoors for a long time, it will make people depressed and lack of asthma, so it is not appropriate to put jade cloves indoors to watch, let alone in the bedroom at night.


Oleander is an evergreen erect shrub of the oleander family. It is cultivated in various provinces and regions of China, especially in southern China. It is often cultivated in parks, scenic spots, roadsides, riversides and lakes. Growers to the north of the Yangtze River must spend the winter in greenhouses, wild in Iran, India and Nepal, and are now widely planted in tropical areas of the world. Large flowers, gorgeous, long florescence, often used as ornamental, stem bark fiber is an excellent blended material. Leaves, bark, roots, flowers and seeds all contain a variety of carbohydrates, which are so toxic that people and animals can die if eaten by mistake.


Poinsettia, also known as ivory red, old Laijiao, Christmas flower, Christmas red, poinsettia, etc., is native to Central America and is widely cultivated in the tropics and subtropics. It is cultivated in most provinces, autonomous regions and cities in China, and is commonly found in parks, botanical gardens and greenhouses for viewing. Stems and leaves can be used as medicine, have swelling-reducing effect, and can treat falls and injuries.

Night incense

Nocturnal incense is a perennial rattan-like twining herb, with fragrant flowers, especially at night, which is extremely harmful to human health, so it should not stay long in front of fragrant flowers at night, often cultivated for ornamental use. South China has its flowers and meat fried and cooked, flowers can be steamed sesame oil. Flowers and leaves can be used medicinally and have the effect of clearing liver, clear eyes and removing nebula. In South China, they are used to treat conjunctivitis, conjunctivitis, ophthalmopathy and so on.


Pelargonium alias hydrangea, stone red, into wax red, sun rotten red, sunflower and so on, belongs to the perennial herb of Pelargoniaceae, native to southern Africa, widely cultivated all over the world, the young plant is fleshy herb, the old plant is semi-woody, and it is a good flower for decorating windowsill in the West, especially in continental Europe, such as Germany, Austria and other countries.

Five-colored plum

Five-colored plum is also known as Shan Dadan, Ruyi grass, colorful flowers, Wuledan, five-color hydrangea, discolored grass, bright red hydrangea and so on. It is an evergreen shrub of Verbenaceae. The general flowering period is about mid-April and late April to mid-February of the following year. However, due to the influence of climate and temperature, flowering can be seen almost throughout the year, which can be said to be Changsheng plant.

Bird's nest fern

Bird's nest fern, also known as nest fern, mountain perennial fern, crown fern, etc., is a perennial herbaceous foliage plant, native to southeast Asia, eastern Australia, Indonesia, India and eastern Africa. It is widely distributed in tropical China. It has the function of strengthening muscles and bones, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, and can also be used for injury, fracture, blood stasis, headache, hemolysis, impotence and gonorrhea.

Twelve volumes

Twelve volumes is the abbreviation of 12 volumes of succulent plants in Liliaceae. It is also a perennial herb. Its origin is South Africa. It is a popular small succulent plant in recent years. It has a wide variety, different shapes, small and exquisite plant shape, elegant and elegant. It is very suitable for personal cultivation and ornamental. There are 12 stripes and crystal palms suitable for ordinary family cultivation to decorate several cases, desks, computer desks, windowsills, etc., as well as jade fans, Vientiane, jade dew and other varieties suitable for advanced lovers to collect and cultivate.

Dryopteris przewalskii

Dryopteris Dryopteris is a perennial herb of the genus Dryopteris of the family Pteridaceae, 0.1 to 0.6 meters high. It is named Dryopteris because of its slender stem and color like iron wire. Dryopteris is also an indicator of calcareous soil. Because of its fear of dryness and strong light, it must be placed in places where there is no direct sunlight for conservation. It is widely distributed in Taiwan, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hunan, Hubei and other places. It often grows on limestone beside Liushui stream or on the bottom of limestone cave and dripping rock wall.